Biography - C T E Johnson
T. E. JOHNSON was born and bred in Galesburg. The date of his birth was Feb.
3, 1865. Having finished his education in high school and business college
he turned his attention to the machinist's trade. For seventeen years he was
in the employ of Frost Manufacturing Co., the last ten being spent on the
road, erecting machinery for the firm. In 1903 he was appointed
superintendent of the city water works.
Mr. Johnson is a loyal and useful member of the First Swedish lyUtheran Church. He was elected several years ago on the board of deacons and also made assistant superintendent of the Sunday school. He is active in the Mens' Luther League of the church.
Extracted 17 Sep 2016 by Norma Hass from the History of the Swedes of Illinois, published in 1908 by Engberg-Holmberg Publishing Company, Part 2, Knox County, pages 30-48.