Biography - Andrew Lindstrum
O. LINDSTRUM is one of the representative Swedish-Americans of Galesburg. He
was born on a farm near Bishop Hill, Henry county, on the 29th of May, 1873,
his father being a member and one of the founders of the Bishop Hill Colony.
At the age of thirteen years, he lost his mother and before he had seen his sixteenth summer, he was also bereft of his father. He left the farm in the fall of 1890 in quest of an education. He had chosen Knox College, located at Galesburg, for his Alma Mater, and from that institution he was graduated in the spring of 1895 when he received the degree of B. S. He was business manager of the College Annual of 1893; was president of the Gnothautii Literary Society; vice - president of the National Republican League of college clubs; major of the cadet corps, and commissioned brevetmajor of the Illinois National Guards by Governor Altgeld. He early identified himself with the Republican party and served as president of the Knox College Republican Club in the fall of 1894.
Mr. Lindstrum is a 32d degree Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner.
Mr. Lindstrum is a young man of keen intelligence and naturally the field of journalism early became attractive to him as it afforded a splendid opportunity for the development of native ability along lines in perfect harmony with his tastes. Upon the completion of his college course, he became an assistant in the organization of the Geneseo Daily Arena.
His residence in Geneseo was brief and he soon severed his connections with the Daily Arena to promote the organization of the Kewanee Daily Courier. In 1897 ne accepted the position of business manager of the Galesburg Evening Mail. This position, he filled acceptably for four years and then resigned to accept the appointment of Deputy Clerk of the County Court of Knox County. At present he is manager and part owner of the Galesburg Evening Mail.
He was appointed one of the directors of the Galesburg Public Library in 1907.
He was married on the 3d day of October, 1898 to Miss S. Winifred Chaiser. They have one son, Herbert James.
Mr. Lindstrum is a young man of sterling character and is a recognized leader among the younger element of the Swedish-Americans of Galesburg. He stands high in his community in point of energy, honesty, and integrity. He is a young man of force, who has forged to the front and achieved his success at every stage of his career.
Extracted 17 Sep 2016 by Norma Hass from the History of the Swedes of Illinois, published in 1908 by Engberg-Holmberg Publishing Company, Part 2, Knox County, pages 30-48.