From the Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of McDonough County, compiled by Dr. Newton Bateman, and Paul Shelby, 1907. [Contributed 20 Aug 2016 by Norma Hass.} EADS, Albert, President of the Union National Bank, of Macomb, McDonough
County, Ill., and one of the ablest financiers in this section of the State, was
born in Knoxville, Ill., April 23, 1842. He is a son of John and Margaret
(Anderson) Eads, natives of Kentucky and North Carolina, respectively. When
Albert Eads was three years old he was left without a mother and was reared in
the family of his grandfather, in Morgan County, Ill., until he reached the age
of twelve years. He attended school at Knoxville, Ill., where he remained with
his father until 1861. He spent one year (1859-60) in school at East Hampton,
Mass. On the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted in Company C, Fifty-first
Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, of which he was made Second Lieutenant,
and promoted to First Lieutenant before reaching his twenty-first birthday, and
thus served until January 14, 1865. In February, 1864, having suffered severe
injuries from a fall, he had been detailed as military conductor between
Nashville, Tenn., and Huntsville, Ala. While in the performance of his duty he
was taken prisoner, in September, 1864, by Gen. J. B. Forrest, and in the
following November was exchanged. During the battle of Stone River, on January
1, 1865, Lieutenant Eads, with his Second-Lieutenant and sixteen men from
Company C, Fifty-first Illinois Volunteers, captured a Confederate officer and
eighty-five men, and, on June 24, 1904, had the privilege of returning to his
former prisoner the sword which he had captured forty-one and a half years
previously. In the meantime these two representatives of "the Blue" and "the
Gray" had been in occasional correspondence with each other, and, in November,
1906, Mr. Eads visited his former foe at the home of the latter in Mississippi. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] GEO. L. EDWARDS, born at Somerton, Eng., March 3, 1843; his parents were George and Elizabeth Edwards, of England, who were in good circumstances; he was educated in common and select schools of England and district schools in Illinois; has always followed farming; resides in Ontario Township; postoffice, Oneida; married Mary J. Noble Nov. 6, 1867 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a George F. Edwards marrying a Mary Jane Noble in Knox County on November 6, 1867]; they have one child, a girl. Republican in politics. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the Feb. 20, 1892, Galesburg Republic Register, page 8, Altona News. [Contributed by Patti Smith.] Our old friend and trusty crony George F. Edwards paid Altona a visit this week having been called to the State by the death of his brother Samuel in Oneida. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] SAMUEL EDWARDS, son of Geo. and Elizabeth Edwards, of England, was born in England on June 26, 1847; educated in the common schools of England and Illinois; came from England to Ontario, where he resides on a farm, which occupation he has always followed; married on Dec. 9, 1868 to Amy Roe; they have five children, three boys and 2 girls. Republican in politics. Postoffice, Oneida. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] BURGESS ELLIOTT. Pages 683 and 684. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 631. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] George W. Elliott, a well-known and prosperous agriculturist, residing on section 25, Victoria Township, was born October 18, 1842, in Knox County. His parents were Thomas and Hannah (Reece) Elliott, natives respectively of Ohio and South Carolina. The senior Mr. Elliott was married in Ohio. He came to Illinois and made settlement in Persifer Township in 1837, being among the early settlers of the town. In 1856 he removed to Victoria Township, where he purchased 160 acres of land on section 25. Upon this tract the family remained until 1868, when , disposing of the same, they removed to Missouri, where the father purchased 80 acres, and where they resided until his demise in 1880. His wife still survives him and is residing upon the old home farm. The parental family consisted of 14 children, seven of whom are still living and bear the names of Burgess, George W., Samantha, Sarah, Elizabeth, Hannah and Thomas. G. W. Elliott of this biographical notice remained under the parental roof until he had attained his majority, in the meantime assisting his father upon the farm and attending the common schools of the neighborhood. In the spring of 1862 he enlisted in defense of his country, joining Company D, 69th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. At Vicksburg he was assigned to guard duty, and was thus occupied until mustered out at the expiration of his term of enlistment. Upon his return home our subject engaged in the tilling of the soil. His first purchase of land consisted of forty acres on the quarter-section where he now resides, afterward, adding, at different times, 120 acres, 27 acres of timber land, and 80 acres each on sections 23 and 15. Upon his fine farm he erected, 1879, a handsome dwelling valued at $2,000. Three years previous to this he built a barn, which was burned in 1881. He is engaged in the raising of grain and stock quite extensively and is meeting with success in his chosen vocation. The lady chosen by Mr. Elliott to share his heart and home was Miss Albina Mosher, a native of Illinois and daughter of Seneca and Nancy (Buck) Mosher. The marriage was solemnized April 13, 1865. [The Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a George W. Elliott marrying a Alvina Mosher in Knox County on April 25, 1865.] The parents of Mrs. Elliott were natives of New York and Vermont, and were married in Ohio in 1838. The parental family of Mrs. Elliott numbered 10 children. Those living are Sarah A., Albina, wife of our subject, Frances and Manford. Our subject and wife have had born to them six children, as follows: James F., Emma, Susan A., Hannah, George and John. Mr. Elliott affiliates with the Greenback party and has served his township in the offices of Constable, School Director and Pathmaster. What Mr. Elliott has of this world's goods has been acquired by his own efforts, the result of industry and economy, and he is a fair sample of the men who form the bone and sinew of the community. Taken from1882 History of the State of Nebraska, by Andreas. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] E. A. ELLSWORTH, farmer and stock raiser, Tecumseh P. O. Mr. Ellsworth is a native New Englander, but was born in Fort George, Canada, his parents being there on a visit at the time of his birth. He was reared in Erie County, Penn. After following mercantile business in Knox County, Ill. from 1848 to 1866 he came to Nebraska and located here and has been actively identified with the agricultural and stock industry since. In January, 1846, he was married to Miss Jane King, who was born and reared in Richland County, Ohio. They have a family of two sons, L. S. and D. C. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [Contributed by Todd Walter.] Ephraim A. Ellsworth was married to Jane King on January 4, 1846 in Knox County, Ill. The children's names in 1850 Federal Census for Knox County were Sycargus (Lycergus?) 2 years, and James A. 10 months. The 1860 Federal Census for Knox County lists:
[Contributed by Carol Heller.] Boanerges Ely, born 21 December 1821 in Claiborne county, East Tennessee. Son of Solomon Ely & Rachel Turner Ely; grandson Isaac Ely & Catherine Fry Ely, (married August 17, 1787, Montgomery County, Virginia); great grandson Thomas Ely (veteran Revolutionary War, Virginia) and Jane Smith Ely. Came to DeWitt County, Illinois about 1834, later removing to Knox County, Illinois. Married Mary Duval, November 3, 1850, in Knox County, Illinois. Resided in Sparta Township, Watatga Village. Died June 16, 1912, buried at Henderson Cemetery. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 431. [Contributed by Brian & Carol Heller.]
Mr. Ely was born Dec. 21, 1821, in Claiborne County, East Tennessee. His parents were Solomon and Rachel (Turner) Ely, natives of that State, and came to Illinois in 1834, settling in Macon County, where the father purchased a farm and where the two good old people lived until called to their home beyond. Their family of children were 11 in number, named as follows: Gideon, Achsah, Abigail, Philologus, Oliver, Minerva, Susanna, Darius, Abimelech and Augustus W. The father of Mr. Ely was of German descent and a great Bible reader, and gave most of his children biblical names. [Please note the father of Mr. Ely, Solomon Ely � son of Isaac Ely, grandson of Thomas Ely and Jane Smith Ely, was of English descent, not German � inserted by Carol Castillo Heller, 3rd great granddaughter of Solomon Ely, June 8, 2000.] Mr. Ely of this notice was the third in order of birth of his parent's children. He received a common-school education and lived with the old folks until he attained his majority. From the age of 16 years until he became his own man, he worked out by the month to assist in the maintenance of the family, the remuneration for his services being applied by his father toward the payment of a farm. On reaching manhood, and starting out in the world to do for himself, all he asked or all that he received from his parents was a "God bless you." Leaving the old homestead where he had spent so many pleasant days, he went forth to fight the trials of life and, until he arrived at the age of 29 years, he worked out by the month. Nevertheless, when 25 years of age, he came to this county and purchased 120 acres of land near the village of Wataga, but, having an insufficiency of means to improve it, continued to work for others until 1848, to procure means for the erection of a house upon his land. The time came when he was enabled to put up his little frame building, and onto this tract of land he moved and engaged energetically in its cultivation and improvement, and there laid the foundation of his present handsome competency. He has subsequently added to his original purchase from time to time, until he is at present the proprietor of 650 acres of rich and productive land under an exceedingly high state of cultivation and valued, every acre of it, at $70. The buildings upon his place cost him about $8,000, and there he lives, surrounded by a loving and happy family, retired from active labor and enjoying the accumulations of an honorable past. Mr. Ely, Nov. 3, 1850, joined the army of benedicts and increased the happiness of his life by marrying Miss Mary Duval. She is the accomplished daughter of T. C. Duval (see sketch), and the household has been brightened by the birth of three children, whom the parents have named Nancy A., Ella, and William. The firstborn became the wife of John H. Deming, and is enjoying a happy life with him at Wataga; Ella married Samuel Temple and has borne him one son - Howard; they live in Southwest Kansas; William L Ely united his destiny with Ada Willmott, and is a resident of Traill County, Dak. Politically, Mr. Ely votes the Republican ticket. He has held the office of Street Commissioner for two years. As will be seen from the perusal of this notice, success has attended him in all his efforts, and he is respected and honored for what he has been as well as what he is. We are pleased to present the portrait of this excellent and representative citizen of Knox County. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 839. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Boanerges Ely was born at Cumberland Gap, Claiborne County, Tennessee, December 21, 1821. His parents, Solomon and Rachel (Turner) Ely, were both natives of East Tennessee. His paternal grandfather, Isaac Ely, was born in West Virginia; his grandmother, Katherine, came from Germany. His great-grandfather, Isaac Ely, was born in England, and his great-grandmother, Jessie Hopper, was born in Ireland. On his mother's side the grandparents were William and Susannah Turner, born in Virginia, the latter near Richmond. Solomon and Rachel Ely came to Illinois in 1834, just at the close of the Black Hawk War, and settled in what is now De Witt County, where they lived on a farm, and reared a family of ten children, four of whom came to Knox County. They were devoted members of the Christian Church, and died where they first located, aged sixty-nine and forty-seven years respectively. He was of a poetic turn of mind, and was accustomed to write verses upon the events of the times and the affairs of the neighborhood. Mr. Boanerges Ely came to Knox County in 1845, and settled on Section 16 in Sparta Township. He first bought forty acres of timber on Section 24, and then bought eighty acres of government land at government price, and afterward bought forty acres at two dollars an acre. He now owns a farm of three hundred and fifteen acres near Wataga. He was married in Henderson Grove, November 3, 1850, to Mary M. Duval, daughter of Thomas Carter and Nancy (Shumate) Duval, both of whom were born in Kentucky. Mrs. Ely was one of a family of ten children. Her father settled on a farm in Warren County, Illinois, in 1835, and came to Knox County in 1836, locating at Henderson Grove in Henderson Township. In politics he was a republican. He was a member of the Christian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Ely have three children: Nancy Ann, wife of J. H. Deming; Ella J., wife of Samuel Temple; and William L., who is a farmer at Mayville, Traill County, North Dakota. Mr. Ely is a republican, and in religion, a Christian. He was successful in business, and is counted among the prominent and substantial citizens of Sparta township. From the1889 History of Pacific Northwest - Oregon & Washington, Portland, OR, p 318. [Contributed by Carol Heller.]
In December, 1861 the floods of the Willamette river destroyed most of the property which they had accumulated in the past. In this beautiful valley they made their home until the autumn of 1874, when they removed to Umatilla County. At that time Mr. Ely became afflicted with the rheumatism, and remained an invalid for the next ten years, one year of which he was unable to walk, and will re�main a cripple during life. Here he still resides on a good farm with his aged wife, the mother of six children. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman, page 673. [Contributed by Alice Gless.] Henry Emmens, farmer, was born in Ashland co., O., Oct. 15, 1816; his parents, Benjamin and Anna (Adams) Emmens, were both natives of Jefferson co., O.; he was reared on a farm, and educated in district schools; he came from Ohio to Knox co. in 1837; removed from Knox to Fulton co., Ill., and in 1862 came back to Knox co.; Republican; comfortably circumstanced pecuniarily. P. O., Elmwood, Peoria co., Ill. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman, page 673. [Contributed by Alice Gless.] John G. Emry, farmer, born Sept. 24, 1839, at West Jersey, Stark co., Ill.; his parents, Frederick and Hannah (Gaffney) Emry, were natives of Pennsylvania, and came west at an early day; was sent to the common schools of Stark co.; removed to Henry co. in 1860 and to Knox co. in 1866; was married to Ruth A. Friend Dec. 24, 1872 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists John G. Emery marrying Ruth Anna Friend in Henry County on December 24, 1862], 6 sons being the issue of the union, 5 of whom are now living; Republican; has held the office of Road Commissioner and been School Director for many years. P. O., Galva, Ill. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] JACOB ENGLAND. Page 590. From the Wednesday, March 22, 1911, Stark County News. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] John Andrew England. The marriage of John Andrew England, of Victoria and Miss Alice Fay Collinson of Galva, took place at the home of the bride�s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Collinson, in Lynn township Wednesday evening, only the immediate relatives and close friends of the contracting parties being present. Miss Jennie Purdy plying the Lohengrim wedding march as the bride and groom unattended, descended the stairs, and Reverend Mr. Thorp of Victoria, pronounced the couple man and wife. After the wedding ceremony a delicious wedding luncheon was served under the direction of Caterer Sheahan. Mrs. England is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Collinson and is a charming and talented young woman. The groom is a son of Mrs. Anna England of Victoria, and is a capable young man. Mr. and Mrs. England will start housekeeping two miles north of Victoria, where they will be at home to their many friends after the first of March. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] Andrew Englund, farmer, son of Peter and Catherine Englund, was born in Sweden, Sept. 5, 1848; came to this county in 1853; educated in High School, Galva; has served as Collector of Victoria township; married Ann Hed, Jan. 31, 1871; they have one boy and four girls. Republican. P.O., Victoria. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 959. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Hiram Enke is a farmer, residing on section 23, Chestnut Township, and is one of the reliable and practical men of Knox County. He is the son of John and Nancy (Pryor) Enke, natives of Pennsylvania. His father, who was of German descent, was born in 1800 and died in 1854, the same year he came to Illinois from Ohio. Hiram's mother was born in 1810 and died in 1856, two years after coming to this State, of heart disease. She was of English extraction and birth and was the mother of 15 children. The children of this family bear the names respectively of Edward, Lewis, Francis; John, deceased; Jessie; Josiah and Alford, who died in infancy; Josiah and Alford, namesakes of the little ones lost by death; Elizabeth, Sarah K., Hiram, our subject, Lydia, Mary and one twin sister, who died in infancy, unnamed. Hiram Enke was the tenth child in order of birth in his father's family, and united in marriage early in life with Miss Margaret E. Reece, Jan. 23, 1868 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Hiram Enke marrying a Margret E. Reece in Knox County on January 23, 1868]. She was born in Ohio, Feb. 15, 1840, and died Aug. 27, 1885, of consumption of the lungs. She left to the bereaved husband, two children, named Leva, born Jan. 23, 1872 and Lula, Sept. 28, 1876. Our subject is a man of considerable influence and marked ability in his special line of labor. To the work of farming he adds the breeding of cattle, and has proven his ability to succeed. Mr. Enke enlisted in the hour of his country's need in the 7th Ill. Cav., Co. D, Capt. Reynolds, of Galesburg, having command. This was in August 1862, and Capt. Bradshaw was recruiting officer. He entered his regiment at Camp Yates, Springfield, Ill., thence proceeding to St. Louis, Mo., where they remained for two weeks. They were then ordered to Columbus, Ky., and from there to Corinth, where occurred that pitiful struggle on the 4th and 5th of October, 1862. The regiment came out of the fight without the loss of a single man, and Mr. Enke remained in the city of Corinth for the next three months, at the close of which time he was ordered to Bolivar, Tenn. At that place they went into camp, but were marched to La Grange for winter quarters, where they did picket and scouting duty during the winter. This was during the winter of 1862, and the next summer was spent in guarding the railroad from Memphis to Corinth, and in the former city, in the fall of 1863, they went into winter quarters for that year, remaining most of the season doing guard duty, and in the spring went to Middle Tennessee, noting the movements of Hood, at Florence, Ala. That was in the fall of 1864, and in the battle of Franklin, Tenn., Mr. Enke's regiment was situated on the left flank. Succeeding the battle they removed to Nashville, where they remained a short time, until the battle at that city. His brigade took two stockades and lost several men in the engagement. They next followed Hood to the Tennessee River, and at Tuscumbia all his regiment was dismounted and compelled to wade the swollen stream, which gave him a severe illness, from which he has never fully recovered. Mr. Enke was mustered out of service on the first day of July, 1864, at Nashville, Tenn., with honor attending him as courageous man and a soldier. In politics he upholds the Republican party with word and deed. In theological belief he owns no "creed save that of common good," but is of true and pure moral character, and in earnest sympathy with the doctrines of faith as shown by the Christian Church. United to his political belief he holds the principles of the Prohibitionist. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman, page 672. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] John Ennis, son of John and Elizabeth (Kelley) Ennis, natives of New York, was born in New York, June 24, 1806; he was educated in the common schools and Whitesborough Seminary, N. Y.; his early life passed in lumbering, farming and teaching school; he studied engineering, surveying, and has followed farming; was married in 1828 to Sally Loomis; they are the parents of 11 children, of whom 8 are living; removed to Knox co.; was School Commissioner, Commissioner and Inspector of Highways in New York, and School Director and Road Commissioner in Illinois; he united with the Methodist Church in 1860; Republican. P.O., Yates City. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 477. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] John Ennis, a retired farmer, is a resident of Knox County, whose home lies on section 1, in Salem Township. He was born in Oneida County, N.Y., June 24, 1806, and his grandfather, John Ennis, was a native of England. The father of our subject, Michael Ennis, was an early settler in Oneida County. John Ennis, Jr., grew to manhood and was reared on his father's farm, receiving his early education in the common schools, but later attending Clinton College and Whitesboro Academy. At the age of 19 he commenced teaching and continued at this occupation for about eight months of the year, while the remainder he devoted to lumbering in Oneida County. In 1828, having saved sufficient means to do so, he made a purchase of land in Verona Township. His marriage occurring about this time, he located on land purchased previously, where he lived until 1846, and having sold it, resolved to emigrate to Illinois. He started in the month of May, coming via the Erie Canal and the lakes to Chicago. At that city he engaged a team to carry himself, wife and eight children overland to Peoria County, and, renting a house in Newburg, he started to seek a location. The following June Mr. Ennis bought 160 acres of wild land on section 1, Salem Township, and in October of that year 80 more on the same section, upon which the family settled. He continued to buy land from time to time until he owned 1,000 acres. His residence stands on the northwest quarter of section 1, on the land he first purchased. He is well known as a man of superior education as well as of energy and enterprise, and was fortunate in securing a wife in all ways worthy of him in native ability and intelligence. Mr. Ennis was married Sept. 27, 1828, to Sally Loomis, who was born in Oneida County, N.Y., Jan. 29, 1807, and is the daughter of Jeremiah and Sally (Higby) Loomis. Her father is a native of Connecticut, and her mother of New York. Her grandparents, on both sides, were pioneers of the latter State. Twelve children were born to Mrs. Ennis' parents, seven of whom are living, as follows: Celestia, wife of Chas. Kennedy, of Missouri; Calista, wife of Geo. Parsel, resident of Cass, Neb.; Sarah A., wife of LaFayette Rowley, of Idaho Ter.; Elizabeth married Albertus Bartholomew, and her home is in Peoria County; Nathaniel S. lives in Peoria; Jabez A. lives on the homestead; Emma, wife of Lewis Farmer, lives in Kansas; Edward was a soldier in the 33rd Ill. Vol. Inf., and lost his life at Shiloh. Mrs. Elizabeth Bartholomew is the mother of six children, as follows: John B., Orrie V., Lura H., Charles A., Carrie Maud, Bessie Alice. John B. married Miss Luella Moore, of Oskaloosa, Iowa, and has one child, named Albertus F. Ennis. Our subject was a soldier, serving in the 47th Ill. Vol. Inf. Mr. and Mrs. E. are members of the Methodist Episcopalian Church, and are faithful working Christians. Mr. Ennis has been for some time Class Leader, and also Superintendent of the Sunday-school. Politically he was a Democrat, but joined the Republican party at its formation, and, being an enlightened, wide-awake citizen, with strong and decided opinions, is an acquisition to the county as a politician. Jabez A. Ennis, the youngest son, who now manages the homestead for his father, was born in Verona Township, Oneida County, N.Y., Oct. 29, 1845. He was but an infant when his parents came to Knox County, and in that section grew to manhood, being reared on the farm. He received his early education in the district schools, in the high school at Elmwood and in the business college at Peoria. In 1867 he went on a western trip with a pair of horses and a light wagon, to Lincoln, Neb., returning through Kansas and Missouri, and arrived here about two months from the day he started out. He married September 12, 1871, Susan E. Bishop, of Schuylkill County, Pa., who was born Feb. 23, 1850, and is the daughter of Richard and Elizabeth (Brewer) Bishop, natives of England. Immediately after their marriage the couple settled down on the homestead, the management of which has been entirely in J. A. Ennis' hands ever since. In politics he is a Republican, is a faithful worker, energetic and industrious, and bears a good reputation, both in private and public circles. He is the father of seven children - John A., Susan E., Eva M., Cora E., Oriel R., and J. Earl. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman, page 673. [Contributed by Alice Gless.] Pedro W. Epperson, whose parents, Charles and Sarah Epperson, were Virginia farmers, was born in Albemarle co., Va., April 13, 1800; when 3 years old his parents removed with him to Hawkins co., Tenn., where he spent his school-boy days; went to Kentucky in 1812, where he married Dec. 4, 1824, Miss Elizabeth H. Dalton, which union was blessed with 11 children, 7 sons and 4 daughters; 4 years later, 1828, removed to Indiana, and in 1836 to Knoxville in this county; in 1823, at Richmond, Ky., he joined the Drownding Creek Baptist Church, in which church his father served as Deacon 30 successive years; owns a fine farm in Rio township where he now lives. P. O., Rio. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] Thomas P. Epperson. He was born in Rio Township, Knox Co., IL, in 1842. He married Oct. 16, 1862 to Miss Sophronia Abbot Oris. He engaged in farming from choice, and has always continued in agricultural pursuits, in which he has been very successful. He served in the 102nd Illinois Vol. Infantry during the late war. He has acted as School Director in Rio Township. Democrat, P.O. Rio. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] William D. Epperson. A farmer, he was born in Madison County, KY, on Nov. 17, 1827 and his parents were P. W. and Elizabeth (Dalton) Epperson, both of Virginia. The family moved from Kentucky to Indiana in 1828, thence to Knox County, IL, in 1836. The subject of this sketch removed to Iowa in 1868, and came back to Knox Co. in 1877. His education was limited to the common schools of Knox County. He now resides on his farm in Rio Twp., and devotes himself to farming and dealing in coal. He married Mary J. Westfall Sept. 27, 1848, which marriage has resulted in a family of 7 sons and 5 daughters. He has been a member of the M. E. Church since 1847. Republican. P. O. Rio. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] OLOF ERICKSON. He was born in Sweden on 12 Jan 1837, the son of Erick and Martha (Olson) Erickson, who were natives of Northern Sweden. He received a common and high-school education in Sweden, and came to Knox County in 1855. He married Margaret Ann Emberg on 19 Sept 1867. They have 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls. He follows farming. He now attends the Methodist Church at Victoria. He was in a railroad accident near Mendota in 1865, while returning from a trip to Sweden, in which six emigrants were killed. P.O. Altona. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 872. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] ALLEN T. EVANS; Farmer; Knox Township; born in Knox Township, August 27, 1846; educated in the common schools. The ancestry of the family was Welsh, French, German, and Scotch. Mr. Evans' father, Willfard Evans, was a native of Virginia, while his mother, Eleanor (Rambo), was born in Ohio. His paternal grandparents, John and Nancy (Hathorn) Evans, were born in Virginia, while his maternal grandparents, Reuben Rambo and Charity (Haptonstall), were natives of Ohio, as was also Mrs. Reuben Rambo's father, Abram Haptonstall, who was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. August 27, 1868, Mr. Evans was married in Persifer Township to Anna E. Calwell [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Allen T. Evans marrying a Anna E. Caldwell (Coldwell) in Knox County on August 27, 1868]. They have one son, Dellfard C. Dellfard C. married Mary McCrea of Knox Township; they have one son, Ray E. Mrs. Evans' father, Oliver Calwell, was a farmer, and was born in Pennsylvania December 17, 1820, where he was educated in the common schools. Mr. Calwell was married to Desire S. Manley, of Persifer Township. They had four children: Mehitabel S.; Annie E.; Olive C.; and Oliver A., who died at an early age. Mr. Calwell died April 18, 1860; his widow died March 10, 1896. The ancestors of the Manley's were in the War of 1812. In politics, Mr. Evans is a republican. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman, page 673. [Contributed by Alice Gless.] Charles B. Evans, farmer, was born in Knoxville, Knox co., Ill., Feb. 22, 1846; his parents Charles and Ann Evans are natives of New York; his education was obtained in the public schools of Knoxville. For three years he resided three miles west of Galesburg, since that time in Henderson township; he was employed by the Government in the Quartermaster�s department at St. Louis during the rebellion; in March, 1867, married to Sarah B. Frans [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists Charles B. Evans marrying Sarah Frans in Knox County on March 4, 1868]; the result of the union is 2 sons and 1 daughter. Democrat. P. O., Galesburg. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 872. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] WILLFARD EVANS (deceased); Knoxville; Farmer; born March 27, 1814, in Virginia. His parents were John Evans, born in Virginia, and Nancy Hathorn. November 17, 1845, Wilfred Evans was married to Eleanor Rambo [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Willford Evans marrying a Ellen Rambo in Knox County on December 17, 1845] in Knoxville; they had eight children: Allen T.; Nancy M., deceased; Alice A.; Almeria E., deceased; Sarah C., deceased; Emma S.; Ida A., deceased; and Luella. Mrs. Eleanor Evans' father, Reuben Rambo, was born in Virginia and was well educated. He married Charity Haptonstall, in Greenbriar County, Virginia. They had nine children: Allen T.; Sarah and Rachel, twins; Abram; Margaret; Eleanor; Malinda; Mary A.; and Fannie M. The parents are deceased. In politics, Mr. Evans was a republican. From the 1918 A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, William E. Connelley, Secretary of the Kansas State Historical Society, Lewis Publishing Company. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] EZRA J. EVERETT. This is the record of one of the early settlers of Greeley County, one who earned both material independence and popular esteem. He was a fighter for the Union during the '60s, and as an Illinois farmer he worked for the home and that little share of wealth which he brought with him to Kansas. Among other achievements to his credit here should be mentioned his service in the office of probate judge. He was a native of an interesting section of the Buckeye state, Trumbull County, a part of the old Western Reserve. He was born March 11, 1839, a son of Benjamin and Catherine (Earl) Everett, the former a native of New York and the latter of Ohio. His father lived to be seventy-six while the mother was about seventy-two. Theirs was a family of the following children: Lucretia, who died as Mrs. Elijah Woolsey at Galesburg, Illinois; Lucy, wife of Adam Martin, who also died at Glendora, California; Ezra J., who died at Tribune, Kansas, November 12, 1917; Amos, of Orange County, California; Elmer, a resident of Reno County, Kansas, and Bishop Benjamin, who died at Galesburg, Illinois, in May, 1910. Good home influences and a country schooling were Judge Everett's training for life. He started for the West soon afterward, and was living in Illinois when the Civil war broke out. At Galesburg he enlisted in Company K of the Eighty-third Illinois Infantry, under Captain Reynolds and Colonel Smith. Most of his time was spent in scout duty with the Army of the Cumberland, and he was in no pitched battles. He was subsequently assigned to service in a hospital at Stephenson, Alabama. The war had been over some weeks before he received his honorable discharge at Springfield, Illinois, in August, 1865. He then returned home and took up the responsibilities of providing for wife and child. He had married on November 17, 1858, Miss Easter H. Wooley [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Ezra Evertt marrying a Esther H. Woolley in Knox County on November 17, 1858], daughter of Thomas and Mary E. Wooley, of Knox County, Illinois. For about twenty years Mr. Everett enacted the role of an Illinois farmer, chiefly in Peoria County. He came out to Kansas with a team and such other property and assets as these years had yielded. For two years he farmed in Reno County, and in April, 1887, arrived in Greeley County. He was almost in the vanguard of pioneers invading the long undisturbed domain of the cattleman, and conditions then and for some years later were sufficiently primitive. His homestead entry was in Colony Township, the northeast quarter of section 5, township 19, range 41. A "soddy" was the best he could do in the way of a house, and it was all that was expected of the early settlers. Into its two rooms when completed he moved his family, consisting of wife and three children. They enjoyed some happy days there. Some increase of room was made after eight years and additions of comforts from time to time, and there the family lived until they left for a town home in 1905. As a Greeley County farmer Judge Everett had at the beginning about twenty-five cattle, four mares and enough cash to tide him over a year or two of possible hard times. In growing crops he fared perhaps a little better than the average, and what he was able to raise from the soil, together with the milk and butter sold from his cows, kept the household in plenty until the hard years were past. The surplus of his profits he invested in other land, and when he was ready to retire he owned eleven quarter sections. Only two quarters had been developed for strictly farming purposes, while the rest served as range and pasture for his herds. Though losses came thereto, stock was his mainstay in Western Kansas. In 1905 Mr. Everett sold his ranch and stock and other property and moved to Tribune. In 1906 the people of Greeley County by their votes called him to the office of probate judge, succeeding Frank O'Neal. He was re-elected in 1908. The principal business before the office was the routine of proving up homesteads, and he also had to exercise his functions rather frequently in performing marriages. The couple who first came to him for marriage bonds were the Williamses from Garden City. While in the country he had helped establish school district No. 18, and gave his services for a number of years as member of the school board. For three terms he was trustee of the township. He also helped the cause of religion and for a number of years was superintendent of the Union Sunday School conducted in the schoolhouse. He was brought up in the Christian denomination. but became a Methodist. Mrs. Everett after a married life of nearly fifty-eight years passed away October 20, 1916, at the age of seventy-six. There were ten children born to this worthy couple, but only four lived to be grown. Carrie married Non J. Terrill and died at Partridge, Kansas, leaving four children; Mary, who died in Greeley County, Kansas, was the wife of A. J. Shepler, and she left one son. Bertha E. is the wife of A. B. Decker, of Tribune, and their children are Florence, Everett Miller and Clariss Ruby. Alva, the only son, is a Greeley County farmer. He married Mrs. Ella Daniels, but they have no children. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] JAMES P. EWING, millwright, son of James and Gennette (Scott) Ewing, was born in Lancaster co., Pa.; his parents came to Tazewell co., Ill., in 1834; moved to Franklin co. in 1837; when the California fever ran high in 1850, Mr. Ewing went there to seek his fortune; he remained there 6 years, engaged chiefly in building mills; was Superintendent of Sacramento water works for two years; he came home and remained in Galesburg for one year, then returned to the "Golden State," where he died in 1868; he married Adeline Clendennin in February, 1836, and has 2 sons and 4 daughters; Mrs. Ewing has been a member of the First Church during her 22 years of residence in Galesburg. |