From the Biographical Album of Johnson and Pawnee Counties, Nebraska. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] DR. PETER V. R. DAFOE, a retired physician, and at present enjoying the comforts of a pleasant home, is also proprietor of a fine drug-store at Tecumseh, and has connected with the drug business a stock of musical instruments, in which he has built up a good trade among the leading residents of the precinct. His store is located on the north side of Broadway, opposite the court-house. The Doctor has been a resident of this county for a number of years, and during this time has made many friends. Our subject was born in Hastings, Province of Ontario, Canada, Dec. 19, 1838, and there spent his boyhood days, completing his education in the Friends' Seminary at Picton, Prince Edward County. He then taught school for a number of years, and finally deciding to take up the study of medicine, entered the office of Dr. George Henry, of Sterling, with whom he read medicine until about twenty years old. He took his first course of lectures at Victoria Medical College in Toronto, in the winter of 1861-62, and later, making his way to Saginaw County, Mich., to visit friends, he was persuaded by them to settle there and begin practice. This he did with excellent results, both socially and financially. He was thus occupied five months, and at the beginning of the college year returned to Toronto, took another course, and again practiced as before. He was graduated on the 24th of May, 1864, and commenced his regular practice at Greensville, North York County, where he remained two years, built up as before a good business, and was then appointed by the Government as physician to the Snake Indians. In the spring of 1866 Dr. Dafoe located at Elmwood, Ill., where he remained until Sept. 1, 1879, and in connection with his practice, established a drug-store there also. In the same year he crossed the Mississippi, locating in Tecumseh, this county, and in 1880 established his present business, which has proved a great convenience to the people of this locality. He removed to Council Bluffs, but only remained there ten months. He only practices now among his old friends and patrons, who, having satisfactorily proved his skill, are unwilling to let him go. On the morning of Dec. 15, 1884, Dr. Dafoe after breakfast went out, key in hand, to open his store, and upon arriving upon the site found nothing but a few smoldering remains. The building and stock had been entirely destroyed by fire during the night. The shock could not be otherwise than great, but the Doctor recovered as soon as possible, and at once ordered a new stock of goods, having them on hand for the Christmas trade. The spring following he put up the this brick building the first floor of which is occupied by his store and the jewelry business of another party. This structure is an ornament to the town, being built of brick, two stories in height, with plate glass front. The upper floor is arranged and occupied by offices. It was the second brick block put up on the north side. Our subject has been quite prominent in local affairs, and in 1886 was elected Alderman, serving two years acceptably, but although a man public-spirited and interested in the welfare of his community, he would much prefer relegating the responsibilities of office to others. He belongs to the Masonic fraternity, in which he has taken nine degrees, and also at different times been an officer in his lodge. He has been an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for a number of years, officiating as Steward and Sunday-school Superintendent, and laboring as he had opportunity to further the Master's cause. Miss Carrie Nelson, of Eugene, Knox Co., Ill., became the wife of our subject April 23, 1867, and of this union there were born three children, of whom but two are living. Albert N. was born Nov. 23,1870, at Elmwood, Ill., and was graduated from the Tecumseh High School in the spring of 1888; he proposes, however, in the near future to continue his studies in another institution. Frank was born Jan. 11, 1873, is an unusually bright and interesting boy, and is pursuing his studies in the High School. Mrs. Carrie (Nelson) Dafoe, was born at Eugene, Ill., in 1842, and is the daughter of Josiah and Margaret (King) Nelson. She was given a good education, completing her studies at Knox College in Galesburg, and made her home with her parents until her marriage. She is a very estimable lady, intelligent and refined, and a devoted Christian, having been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for twenty-one years, and warmly engaged in Sunday-school work. Josiah Nelson, the father of Mrs. Dafoe, is a native of Pennsylvania, and when a young man removed, about 1837, to Knox County, Ill., of which he is still a resident. He entered the Prairie State a poor man, with no resources but his willing hands and courageous heart, and is now numbered among its moneyed men and leading land-owners, being proprietor of 800 acres, well improved and in a high state of cultivation. He is largely devoted to the raising of grain and stock, and is a man prominent in his community. Mr. Nelson married Miss Margaret King, whose parents live on the quarter-section adjoining, and they have traveled the journey of life together for a period of fifty years. The parents and the seven children form an unbroken family circle which has as yet been unvisited by the fell Destroyer. The elder children were daughters, and during the late war the father sometimes regretted that he had only one son old enough to enter the army and fight for the defense of the Union. That one became a soldier before he was of age. Michael Dafoe, the father of our subject, was born in Frontenac, Province of Ontario, Canada, in 1792, and moved to Hastings County soon after his marriage. He received a practical education and later followed farming. He married Miss Mary Wright about 1825, and they lived upon the farm where they first settled, and where all their children, twelve in number, were born. Of these seven are living. The only one besides our subject who came to the United States was a sister, who is a resident of Dakota. His brother Michael died in the summer of 1858, leaving a good farm to his widow, who lived upon it until 1871, when her death took place. Both were active members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which Michael held the office of Steward and was one of its chief pillars. The property which he left remains in the family. The Doctor is a popular man in his community, one whose opinions are generally respected, and who is recognized as the possessor of more than ordinary capabilities. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. LEVI FRANKLIN DANFORTH, son of Oliver Cromwell and Eliza (Lincoln) Danforth, was born in Norton MA, June 5, 1825. His father was a farmer, which occupation he pursued until the year of his death, 1828. He left sons, two of whom passed the limit of the common age of man; one Lemuel, still survives, who has been foremen of the Old Colony Car shops for forty years, a position he still holds. Levi's youth was spent on his father's farm. His educational advantages were not the best, but he availed himself of all the instruction offered in the common schools of his native town, until he was seventeen years of age. He then left the paternal home for Pawtucket RI, to learn the painter's trade, at which he served as an apprentice for two years. After suffering from severe sickness induced by poisonous paints, he learned carpentry, which he followed until 1877. He afterwards engaged to a considerable extent in buying and selling real estate. In December, 1888, he opened a grocery store on Monmouth Boulevard, and continued in that business until August, 1889, when he was compelled to sell out on account of an affliction of his eyes. Mr. Danforth with his eyes made several trips across the continent, before he made his final settlement for life. In September, 1857, he went to California and pursued his trade in the vicinity of Mariposa Grove. He returned to Pawtucket in February, 1860, and in 1867, came to Galesburg, where he spent the remainder of his life. Mr. Danforth from early youth was thrown upon his own resources. There were difficulties to overcome, which called into action the better qualities of his nature. He possessed executive ability, a determined will, efficiency and force. He was naturally social in his nature and loved his family, friends and home. He was sensitive, open-hearted, and self-reliant and thoroughly despised shams of every kind. He was generous and liberal, and at the same time, economical and saving. He did his own thinking, was tenacious of his opinions, but he accorded the same privilege to others that he asked for himself. His ways and means were his own, which gave to others the impression of a positive character. He was fond of discussion and argument, and was inclined to the investigation of intricate questions. He was a lover of poetry and music and devoted his leisure hours to the enjoyment of verse and song. In a word, he was affectionate and kind, and lived the life of a temperate and upright citizen. Mr. Danforth never connected himself with many of the various societies. His individuality was too strong and too independent to submit to society routine and society discipline. He once joined the Masonic Order, but was not an active member. He said that he loved his family and home too well to spend his evenings away from them. He was never connected with any church, but favored the morality and precepts therein taught. In political faith, he was a republican, but not a strong partisan. He was once accosted by a friend who said to him, "Well, you will vote for Lincoln; he is a cousin of yours; your mother was a Lincoln." His reply was, "The relationship is not near enough to do any harm." Mr. Danforth was twice married. He was united to his first wife in Pawtucket RI, October 4, 1846. Her maiden name was Phebe Ann Alexander. To them were born five children, Eugene Franklin, Phebe Richmond, Levi Franklin, Ella Cook, and Walter Lincoln. These children all died in youth. His second marriage was March 18, 1875, to Mary A. Pottinger, who survives him. From the 1901 History of Labette County, Kansas, and its Representative Citizens, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] P. B. DARLING, an old settler of Labette county, Kansas, erected the first house on the prairie in southwestern part of Osage Township. He was born August 29, 1835, in Jackson county, Ohio, and is a son of James H. and Rachel (Howe) Darling. Timothy Darling, the grandfather of P. B., was born October 22, 1779, and died December 26, 1830, aged fifty-one years, two months and four days. His wife, Elizabeth (Cook) Darling, was born September 6, 1782, and died November 11, 1839, aged fifty-seven years, two months and five days. James H. Darling was born December 30, 1813, and died at the home of his son Charles, November 26, 1895, aged eighty-one years, ten months and twenty-six days. He enlisted in Company G, 73rd Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf. His wife, Rachel (Howe) Darling, was born February 16, 1812, and died in Labette county, April 25, 1892, aged eighty years, two months and nine days. P. B. Darling is the oldest child living. Charles lives north of his brother, P. B. Rothburn lives near Cherryvale; Clark, Lind, Neal and William come next in order. Melinda lives in Jackson county, Ohio. John and Amanda, who were twins, were born August 13, 1834, and died, respectively, August 19 and 20th, 1834. Macilla L. was born September 5, 1843, and died March 13, 1845. Tacey B. (Dove) was born August 15, 1837, married December 25, 1853, and died November 29, 1856. P. B. Darling, the subject of this sketch, remained at home until his marriage, and in January, 1869, moved to Labette county, Kansas. With his wife, Mr. Darling left Knox county, Illinois, September 16, 1868, and visited somewhat in Iowa and Missouri, en route. They were ferried across the Mississippi river at Burlington, Iowa, and then. drove direct to Ottumwa, going through the Soap Creek hills to Kansas City, Missouri. From Missouri, they were accompanied by Perry O. C. Nixon, and after ferrying over the Missouri river, they came to Osage, where they stopped with Mr. Nixon's brother at Osage Mission. There Mr. Darling left his wife for a while, and in November, 1868, took up a claim in the township where he now resides, his wife joining him shortly afterward. He took up 40 acres in section 6, township 32, range 18, and three 40-acre tracts in a direct line west, across the road, in section 1, township 32, range 17. He was involved in litigation with the railroad company for seven years. Mr. Darling first built a box-house, which is now used for a kitchen. It was made of walnut lumber, at $40 per thousand, and was hauled from Osage Mission. Mr. Darling had a yoke of steers and one horse, and both he and his wife worked in the field. They broke about 15 acres, and planted sod-corn, turnips and wheat. In the spring of 1871, he set out the first orchard, and some of the trees are still standing there. He now has five or six acres of fruit, and over two miles of hedge, eight acres of meadow, and the front of the place is ornamented with cedar tress. Mr. Darling has refused an offer of $7,000 for the farm. It presents a fine appearance, and is splendidly managed and kept up. Mr. Darling is a hard worker and takes great pride in his home, and his present success has only been reached after years of untiring labor and careful attention. Mr. Darling worked on the railroad during a season of 1871. May 4, 1859, Mr. Darling married Nancy M. Sinclair, who was born October 27, 1840, in Vinton county, Ohio. She is a daughter of William and Jane (Dawson) Sinclair. Her father died when she was quite young, and her mother departed this life, in Ohio, in 1871. Two of Mrs. Darling's brothers are deceased; Mrs. Catherine Nixon and Mrs. Martha Snook, her sisters, are living on the old farm in Ohio; and another sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Cassill, is in Davis county, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Darling have been blessed with seven children, namely: Frances (Oliver), of Cherryvale; Tony A., a United Brethren preacher, now located at Toronto, Kansas, who is married and has four children; Thomas, who lives near his father; Daniel H., also a resident of Labette county; Tacy P. (Emels), of Cherryvale; Eunice (Cooper), of Cherryvale; and Phenis T., deceased. Mr. Darling is a Republican in politics, and has served several years as justice of the peace and as notary public. He was formerly a school director. Mr. and Mrs. Darling belong to the M. E. church. Mr. Darling is highly respected in the county, where he has many warm friends. From the 1882 History of Nebraska - Butler County, by William Cutler, Andreas Publishing Co. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] FRANK DAVIS, County Treasurer of Butler County, came to Nebraska in 1870, and took up a homestead one mile south of the present town of David City, on Section 30, Town 15, Range 3, Franklin Precinct, and was one of the first settlers on what is known as the table lands of Butler County. Mr. D. followed farming until the year 1875, when he moved to David City and started clerking for Dean & Son in a general merchandise store, where he remained until 1877, when be was elected to his present office, which important office he has been elected for the third term. He is a member of the A., F. & A, M., and was one of the charter members of Fidelity Lodge, No. 51. He is also a member of the I. O. O. F., and also a charter member of Harmony Lodge, No. 31. He is also one of Nebraska's first citizens who served in the late war, enlisting in the Eighty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Company F. at Maquon, Knox County, in August, 1862, and served three years. Is also a member of the G. A. R., Lincoln Post, No. 10. Mr. D. was born in Ohio, Highland County, May 10, 1845. Was married to Miss Jennie Walter [Hannah Jane Walter, daughter of John W. and Fanny (Marchant) Thurman Walter], in Illinois, March 13, 1865 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index indicates the marriage was on March 21, 1867, in Knox County, Illinois]. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] GEORGE DAVIS. Page 827. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 471. [Contributed by Bob Miller and Todd Walter.] James W. Davis is one of the respected and honored citizens of this county, and a well-to-do farmer of Maquon Township, residing on Section 16. He came here in June, 1837, and consequently is one of the pioneer settlers. Living here since that date continuously, and having been engaged in agricultural pursuits for that long period of time, he must certainly be acknowledged as one who has contributed his full allotment to the agricultural development of the county. He came here with his parents, Joshua and Martha (Walter) Davis, from Highland County, Ohio, when eight years of age. They settled in Maquon Township, where our subject has since lived, and where the mother died, Oct. 12, 1881. They were the parents of two children - James W. and Martha E. The latter died in 1865. James W. Davis was born in Highland County, Ohio, Nov. 10, 1828. He received his education in the common schools, and has devoted his life to agricultural pursuits. He and his father are the owners of 830 acres of land, and in this independent calling Mr. D. is meeting with that success which energy and perseverance are sure to bring. Mr. Davis was married in Haw Creek Township, Sept. 13, 1855, to Caroline Pickrel [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Sammy W. Davis marrying a Caroline Pickrel in Knox County on September 13, 1855], daughter of Jesse and Rosanna (Johnson) Pickrel. Her parents were among the pioneers of the county. They came here in 1839, and settled in Haw Creek Township, where her father died Dec. 27, 1881. Her mother is still living. Of their union nine children were born, named as follows: Sarah, Caroline, Anna, Melissa, Jackson, Jesse, Milton, Rosetta and Douglas. Caroline was born in Athens County, Ohio, Dec. 23, 1838, and continued to reside with her parents until her marriage with the subject of this notice. Mr. Davis has held the office of Road Commissioner and School Trustee, and in politics votes with the Republican party Taken from History of Maquon and Vicinity 1827 - 1976. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] LeRoy Crispin Davis, better known as Roy, was born October 5, 1885, on a farm in the northwestern part of Maquon Township. He was the first of five children born to James H. and Belle Dennis Davis; the other children in the family being Bessie, Ralph, John and Paul. His early childhood was spent on farms in the Maquon area and as he grew old enough, helped do his share of the chores and farm work. A graduate from the class of 1903 from Gilson High School, he continued his education at Brown's Business College, Galesburg. For a period of time, he returned to work on the family farm and helped Mr. Frank Hurd, mortician and as a result of this employment decided to follow this profession. He was graduated from Worsham School of Embalming, Chicago in 1911 and this same year entered the undertaking business in Maquon. His first funeral was for Alex Lewis, the cost being $112.00 and broken down as follows: Complete casket-$85.00, Robe-$7.00, Embalming-$10.00, Hearse and services-$10.00. Cost for opening and closing a grave at this time was $4.00-$7.00. The corpse in the early days of undertaking was prepared at the home of the deceased, the first call being made in a horse-drawn enclosed vehicle, in which was carried the equipment needed. The mortician later returned in a horse-drawn hearse either to take the body to the cemetery or to the place the funeral was to be held if it was not held at home as was often the case. On June 25, 1913, LeRoy C. Davis was united in holy matrimony with Miss Ethel Smith, daughter of Sarah Lindsey Smith and Edwin F. Smith of Gilson. The ceremony was performed at the home of Reverend N. T. Allen, Galesburg. In 1913 he improved the services he could offer by the purchase of a used horse-drawn hearse, having previously rented this piece of equipment. He took great pride in keeping this hearse washed and shined, which in itself took many hours as the roads he traveled were all dirt at that time and it was cleaned and polished after each use. Raymond Housh furnished the team to pull the hearse and was employed as a driver. The following year, 1914, their only child, a son named Philip C., was born. Moving into the house located at 204 East Second Street, Maquon, in 1915, he also opened his first office in Dr. Feree Walker's former office at 109 West Third Street. Roy worked during the summer fixing up and enlarging the building which had been damaged by fire. This building at present (1976) houses the Maquon Public Library. The renting of a hearse auto which was first used in August of 1917, was another step forward in the modernization of the services he offered. This same year, Roy sold his first vault at a cost of $80.00. In November of 1918 he conducted his first military service, that being for Forrest West who died as a result of injuries received in World War I. On October 24, 1827, he sold his undertaking business to Merritt Kirk but retained the office building. During the next four years he helped his mother-in-law and family operate their farm north of Maquon in Haw Creek Township following her husbands untimely death. From September of 1931 through September of 1943 he was associated with Dean's Funeral Home in Galesburg. For the next twelve years he was associated with Hinchcliff and Wilson Funeral Home, Galesburg, as the corpse was no longer being prepared in the home and in order to be able to offer those using his services the largest possible selection of caskets and vaults. On January 1, 1956, he joined with Raymond Root of Fairview. As home funerals were becoming a thing of the past by this time, they rented the home located at 114 East Fourth Street for the following year to serve for visitation and the funeral service if so desired. The following year they rented the downstairs of the home located at 404 East Street for this purpose. Roy continued as mortician until the time of his death. The cost of a funeral at this time has raised to $900 - $950. Roy took great pride in his work and was considered as one of the best morticians in the area. He often spent money out of his own pocket in order to purchase a better grade casket than that which was provided by the county in such a case as he felt "his people", as he so fondly referred to those for whom he made his preparations, deserved something better. Being on call around the clock greatly limited his spare time available for his favorite pastimes of hunting and music. As a lover of the out of doors, he spent whatever time he could enjoying this sport and for several years he played a cello with a band which played locally for dances. He was active and interested in the welfare of Maquon and served on its village board in 1935 - 1937. The community service for which he is well remembered is his plowing the city walks after each snow, getting out at dawn for which he received nor would he accept any payment. Politically he voted for the man rather than the party. Roy was a member of the Maquon Masonic Lodge and an honorary member of Yates City Masonic Lodge, Past Patron of Maquon Goodwill Chapter, Order of Eastern Star at the time of his death on July 25, 1962. He attended Maquon Methodist Church. Interment was at the Maquon Cemetery. He left to mourn his passing, his widow and son and his many friends as his parents, brothers and sisters had already preceded him in death. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] SAMUEL DAVIS, farmer, son of James and Martha (Edwards) Davis, natives of England; was born in England April 10, 1826. His early life was passed on the farm; received his education from the night and day schools of England, and Knox College, Galesburg. He learned the mason's trade, but changed afterward to farming, in which he has been very successful and well prospered. Removed from England to Canada in 1846, thence to Cook county, Illinois, in 1847, and to Knox county in 1848. Dec. 26, 1858, was married to Lucy Jane Bond. They have been the parents of eight children, of whom seven are now living. In 1866 he was baptized by Rev. David Thompson, and united with the Christian Church, of which he is Deacon and Trustee. He is Republican in politics. Postoffice, Hermon. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. SIMEON B. DAVIS, was born in Ashland County OH, December 7, 1836. His parents were Amos and Nancy (Crawford) Davis, natives of Ohio. His mother was a daughter of Colonel Samuel Crawford, an officer in the War of 1812. Mr. Davis received a common school education in his native State, and took advantage of every educational opportunity afforded; and being a great reader has always kept abreast of the times. He located in McDonough County IL, at the age of eighteen, where he soon engaged in teaching school, and where for eight years he was one of the most successful teachers in that county. He then engaged in farming and stock-raising for a number of years, shipping stock to the Chicago market. He still owns a farm in Hire Township, McDonough County. He afterwards removed to Macomb IL, where he engaged in the monument business. In 1887, he came to Galesburg, where he has since been the leading marble and granite merchant of this section of the State. Mr. Davis has been a prominent member of the republican party for many years. In 1880, he was elected to the Legislature, representing the counties of Warren and McDonough. At the regular session of 1881, and the special session of 1882, he was a member of several important committees, and rendered valuable and efficient service. Mr. Davis is a pleasing and impressive public speaker, and has rendered valuable service to his party during Presidential campaigns, both before and since coming to Knox County. Mr. Davis has always taken a lively interest in the advancement and improvement of the city of Galesburg. He is now serving his second term as Alderman from the Third Ward, which is but one of the many evidences of the respect and confidence of the people. He is a prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, having held official positions therein for many years, at present being one of the Trustees. He is a member of Veritas Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; a member of College City Lodge, Ancient Order of United Workmen, having served in all of the chairs of these orders. September 27, 1860, Mr. Davis was married to Artimesa Stambaugh, daughter of Rev. Adam Stambaugh. They are the parents of nine children: Emma; Eva; Margaret; Elsy A.; Steward A.; Alice J.; Louie May; James E.; and Stella, deceased. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] WILLIAM DAVIS, attorney; postoffice, Galesburg; born in England Sept. 24, 1824; parents were James and Martha Davis, natives of England. He removed to Canada in 1847; learned his profession partly in England and partly in Canada; married in 1861 to Anna M. Hewson, of Canada. They are the parents of four children, of whom one is dead. He moved from Canada to Galesburg in 1862; is a Republican; was baptized in England, and upon a confession of faith united with the First Church of Christ (Congregational) in 1863; has been very successful as a lawyer. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 883. [Contributed by Barbara.] Christopher Columbus DAWSON; Farmer; Persifer Township; born August 25, 1846, in Ohio. Educated in Knox County. His parents were James and Margaret (Claypole) Dawson, of Ohio. Mr. Dawson was married to Filetta Corbin in 1869, in Persifer Township [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Christopher Dawson marrying a Filetta Corbin in Knox County on July 8. 1869]. Their children are: Leon Lewis; Joseph Rollie; James Albert; Charles Wilbert; Nellie Alvilda; Etta May; Jasper Winfield; and Harley, an infant, deceased. Mr. Dawson's parents came to Knox County when he was eight years of age, and settled on a farm, where they lived until the death of his mother. His father then sold out and went to Kansas, where he died. Mr. Dawson remained in Knox County and still lives on his farm near Dahinda. His family are at home with the exception of one son, Lewis, who married and is farming elsewhere. Mr. Dawson is a democrat and has been a School Director. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 970. [Submitted by Pat Thomas.] Darwin B. Day, of Walnut Grove Township, is one of the old settlers of Knox County, where he has lived for nearly half a century, having come first to the county in 1837, from Onondaga County, N. Y. He was born in that county Jan. 27, 1810. His father ,Thomas C. Day, was a practicing physician, and a native of the same county and State as his son, and lived and died there. He was of New England parentage and ancestry, and was married in Onondaga County, N. Y., to Julia Cappell. She was of parentage of people who had come from Nova Scotia, and she also lived and died in Onondaga County. Our subject is the oldest of three children, and the only one who now survives. He had a brother and a sister, Elzina, the later having died unmarried when a young woman 18 years old. In 1880 the brother, David E., died in this county, near Galesburg. He had been a successful farmer, and came here in 1838. While he was living in his native county, he was married in December, 1830, to Miss Sarah Vorse, who was born in Onondaga County, N. Y. She lived to come to Illinois with her husband, and soon afterward died at Log City, this county, March 19, 1840. She was the mother of two children - Francis P., deceased, and Charles H., a farmer, married and residing in Lyons County, Kan. Mr. Day was the second time married, in Knox County, Oct. 5, 1845, to Miss Narcissa Fuqua [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Darwin B. Day marrying a Narcissa Fugua in Warren County on October 5, 1840]. She was from Kentucky, having come to Illinois when a child. She died in Sparta Township, Knox County, Sep. 28, 1873. She was the mother of seven children: David died in the army, after serving one year; John H. is married and carrying on a farm in Nebraska; Norman and Sidney are married and are farmers, and both live in Adair County, Iowa; Julia is the wife of L. Aldrich, a mechanic, and they live in Guthrie Center, Iowa; Daniel is married and resides in Oneida; Emma is the wife of John Spurgen, a farmer, and resides in Nebraska. Mr. Day was married in Galesburg to Mrs. Mehitabel (Firkins) Hitchcock [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Darwin B. Day marrying a Mehetible Hitchcock in Knox County on November 1, 1874], who was born in Cato, Cayuga County, N. Y., March 13, 1820. Her father, George Firkins, was born and reared in London, England. He came to the United States as a young man, during the French War, with a merchant vessel. He was captured by the French, and after six weeks was surrendered, having in the meantime lost all his goods and everything but his wearing apparel. He then settled at Philadelphia. He was married in Spafford, N. Y., to Lydia Cappell. He had served in the Revolutionary War, and was in the War of 1812. He was a highly educated man and an extensive writer, and served as aid to generals through these wars. He and his wife lived to be very old people, and died in DeKalb County, near Shabbona Grove, on the 11th day of May, 1861; he was 98 years old. The mother died ten years and a day later, and was then of the same age as her husband when he died. They were the parents of 11 children, six sons and five daughters. Mrs. Day, of this sketch, was the younger but two; all lived to be grown. Three of the latter and one of the sons are yet living; the son in DeKalb County. Mrs. Day was reared and educated in Wolcott, Wayne County, N. Y. She came, when 19 years of age, with her parents, who first settled in Henderson, Knox County. She was first married to J. P. Hitchcock, who was killed while defending the flag of his country, by the guerrillas, at Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 28, 1865. He was born in Crawford County, Ind., April 21, 1818, and came West when a young man, early in the history of this county, with his parents. Mr. Day was one of the early settlers of Log City, and helped to build the first saw-mill there. He went thence to Knoxville four years later, and has since been a citizen of this county. He came to this place in March, 1881. He owns 80 acres of good land where he now lives. He has been a successful farmer, and helped all his children to a start in life. In the early days he broke a large area of the prairie sod, and added his full quota to the cultivation of the virgin soil. Mrs. Day is a member of the Universalist Church. In politics, Mr. D. was formerly a Republican, but now casts his vote with the Prohibitionists. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 342. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Cornelius Dempsey. One of the pioneer citizens of Orange Township, and an old and reliable resident of that section, was Cornelius Dempsey, deceased, the particulars of whose personal history are herein given. He was one of the most prominent in local affairs. He held the office of Justice of the Peace and was for a number of years Director in the School District where he resided. In addition to this, he figured among the leaders of a few people, members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, who, uniting their efforts erected a church building on his farm and called it Dempsey Chapel. Mr. D., of whom we write, was born in Cumberland County, Pa., Oct. 31, 1804. His father, James Dempsey, also a native of Pennsylvania, was reared in his native county, and his grandfather, Cornelius Dempsey, Sr., also lived and died there. The father of Cornelius, Jr., married in his native county, Miss Susie Piper, who came from Germany in the year 1810. He emigrated to the State of Ohio, and in Jackson County bought a tract of timber land and laid out a farm, which he worked until 1837, and then, coming to Illinois, settled in Orange Township on section 2. Here he resided until his death, which occurred Nov. 21, 1859 and his wife's death took place Sept. 20, 1865. The fruits of the union of Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey are as follows: Jonathan, Cornelius, Catherine, Annie, James, Isaac, Susie and Polly, five of whom survive at the present time. Catherine, widow of Matteson Maxey, lives near Wataga; Annie has a home in Gilson; James and Isaac reside in Oregon; and Susie, widow of Booker Pickerel, lives in Gilson. Cornelius, our subject, was six years of age when, under the guardianship of his parents, he came to Ohio. He grew up on the farm, which he assisted his father to work, and made his home with his parents until Dec. 24, 1835, which was the date of his marriage with Julia A. Brown. Miss Brown was born in Meigs County, Ohio, on the 28th of March, 1813, and was the daughter of John V. and Margaret (Lowther) Brown. The young husband had bought a farm in Jackson County, and on this they lived until 1837, when, deciding that they must have "fresh fields and pastures new" in which to labor, they emigrated to the then Far West. The journey was made overland with four horses and several wagons, and the party, which was a merry one, comprised the father and family of Mr. Dempsey, and Isaac Lott and family. With them they brought live stock of various kinds, and this mode of travel gave them an unobscured view of the country to which they were going to seek their fortunes. Their trip lasted one month and they arrived in Knox County, where Mr. D. and father bought 160 acres of land on section 2, Orange Township, which he worked with his father and subsequently added to. There was a double log cabin on the place, with a sod chimney, and in this humble abode they took quarters and there remained for a few months, after which Mr. Dempsey built another long cabin near by, where he and his wife commenced housekeeping. The market for the first few years, as well as the depot for supplies, was at Peoria, 45 miles distant. To his original property Mr. D. added land adjoining him till at one time he was in possession of over 500 acres. He erected a brick house and a frame barn and continued in his pleasant home up to Aug. 5, 1883, the date of his death. To himself and wife were born ten children, but five only survive, as follows: Mary, wife of Kenner Brent, who lives in Warren County; Eliza, wife of Charles Parmenter, who lives in Knoxville; Julia, wife of John Wilson, whose home is in Orange Township on the old homestead; Lucinda and Albert C. Mrs. Dempsey with her two youngest children, lives in Knoxville, to which town they removed in December 1883, where her son Albert C. is engaged in merchandising and has the best store in Knoxville. Both herself and deceased husband were consistent and devoted members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and ranked high in religious work. Mr. Dempsey was a class leader in the Church, and in politics of the Democratic stamp. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman, page 670. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] Albert Dennis. Nathaniel Dennis, the father of Albert, was a Pennsylvania farmer, and was a native of that State, and his mother, Margaret Dennis, was born in Indiana. Albert Dennis first saw the light in Knox Co., Ill., May 7, 1857, where his parents had settled, preferring broad prairies of Illinois to the stony hills of Pennsylvania. Albert has chosen agricultural pursuits, and now lives on a farm near Maquon, his P.O. address. [The Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Albert Dennis marrying a Rhoda Selby in Knox County on July 4, 1881.] From the 1889 History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington, Volume II. [Contributed by Todd Walter.]
Like many more of those who were his contemporaries in rescuing Washington Territory from the wilderness, he has seen the newcomers who are enjoying those comforts of life, not to say luxuries, to which his early sacrifices so eminently contributed, - who have undergone the same routine as the eloquent Denny. In speaking of his noble wife and companion in early isolation and labor in the dedication of future commonwealths, he aptly described as her portion. Said he; "She bore the hardships of the trip across the plains and the privations of pioneer life upon Puget Sound with the greatest fortitude She was never known or heard to complain or repine her lot, - in her mission of laying the foundation of future American commonwealths, - but with singular courage met every obstacle that stood in the way of the early settler of the Northwest coast; and they were truly many, and often calculated to appall the stoutest heart." With such a companion, no wonder Mr. Denny accomplished so much for the good of his race; and yet, that good old man, whose early life was so occupied, so feelingly added (1888): "It is now thirty-six years since I came to Puget sound; and I am more and more impressed with the fact, as each succeeding year rolls by, that the early settlers of the country will very shortly all have crossed over the river and be soon forgotten; for we may all concede the fact that we shall be missed but little when we are gone, and that little but a short time. But when we have met the last trial, and our last campfire has died out, some may desire a knowledge of such facts as we alone can give." And then the "old man practical;" briefly, too briefly, gave a summary of incidents illustrating his removal to the Pacific coast, and his recollections of the early settlements on the Sound. With characteristic modesty, however, he spoke of others, not himself; and what should have been an autobiography of perhaps the most notable of Washington Territory pioneers and philanthropists falls short in that respect. The task of giving a pen-picture of his laborious life, this humanitarian, this servant of the people, this layer of the foundation of the future state, falls to an admirer and friend who has known him through all these years that his life service has been performed within Washington Territory. That pure life will afford an example for the best of men to find something that they can imitate for self-improvement. To the business man, his integrity, his industry, his life of work, commend themselves for adoption as a model. The citizen may profit by contemplating his liberal donations for the University for schools, for hotels and for public improvements. The young man may watch his career in sagaciously marching to the extreme frontier, far beyond the confines of divination, and there and then, surrounded by savages, hewing out a home in the dense forest of Puget sound. The land he first attempted to reclaim from savagery is now the majestic city of Seattle. What a lesson there is in the life of this nobleman. In green old age with all his faculties as matured and bright as the day when he conceived the locating of Seattle, and that he would be the founder of a great city) he is pushed aside, reminded by the busy scenes around him that "The early settlers of the country will very shortly have crossed over the river and be soon forgotten; for we shall be missed but little when we are gone, and that little but a short time." And yet, in that city he founded, in its works and charities, his life will be recalled; and to him, however heartless the indifference of the world may appear, there must be comfort in the assurance of the Psalmist:
Perhaps the very best estimate of Mr. Denny's own view of duty, of the claim a man has to the respect of his fellows or of posterity, is embodied in his own language urging old settlers "to contribute what they can to make up a record of those early times." Said he; "The most important thing in my estimation is to make no wrong or incorrect statements. Let it be the pride of the old settlers to state the truth. It is no time for romancing or painting fancy sketches, when we are nearing the end of our voyage. The work is too serious for fiction. we want solid facts only." Arthur A. Denny was born in Salem, Indiana, June 20, 1822. His father was honest John Denny, the first Republican candidate for the office of Governor of the State of Oregon, in the year 1858, - a contemporary and political associate of Abraham Lincoln in the early days of Illinois, a soldier in the war of 1812, and in the Black Hawk war, a native of the State of Kentucky. Old settlers of Oregon and Washington will remember him as an eloquent speaker, a thoroughly informed man, and a great speaker, and a great humorist. In many respects the son Arthur resembles him. The latter, however, was more retiring in his disposition than the elder Denny, and in public forensic efforts did not display that wit and humor which his friends and companions have so enjoyed in social conversation, but which with the father pervaded his public speeches. To Arthur was afforded the opportunity of acquiring a rudimental education, such as in those times could be conferred in the frontier states. He made the most of his opportunities, and in early life acquainted himself with a thorough knowledge of surveying, which he practices as his profession more or less during his early manhood. The family removed to Knox county, Illinois, when Arthur was fourteen years of age. While continuing his residence in Knox county, he held the office of county surveyor for eight years. His wife, to whom reference has already been made, was a native of Tennessee; and there were but a few months difference in their ages. The family consists of two daughters and four sons, all of whom reside in the city of Seattle. Mr. Denny with his family crossed the plains in 1851, and during that fall came to Puget Sound. It is to be regretted that room is not permitted for his graphic description of the trip across the plains, so full of interest in being contrasted with the journey over the continent now, on one of the transcontinental railways, with all the comforts and luxuries of city life. The little train of four wagons- seven men and their families of women and children, - left Knox county, Illinois, April 10, 1851. They reached Fort Hall, July 6th, having traveled 1,104 miles from the Missouri river. Two days later the party journeyed along the south side of Snake river; and as they passed American Falls they observed that a large band of Indians were camped on the opposite side of the river; and a war party of ten crossed at the foot of the falls. the hostile band approached the head of the little train and endeavored to stop it, pretending they desired to trade. They refused to halt; and, after they had traveled a short distance, the Indians, who had concealed themselves behind boulders and rocks, fired upon them without doing any injury. A number of the Indians now commenced to pursue; but the train crossed the ravine, down which the Indians had approached, secured a good position for defense, and waited for the attack. The Indians, appreciating the strength of the position, kept out of range and soon retired. But a few weeks later, at that identical ravine, a family named Clark were cruelly massacred. The little party reached The Dalles August 11th, sent their wagons across Barlow's Pass of the Cascade Mountains, and went down the river in boats, reaching Portland August 22nd. It may be curious to know that the estimated distance over the immigrant road to The Dalles was 1,765 miles from Missouri river, - eighty days' travel, - that this party, from their Illinois home, occupied ninety days to The Dalles and ten days to Portland. Francis A. Chenoweth, speaker of the first territorial house of representatives of Washington afterwards associate justice of the supreme court of the territory from 1854 to 1858, was, at the time Mr. Denny passed, building a tram-road for the transfer of freight and passengers around the Cascades of the Columbia. At the upper landing were the Bradfords and Bishop. There was also being built a small sidewheel steamer called the Flint, to run between the Cascades and The Dalles, the first steamboat engaged in navigating the Columbia river. Above the Cascades Chenoweth was running an old brig called the Henry, between Portland and the Cascades. The baggage of the Denny train was the first freight transported on the first railroad west of the Rocky Mountains. it was taken over on a car by hand, the families traveling on foot to the Lower Cascade landing, where they took passage on the brig to Portland. Mr. Denny describes Portland in 1851: "It contained a population of two thousand or more, at that early period giving promise of future greatness." Mr. Denny and his family sailed from Portland on the schooner Exact on the 5th of November, 1851, and arrived at Alki Point, on Puget Sound, November 13th, and there remained for the winter. They built log cabins for the several families; and that winter they cut a cargo of piles for San Francisco. On the 15th of February, 1852, Mr. Denny, his brother David T., and William N. Bell, crossed Elliott bay from Alki Point, and located there three claims contiguously, the southern boundary being fixed at what is now the head of commercial street, in the city of Seattle. He quaintly remarks: "Piles and timber being the only dependence for support in the beginning, it was important to look well to the facilities for the business." It would be foreign to the purpose of this sketch to trace the growth and vicissitudes and the progress of Seattle, as it expanded to metropolitan proportions, however interesting and intimately connected therewith was Mr. Denny. Enough has been told to illustrate the task he undertook, the limited means with which to operate, the Herculean result which has flowed there-from, which must greatly be attributed to his sagacity, enterprise, activity and public spirit. About the time of the arrival of the Denny colony and the formation of a settlement at Seattle, there were a number of other points upon Puget Sound that were occupied and settled. The year 1852 was marked by the arrival of a largely increased population in the territory north of the Columbia river. From the summer of 1851, the question of a division of the territory of Oregon has been agitated. During the fall of that year, meetings had been held and the matter discussed. This led to a calling of a convention of delegates to be selected by the towns, communities or counties in Oregon Territory on the north side of the Columbia, to be held at Monticello, in Cowlitz county, on the 25th of November, 1852. Of this convention Arthur A. Denny was a prominent and influential member; and form it emanated a memorial to the Congress of the United States praying that so much of Oregon Territory as lay north of the Columbia river be set off as a separate territory, to be called Columbia Territory. The territorial legislature of Oregon, at its session of 1852-53, among its very earliest acts adopted a strong memorial to Congress to the same effect; and the act setting off the territory north of the Columbia river from the remainder of Oregon and establishing the "Territory of Washington: passed Congress and was approved by President Millard Fillmore, March 2, 1853. Mr. Denny was elected a member of the house of representatives of Washington Legislative assembly for the first, second, third and fourth session. he was a member of the council for three years. As a legislator, he distinguished himself as a working member, though he frequently made speeches, which were listened to with marked attention. There were many measures, memorials and acts introduced by him; and he did much towards molding the early territorial policy of the territory, though being a decided Whig was in the minority in the legislative council. In the Indian war of 1855, he was among the earliest to enroll as a volunteer, and held the commission of first lieutenant in Company A., Second Regiment, of which company chief Justice Lander was captain. In 1861 he was appointed by Abraham Lincoln register of the United States district land-office at Olympia, the duties of which office he discharged with eminent ability and to the hearty satisfaction of the people of the territory. In 1865, about the time his mission would have expired, he was elected by the Republicans of the territory delegate to the Thirty-ninth Congress of the United States. In every position to which he was called by the people he did well, faithfully performing every duty creditably to himself and satisfactorily to those who made the selection. On his return to the territory, he entered into business at Seattle, and gave his entire attention to his private affairs, which had suffered to some extent by his protracted absence at Olympia, and at the national Capital. The unexampled growth and progress of the city of Seattle, which began to assert its supremacy as a center of trade early in the "seventies," would have made him a man of wealth; but with his business methods, his close application, his conservative tendencies, that wealth has been largely enhanced. But he has made proper use of that blessing. He presented to the territory the necessary land on which to erect its university buildings. Lately he has made a princely gift of land on which and funds with which to erect an hotel worthy of the city of Seattle. At all times he has contributed to the support of every enterprise and legitimate charity. The history of the growth of Seattle, its charities and enterprises, would have to be written to complete his biography. But Seattle cannot claim Arthur A. Denny exclusively, though he was its founder. His fame and good works are the property of the territory of Washington. among the living pioneers of the new state he is the peer in service, in worth and works of all that memorable little band, who in his own characteristic language 'will very shortly all have crossed over the river," not, however, let us hope, for the credit of humanity, as he regretfully said, "soon to be forgotten;" for Denny and others of them will yet live as the revered founders of a commonwealth, the establishers of our Western civilization. From the 1885 History of McDonough County, Illinois, Continental Historical Co., Springfield, Illinois. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] Jacob Detrick, the son of John and Juda Detrick, and the subject of this sketch, was born in Rockingham County, Virginia, August 24, 1827, and resided in that county and state until he had reached the age of 27. Leaving Virginia he settled in Indian Point township, near Abingdon, Knox county, Illinois, where he engaged in farming. In March, 1866, he removed to McDonough county, locating on a fine farm. Mr. Detrick was married in Rockingham county, Virginia, to Rebecca Swecker, October 18, 1849. They are the parents of 11 children - Mary Catherine, married James H. Herring, and resides in Bushnell township; Elizabeth Abigail, John Benjamin, Lucy Jane Bell, and Jacob Daniel Sebastian, deceased; Lydia Frances Jida, married John D. Herring, and resides in Walnut Grove township; Josephine E. married Thomas Herring, and resides in Macomb township; William A. D. married Sarah E. Rutledge, and resides in Walnut Grove township; Emma Ann Florence married James A. Rinker, and resides in Macomb township; Herring J. and Sarah E. are single yet. Mr. Detrick owns 200 acres of land which he has acquired by industry and business like qualities. He is a successful stockman. In the years of 1874, 5, 6, and 7, he held the office of assessor, and has served two years as trustee of schools, and has been a director for 13 consecutive years. Mr. and Mrs. Detrick are members of the Spring Run German Baptist church, were among its first members, and he now serves as a deacon, and is one of the trustees of the church. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 903. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] JAMES T. DICKERSON; Farmer; Haw Creek Township, where he was born January 21, 1848. His father, William Wright Dickerson, was born in White County, Illinois, August 3, 1820, and died August 11, 1885; his mother, Sarah (Housh) Dickerson, died in 1863; they were the parents of eleven children, seven of whom reached maturity: Mrs. Mary Morss, Mrs. Phebe Morss, James T., Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, William, Mrs. Eliza J. Woolsey, and Mrs. Martha Dennis. In 1865, his father married again, the second wife being Elizabeth (Highfield) Dickerson; two children were born to them: John B., deceased; and Frank Wilson. His grandparents, Louis Dickerson, of Georgia, and Elizabeth (Beck) Dickerson, of South Carolina, were among the early settlers in the State. James T. Dickerson was married in Peoria County, March 27, 1876, to Melvina Connor [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a James Dickerson marrying a Melvina Conner in Peoria County on March 27, 1876]. Mr. Dickerson is a practical farmer and owns three hundred and thirty three acres of land in Haw Creek Township, besides timber land. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, having joined Maquon Lodge, No. 530, when twenty-one years of age. Mr. Dickerson is a democrat. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman, page 670. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] WM. W. DICKERSON, son of Louis Dickerson, of Georgia, and Elizabeth (Beck) Dickerson, native of South Carolina. He was born in White co., Ill., Aug. 3, 1820; married March 10, 1842, to Miss Sarah Houst [Housh] [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a William Dickerson marrying a Sally Housh in Knox County on March 10, 1842], the union being blessed with eleven children, and just twenty years from date of marriage Mrs. Dickerson died; he was married again, Nov., 1865, to Elizabeth Highfield [Mrs. Elizabeth (Conner) Highfield; the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a William W. Dickerson marrying a Elizabeth Conner in Knox County on November 24, 1864]; they have two children. He has been School Director twenty years, Road Commissioner three years, and Overseer of Roads many times; is a farmer. Democrat. P.O., Gilson. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] JAMES DOSSETT, son of James and Thomy (Williams) Dossett, both natives of Virginia, and in moderate circumstances; was born in Virginia Oct. 27, 1827; was educated in the common schools. He learned the trade of tailor in which business his early life was passed, but afterwards became a farmer so that his trade and profession have been that of a farmer and tailor; removed from Virginia to Illinois; thence California and Oregon, and from those States to Knox co., Ill. Aug. 7, 1851, was married to Cynthia A. Butts. They have been the parents of eleven children, of whom eight are now living. In 1863-4 he held the office of Supervisor and Collector of Persifer township. Republican. P.O., Knoxville. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 889. [Contributed by Bobbie (Barb).] Joseph Daniel DOUBET; Farmer; Truro Township; born in Peoria County, December 12, 1854; educated in the common schools. His father, Elenor Doubet, was born in Lacote, France, July 12, 1824; his mother, Harriet (Slayn), was born in Ohio April 7,1831. His paternal grandparents, Joseph and Ursula Doubet, were natives of France; his maternal, grandparents, Daniel and Mahala Slayn, were born in Virginia. January 25, 1875, he was married, in Kickatoo [probably Kickapoo], to Ellen Corrigan [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Daniel Doubet marrying a Helena Carrigan in Peoria County on January 25, 1875], who was born August 4, 1849, and is a daughter of Patrick and Anna (Ryan) Corrigan. There were eight children: Cora I., born January 5,1876; Mollie M., born June 14,1880; William, born April 5,1882; Hattie R., born January 15,1884; Anna G., born January 15, 1886; Delila F., born February 21, 1888; Lucy M., born March 5, 1890; Lida E., born April 7, 1892. Two of Mr. and Mrs. Doubet's children are deceased. Cora I. was married to Dr. F. F. Wallick, of Williamsfield, June 16, 1897. They have one child, Ralph B. Wallick, born April 7, 1898. Mr. Doubet is a member of the Odd fellows at Williamsfield. He is an extensive stock dealer. In religion, he is a Christian. In politics, he is a liberal. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 772. [Contributed by Bobbie (Barb).] 1899 Encyclopedia of Knox County. Harley Franklin DRURY; Grocer, Galesburg; born June 13,1855, in Essex, Vermont, where he was educated. His parents were Jacob K. Drury, of Milton, Vermont, and Caroline (Bascom) Drury, of Fairfax, Vermont; his grandparents were Isaac and Sallie (Herrick) Drury. Mr. Drury was married in Galesburg March 28, 1883, to Nellie Trask [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Harley F. Drury marrying a Nellie Trask in Knox County on March 28, 1883], daughter of Homer and Belinda (Lane) Trask, of Ohio. Their children are: Mamie (adopted), and Louise. The father of H. F. Drury was a farmer in the early life, afterwards engaging in the produce commission business, and later in the manufacture of brick. He died in Vermont. Harley F. Drury, began his business career in his father's brickyard. In 1878, he came to Galesburg, where for a year and a half he was a clerk for Lake W. Sanborn. For two years and a half, he kept books for Captain C. L. Lanstrum, and afterwards opened a grocery store on his own account. Mr. Drury is a believer in Christian Science. In politics he is a republican. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] GEORGE W. DUNBAR, Jr., son of G. W. and Milly (Colins) [Collins] Dunbar, was born in Stark co., Ill., March 8, 1846; reared on a farm; was in Co. E, 83rd Ill. Inf.; married Eva McElhany, Feb. 23, 1863 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a George H. Dunbar marrying a Eva McElhany in Knox County on February 23, 1874]. They have three girls. Member of the United Brethren Church; Class leader. Republican. P.O., Henderson. WASHINGTON DUNBAR. See the Dunbar family page at [Contributed by Diane Simpson.] Obituary for March 18, 1926 death. [Contributed by Beryl.] ELIZA TEACH DUNN. Relatives here received the sad news last Thursday of the death of Mrs. Eliza Dunn, who passed away at her home near Melville, Mont., at 7:30 in the morning. She suffered a paralytic stroke last summer and has been in failing health since. Her last illness was only of short duration. Her daughter, Miss Elva Dunn and son, John Dunn left early Friday morning for Illinois, accompanying the remains here for burial. They arrived here Monday morning. The funeral services were held at 1:30 Monday afternoon in the Christian Church, Rev. H. A. Bourne officiated, assisted by Rev. J. E. Spencer of the U. B. Church and Rev. H. R. Kasiske of the M. E. Church. Miss Frances Swigert and Dee Kay Vose sang three beautiful selections, with Miss Ruth Shreves at the piano. The casket bearers were R. R. Nicholas, J. A. Whitsell, Otto Johnson, Charles Cook, George Saverley and Arthur Latourette. Members of the Rebakah lodge attended in a body. Internment was made in East Midway cemetery. Mrs. Dunn was a former resident of this place, and has made her home in Montana for the past twelve years with her daughter, Elva, on their farm. Eliza Teach, daughter of Jacob and Catherine Teach, was born near Farmington, Oct. 22, 1854, and departed this life March 18, 1926, at her home near Melville, Mt. at the age of 71 yrs, 4 mo, 26 days. On Feb. 28, 1871, she was united in marriage with Henry Dunn at Pontiac. Four sons and two daughters were born to this union. The husband passed away Dec. 28, 1912, and one son, Ira, on July 31, 1918. Those left to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother are: Myron of Billings. Mont., John, Elva, and Mrs. Uuella Goforth of Melville, Mont., and Bert of London Mills. She leaves thirteen grandchildren, four sisters, three brothers, besides many other relatives and a host of friends. She united with the Christian Church many years ago and was always true to her faith. She was a member of Rebekah lodge and held in high esteem by all who knew her. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 292. [Contributed by Brian & Carol Heller.] Thomas C. Duval. Among the early comers to this county, who by their own indomitable energy and perseverance have acquired sufficient to enable them, in the evening of life, to retire from its active labor, is the gentleman of whom this brief biographical notice is written. He is to-day passing the sunset of life in peace and quiet retirement in the village of Wataga. Coming here in 1835, prior to the organization of the county into townships, and at a time when the hand of civilization was hardly visible, he has here continued to reside for upward of 51 years, winning the respect of his fellow citizens by his straightforward and manly dealings, and slowly acquiring a competency. Mr. Duval was born in Virginia, Feb. 28, 1802. His parents were James T. and Judah (Jennings) Duval, natives of Culpepper County, Va.. His father was a farmer by occupation and also a slave-owner, and came to this state in 1835, settling at Appanoose, opposite Fort Madison, in Hancock County, where he died about the year 1838. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, under the command of Colonel Thomas D. Owens. The mother died in Arkansas. The subject of this notice was the oldest of a family of eight children, viz: Thomas C., Sarah A., Elizabeth, Lucinda, James W. T., Daniel J., Judith A. and Nancy J., all of whom reached mature years and all were married and raised families. Our subject received a common-school education and worked on his father's farm until his coming to this State. Arriving here, he worked a season in Warren County, where for one year he rented a farm. He then came to this county and located four miles north of Galesburg, in Henderson Township, where he purchased a claim of a quarter-section of land, giving therefor $150. He subsequently perfected the title to his land by paying an additional sum of $450. On this claim he settled and there laid the foundation of his present competency, and there continued to reside until 1855. He then moved to Henderson village, where he purchased another farm and there lived, energetically engaged in the vocation of an agriculturist, until 1863. It was during that year that Mr. Duval came to Wataga, where, in close proximity to the village, he had previously, in 1850, purchased 240 acres. This purchase was made long prior to the establishment of the present village of Wataga or even before the idea originated in the mind of man that a village was to be established at that place. On this 240 acres of land, which Mr. Duval had disposed of by sale, the present thriving little village of Wataga now stands. On coming to the village in 1863, Mr. Duval purchased a residence and lot and has there lived until this writing. Our subject at one time was the proprietor of 2,000 acres of land in this county. He has given the major portion of his land to his children, and at present is the proprietor of only 200 acres. Success seems to have attended his every effort in life. When he first came to this state, he had but $100, and through his own energy and perseverance, coupled with the active co-operation of his good helpmeet, together with his children, his success may be attributable. Mr. Duval was united in marriage April 2, 1823, with Miss Nancy Shumate, a native of Virginia, where she was born August 19, 1805. She is the daughter of Berryman and Elizabeth (Nelson) Shumate, natives of Virginia. Mr. Shumate was a soldier in the War of 1812. Mrs. Duval was one of a family of six children, viz: Polly, Nancy, Eliza, Lydia, William and Hiram, all of whom grew to man and womanhood. Of the union of Mr. Duval and Miss Shumate, a family of ten children, have been born: Elizabeth (Mrs. Lewis) has borne her husband 11 children, nine of whom are living -William, Hiram, James, Melvina, Thomas, Aaron, Benjamin, Nancy and Albert; William Duval married Minerva Browner, and their children are Thomas, Elizabeth, Clara, James, John C., Lewis, George, Alice, Frederick and Berryman; Martha Duval who is at present Mrs. Reed, has borne her husband the following children, Nancy, Helen, Sarah, Frances, Polly, Albert and Dora; Mary Duval became Mrs. Eli, and she and her husband have three children, Nancy, Nellie and Willie; Helen Duval married Mr. Vaughn, and their children are Lydia, Sarah L., James, John, Elmo, Dora and Benjamin; Eleanor Duval became Mrs. Gray, and their children are Frank, George, May, Septer, Edwin and Nettie; Nancy A. Duval is the wife of James Roundtree. Mr. Duval of this notice is the grandfather of 43 children and the great-grandfather of 41. The coming generation of his kinsmen, when they read the life of our subject, cannot but appreciate the energy with which he has passed through so many trials and come out so successfully. In his politics, Mr Duval is a believer in and a supporter of the principles of the Republican party, and is one of the citizens of Knox county respected and honored for what he is as well as for what he has been. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 838. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Thomas Carter Duval, son of James and Judith (Jennings) Duval, was born in Bath County, Kentucky, February 28, 1802. His father was of French descent, was born in Virginia and was a soldier in the War of 1812. Mr. Duval was reared to manhood in Kentucky, where he learned the cooper's trade, which he followed both in his native state and in Illinois. He was married in Bath County, April 2, 1822, to Nancy Shumate, who was born in Virginia, August 19, 1804, and died at Wataga, March 2, 1888. Ten children were born to them: Barryman, Elizabeth, Martha, James, William, Mary, Helen, Ellenor, Daniel J. and Ann. Ellenor (now Mrs. S. S. Soper of Wataga), who places a portrait in this volume in memory of her father, was born in Henderson Township, Knox County, May 3, 1839. She received her education in a district school, and always lived on a farm. She was first married to David Temple, and had one child, Thomas F. She was married to Mr. Soper, in Henderson Township, in October, 1861. They have five children: George T., Mary E., Septimus S., Edward D. and Nettie May. Thomas F. is a farmer in Boone County, Iowa; George T. is a farmer in Clark County, Missouri; Mary E. is Mrs. Mary E. Russell, of Wataga, Knox County, Illinois; Septimus S. is in the Klondike gold fields; Edward D. is a farmer near Wataga, and Nettie M. is Mrs. Nettie May Jacobson. Mr. Thomas C. Duval came to Illinois in 1835, settling first in Warren County, near Robinson's Point, and removing to Henderson Township, Knox County, in 1836. He brought to Illinois his wife, six children and one hundred dollars in money. He invested the money in land in Henderson Township, and his industry and good management insured success. When corn sold for a dollar a bushel he invested the proceeds in land, and, in 1869, owned about two thousand acres in Sparta and Henderson townships. In politics, Mr. Duval was a republican, and he was a member of the Christian Church. He was a good and an upright citizen, ever ready to help others with money as well as advice. He was especially lenient to his tenants, sometimes giving them a second chance if crops failed, and in one case at least, aiding a tenant who was unable to pay his rent, to weather the storm and finally secure a farm of his own. Mr. Duval was kind-hearted and true, a kind father, a good neighbor, a man whose place could not easily be filled. His death occurred in Wataga, September 25, 1890. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] MARION DYER, farmer, son of Joseph and Margaret (McClintock) Dyer, natives of Ohio, he was born in Fulton co., Ill., on Aug. 12, 1836. His early life was passed on the farm; received a common school education. Dec. 25, 1855, he married Hannah Hall. They are the parents of 5 children, of whom 4 are living. He was a soldier in the 47th Ill. Inf., and was in several battles and skirmishes. March 4, 1864, he moved to Knox co.. Was School Trustee for 8 years, and now holds the offices of Justice of the Peace and School Director. P.O., London Mills, Fulton county. |