From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 321. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] ABRAHAM RAMBO, whose portrait is presented on the opposite page, is one of the influential and wealthy farmers of this section. He came to Knox County in the fall of 1842, from Gallia County, Ohio, with his father, and passed the first winter in Orange Township. They next settled on section 31, Persifer Township, which is the location of his present desirable and pleasant home. The subject of our sketch was the first in order of birth in a family of ten children. He was born in Gallia County, Ohio, Nov. 6, 1820, and was 22 years of age when he came to Knox County. His education was received in the common schools of his birthplace, but was practical, and, by observation and attention to his studies, he has become well-informed and intelligent. His father was a blacksmith by trade, but Abraham early showed a predilection for agricultural pursuits, seeing "sermons in stones, books in running brooks, and good in everything." He came to Persifer Township with his father and mother and made his home with them until the death of both parents. The date of his mother's death was February, 1849, and that of his father June 30, 1854. Mr. Rambo was first united in marriage in Persifer Township, Jan. 15, 1844, to Arvilla P. Lindsey [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Abraham Rambo marrying a Arvilla Lindsey in Knox County on January 17, 1844], and they were the parents of 13 children, viz.: Phebe S., Charles Q., David G., Sophronia, Thomas H., Almira, Robert E., Wilford M., Lorena, Minnie, Allen H., Clarke S., and one who died in infancy. Phebe S., Charles E. (above it is a "Q"), Robert and Clarke S. are also deceased. Sophronia is the wife of Allen R. Rodecap, and resides in Dade, Missouri; Almira is the wife of C. Hudson, and makes her home in Story County, Iowa; Lorena is united in marriage with Fulton McFarland, and their home is in Washington County, Iowa; Minnie resides at home; David G. lives in Washington County, Iowa, and Thomas H. lives in Taylor County, that State; Wilford's home is in Washington Territory, and Allen H. lives in the State of Iowa. Mrs. Rambo died in Persifer Township April 11, 1877. She was a most estimable woman, a kindly friend and an excellent member of society. Mr. Rambo was again married, in Altona, Ill., to Mrs. Martha (Maxey) Parkins, who was a native of Kentucky, March 9, 1880 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Abraham Rambo marrying a Mrs. Martha Parkins in Knox County on March 9, 1880]. She was the widow of L. A. Parkins, who died in Union County, Iowa, July 18, 1878. Her parents were James and Lucinda (Madison) Maxey, natives of Hart County, Ky. They came to Knox County in 1838, and settled in Persifer Township, where they died. Mr. Rambo is a large landowner, possessing 212 acres in Persifer and Knox Townships. He has always united stock-raising with farming, in which he has been successful. In 1877 he purchased the fine thorough-bred stallion "Due d'Orleans", of the Onarga (Ill.) Importing Company, at an expense of $1,800. This animal is one of the purest bred Normans in the State, and he imparts his peculiar marks of color to his progeny. He is also owner of the pure-blood imported stallion, Montaco, which he bought of Harding & Co., Bloomington, Ill., paying for him a handsome price. Our subject is an active member of the social circles in which he moves. He has filled many offices of his township, having been Constable, Assessor, Collector, Highway Commissioner, etc. He is identified with the Republican party, but is always ready to vote for the man who will labor for the interests of the people, irrespective of party. Mrs. Rambo is a highly respected lady and is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. A portrait of Mr. Rambo and a view of his elegant residence and fine stock are shown elsewhere in this work. From the October l, l903, Decatur County Journal. [Transcribed by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert, submitted by] HARVEY RAMBO was born in Green Briar County, Virginia, April, l834; moved from there with parents to Gallipolis, Ohio, and two years later to Knox County, Illinois, where on Dec. l6, l860, he was united in marriage to Martha J. Allen [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Harvey Rambo, Jr. marrying a Martha Jane Allen in Knox County on December 16, 1860]. Ten years later with his family, moved to Decatur County, Iowa, where he has since resided until his death, which occurred Sept. l7, l903. Mr. and Mrs. Rambo were the parents of ten children, all of whom survive him with the exception of one daughter, who died in Hasting, Neb., last March. Mr. Rambo made a profession of religion some years ago, and especially since the death of his daughter has he endeavored to live a Godly life. In conversation with the writer, a few weeks ago, said that he had made his peace with God. He knew at that time that his time was short on account of his infirmity. Funeral services were conducted by the writer, Sunday, Sept. 20, at the M. E. Church at High Point. A large number of relatives and friends were present. The remains were laid to rest in the High Point Cemetery. Uncle Harve, as he was known, had a large circle of friends and was a kind and affectionate husband and father, and an upright honest man esteemed by all who knew him. Chas. W. Reeder From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Submitted by Bob Miller.] SAMUEL RANKIN Page 421. From the History of Hall County, Nebraska, by Beuchler, Barr & Stough. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] ROBERT BRUCE RAY. Though not a native of Nebraska, the subject of this record has been a resident of the state since the age of three years. He was born in Knox County, Illinois, July 26, 1885. His parents were Archibald M. and Rachel (McCormick) Ray, of whom mention is made on another page of this volume, in a sketch prepared for William Wallace Ray. Robert Bruce Ray was reared on a farm and attended the country schools, later entering the high school in Tecumseh, after which he became a student in the State Normal at Peru, Nebraska, from which he was graduated with the class of 1906. For three years he successfully engaged in teaching school, and then for a time he solicited as a canvasser of books. Since 1910 he has been a salesman for the Walrath and Sherwood Lumber Company, and maintains his home in Grand Island. He took a soldier's part in the great World War, as will be seen from his record in the military chapter of this history. On January 2, 1907, Mr. Ray married Miss Mary Phoebe Sheppard, who was born near Shelby, Polk County, Nebraska. Her parents are William H. and Harriet W. (Ware) Sheppard, who were among the early settlers in Polk County and it is said that they erected the first frame dwelling in the neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Ray are the parents of three children: Harriet Rachel, born November 5, 1907; Willa Gertrude, born August 11, 1909; and Robert Bruce, Jr., born 1/2/1915. He is a member of the Masonic, B. P. O. E. and U. C. T. lodges. The family occupy a comfortable home which they own, at 324 West Tenth Street. From the 1920 History of Hall County, Nebraska, by Beuchler, Barr & Stough. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] WILLIAM WALLACE RAY. Because centrally located, together with the fact that it offers unusually good accommodations in the way of railway travel, Grand Island is a very desirable place to live in the capacity of traveling salesman. The subject of this record is one on those who have found it convenient to avail himself of the opportunities thus afforded and has made his home in Grand Island for the past seventeen years. William Wallace Ray was born in Yates City, Knox County, Illinois, October 2, 1876. His parents were Archibald M. and Rachel (McCormick) Ray, both of whom were natives of Ireland, the former born at Belfast, May 27, 1846, and the latter in the County of Antrim, August 13, 1850. They were brought to America by their representative parents when twelve years of age. They were married in Douglas County, Illinois, in August, 1874, and the father became a farmer residing in Knox County until 1888. When he came to Nebraska he settled near Bladen, and continued to be an agriculturist until his death which occurred August 17, 1897. The mother still resides on the old home place. William Wallace acquired his education in the public schools of Illinois and Nebraska, his early training being supplemented by a course in the Nebraska State Normal School, at Peru, from which he was graduated with the class of 1902. His early years in business were devoted to farming, stockraising and teaching. For the past eleven years he has been in the wholesale lumber business, and is vice-president of the Ottawa Lumber Company, which has extensive lumber interests in northern Michigan. Mr. Ray looks after the business of the firm over a wide territory, his field covering a large part of Nebraska, Eastern Colorado and Eastern Wyoming. He is also a stockholder and director in the Bladen Lumber Company of Bladen, Nebraska. At Bladen, Nebraska, December 29, 1902, was solemnized the marriage of William Wallace Ray and Miss Blanche Cather. Mrs. Ray is a native of Nebraska. She was born near Bladen, October 21, 1878. After completing the prescribed course of study taught in the public schools, she became a student in Grand Island College, from which she was graduated with the class of 1901, with the A. B. degree. The parents of Mrs. Ray were George P. and Frances Cather, the former born in Virginia, while the latter was a native of Boston, Massachusetts and was a graduate of the Mount Holyoke Seminary. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray has been blessed with the birth of three healthy children: George Cather, born November 9, 1907; Margaret Blanch, born October 2, 1911; and Frances Eleanor, born October 27, 1913. A brother of Mrs. Ray was Lieutenant G. P. Cather, Jr., who fell at Cantigny, France, Mary 28, 1918, being the first Nebraska officer to lose his life in the World War. Lieutenant Cather was a member of the First Division, Twenty-sixth Infantry, being under command of Major Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. Mr. Ray is a member of several fraternal organizations, being a Mason and has taken both the Knight Templar and Shriner degrees of that organization. His name is also found on the membership of B. P. O. E. and U. C. T. lodges of Grand Island. He exercises the right of franchise in support of men he deems best fitted for the office regardless of party affiliations. He is an ardent admirer of President Woodrow Wilson, who has just piloted the United States through one of the most trying times in its history. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 574. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Walter Redd. Orange Township has its quota of successful and well-to-do farmers, men who have attained success through individual effort, energy and perseverance, and who are in the sunset of life enjoying a well-earned competency. Prominent among the class mentioned as a citizen and successful agriculturist, residing on section 11, Orange Township, where he is engaged in his chosen vocation, is the subject of this brief sketch. Born in Shenandoah County, Va., March 27, 1820, of parents by name John and Elizabeth (Barber) Redd, he seems to have inherited his love for farming, as his father was a farmer before him, and a soldier in the War of 1812. He and his good wife, the mother of our subject, died on the old homestead in Ohio, about the year 1827, when Walter was quite young. Orphaned at an early age, the subject of our sketch worked by the month at whatever he could find to do, and was variously occupied until February, 1842. At that date he came to this county, and on arrival here, being without money, he engaged in labor by the month, and thus continued for 18 months, when he went to Knoxville, and was there employed in a flourmill for eight years, thus thoroughly acquiring the miller's trade. At the end of that time he purchased 160 acres of land in Orange Township, the same being the identical tract on which he is residing at this time, and where he has lived continuously engaged in agricultural pursuits. After arriving at mature manhood Mr. Redd became dissatisfied with the life of "single blessedness," and Sept. 12, 1844, joined the army of benedicts, Miss Frances Allen becoming his wife [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Walter Redd marrying a Frances Allen in Knox County on September 12, 1844]. She is the daughter of William and Nancy (Wilkins) Allen, and was born in Jefferson County, Ind., April 5, 1826, her mother being a native of Pennsylvania and her father of Kentucky, and both of them deceased; their demise occurring in this county. The Allen family came to Knox County in about 1836, and took up a claim in Persifer Township, where the father remained until his death. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Redd has been blest by the birth of twelve children, of which the following is a record: Benjamin F., born July 20, 1846, died in infancy; Robert H. was born Sept. 12, 1847; John W., Oct. 22, 1849; Julia and Julius (twins), Dec. 22, 1851; the latter is deceased, his demise occurring Jan. 23, 1852; Lorena was born January 12, 1854; Blanche, Sept. 1, 1855; Frank, Sept. 21, 1857; Ida M., Feb. 15, 1860; Grace, Nov. 22, 1861; Etta, May 22, 1863; Harvey, April 5, 1868, yet at home. Robert H. married Miss Melissa McDowell and is a farmer in Decatur County, Iowa; they have four children, whose names are Margaret F., William, Lora and Fred Redd. John W. married Miss Clara Barnett, and is a farmer in Nebraska; they have the following named children: Flora, Lucy, Harvey, Delia, Clyde, Albert and Luther. Julia is the wife of John F. Fink, and resides in Johnson County, Neb.; they have six children, whose names are Frances, John, Harvey, Cora, Lulu, Archie and a son not named. Lorena is the wife of Peter Hawley, and resides in Orange Township; they have one child living, named Dora Hawley. Blanche is the wife of Julius J. Maxey, and lives in Orange Township; they have four children, named Maud P., Ray, Frank and Lula. Ida M. married Park Garwood; they live in Dundee County, Neb., and have one child, named Pauline. Grace married James Mowry, and lives in Osceola, Iowa; they have no children. Etta married Frank Motter, they live on a farm in Persifer Township, and have one son, Arlass Motter. Mr. Redd has a fine farm in Orange Township, consisting of 300 acres of well-improved land. On his place he has a good, substantial dwelling, together with a barn, shed, and other necessary out-buildings, and in the prosecution of his calling is meeting with that success which perseverance and energy coupled with economy seldom fail to bring. His wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and socially Mr. Redd belongs to Knoxville Lodge, No. 66, A. F.& A. M. In politics he is a supporter of the principles advocated by the Republican party. From the 1888 Portrait and Biographical Album of Lancaster County, Nebraska, Chapman Bros. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] WILLIAM MAXWELL REED, who has been a resident of this county since April, 1875, belongs to that large class of rugged farmers who have come from the Buckeye State and assisted so materially in the development of this section of country. Mr. Reed was born in Licking County, Ohio, March 13, 1827, and is the son of Nelson and Jane (Maxwell) Reed. The mother of our subject died in her native state, leaving six children, of whom William Maxwell is the only son. The father subsequently married Mary Cockrell, and in 1852 the family migrated to Illinois and settled in Fulton County, which ten years later they exchanged for Knox County. The father finally removed to Southeastern Illinois, and continued to reside there until his decease, which occurred in 1865. The subject of this biographical notice was reared to farm life and received a common-school education, which he has broadened by reading and observation, until he is a well-informed man, abreast of his age, on the subjects of the day. On the 25th of March, 1852, he was united in marriage with Mary A. Snare, a native of Licking County, Ohio, and spent the next ten years in Fulton County, Ill., engaged in the occupation of farming. In 1862 they removed to Knox County, and on the 14th of August, of the same year, Mr. Reed enlisted in the Union Army, and was mustered into the service with Company B, 103d Illinois Infantry. He entered the army as a private, but he became a non-commissioned officer, and saw much active service in his three years' experience. He participated in the battles of Kennesaw Mountain, Mission Ridge, Atlanta and other places, and was present at the siege of Vicksburg. He was honorably discharged from the army July 7, 1865, after earning a good war record as a brave and capable soldier, and returning to Knox County, Ill., converted his sword into a plowshare, and resumed his peaceful vocation. Ten years later he sold his Illinois property, and coming to Nebraska rented land, which he operated until able to secure a tract of his own. He now owns eighty-five acres of well-improved land, provided with comfortable buildings for the successful prosecution of his calling. To Mr. and Mrs. Reed has been born a family of six children, whose record is as follows: Mahala is the wife of Samuel Walker, and Nora, of George Anderton; William D., Otis, Effie, and Huldah, the wife of Elmer Mattox. The political views of our subject find their best exponent in the Republican party, whose candidates for office he uniformly supports, while socially, as might be expected of a soldier, he is a member of Mitchell Post No. 28, G. A. R., at Waverly. From the 1912 History of Knox County, Illinois, Volume II, The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, page 903. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] A. H. Rice. A highly prosperous and enterprising agriculturist of Knox county is A. H. Rice, who owns three hundred and thirty-five acres of most productive land in Truro township, located four miles northeast of Williamsfield. To the further improvement and cultivation of this property he has devoted his entire time and energy for the past nineteen years, with most gratifying results. Mr. Rice was born in Victoria township, this county, on the 20th of September, 1861, and there he was reared in a manner, similar to other farmer lads, receiving his education in the district schools. While engaged with the mastery of the common branches, he was laying the foundation for a future agricultural career by assisting with the work of the fields and care of the stock. Naturally when he was old enough to decide upon a life vocation, he chose the one to which he felt he was best adapted, and has never had any occasion to regret his selection as he has prospered in his undertakings, and is now numbered among the substantial farmers of his community. He was an ambitious and energetic as well as thrifty youth, and concentrated his entire efforts upon acquiring sufficient capital to purchase a place of his own. His endeavors were successful, and immediately following his marriage in 1890 he settled on a place located in this county, that he operated for a year. In 1892, he disposed of this property and purchased his present homestead. Since becoming the owner, Mr. Rice has wrought many improvements that have added greatly to the appearance and value of the place. All of the buildings now standing have been erected since he came here, and he has also installed many modern conveniences and comforts, indicative of the spirit of progress that characterizes all of his undertakings. Everything about the place manifests close supervision and capable management, and the careful regard for details that invariably accompanies success in any enterprise. Mr. Rice is operating his farm in strict accordance to the modern methods of agriculture, and as a result his fields annually yield him abundant harvests that command the market's highest prices. His efforts are not entirely confined to diversified farming, much of his attention being given to the raising of stock, which has also proven to be very remunerative. He is not only a competent agriculturist but a business man of practical ideas and sound judgment, who owes his success to his tireless industry and the intelligent direction of his activities. In 1890 Mr. Rice completed his arrangements for a home of his own by his marriage to Miss Priscilla Yelm [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Alvin H. Rice marrying a Allie Yelm in Knox County on October 18, 1890], a daughter of Anderson and Priscilla (Abey) Yelm, the father a native of Sweden and the mother of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Rice was also born in Knox county in 1868. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Rice number six, as follows, Vesper M., Lester A., William F., George E., Sadie A. and Arthur. Of the seven children born to them, one died in infancy. The sons all assist their father in the operation of the farm, thus making it possible to almost entirely dispense with the need of hired help. His political prerogatives Mr. Rice exercises in support of such men and measures as are advanced by the democratic party, to the principles of which he has been absolutely loyal ever since granted the right of franchise. He takes an active interest in all township affairs, but is not an aspirant to public honors or the emoluments of office, and therefore, has never been associated with local governmental matters in any capacity save that of school director. Fraternally he is a Woodman. Mr. Rice has spent his entire life in the immediate vicinity of his present homestead, where he is well known and highly regarded, as he has always conducted himself in all of his relations of life, both public and private, in such a manner as to command the respect of his community. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] FANTLEROY RICE. Corban and Elizabeth Rice, his parents were natives of Kentucky, and Fantleroy was born in the same State on 23 Sept 1840. He received his education in the old log school-house. He has always been a farmer. He served three years in the late war, and went with Sherman from Atlanta to the sea as Division Wagon Master. He came to Knox Co in 1857. He married Mrs. Eliza A. Murray on 11 Mar 1869. He is a Republican. P.O. Altona. From the 1912 History of Knox County, Illinois, Volume II, The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, page 1007. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] John H. Rice is one of the well known business men of Williamsfield, where for many years he has been engaged in buying and shipping stock. He was born in Victoria township, Knox county, in 1854, and is a son of Foster and Harriet (Aldridge) Rice, the father a native of the state of New York and the mother of Indiana. When he was a very young lad Foster Rice came to Illinois with his parents, and the remainder of his life was spent in Peoria and Knox counties, where he engaged in farming. He was living in Victoria township, where for many years he had been engaged in agricultural pursuits, at the time of his death, which occurred at the age of sixty-seven years. Of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Rice there were born six children: Henry; Mrs. Eliza Aden; John H., our subject; George; Arthur; and Alvin. As he was reared in the country John H. Rice acquired his education in the common schools, during which time he gave his father such assistance as he was able in the operation of the home farm. When he had obtained such knowledge as was deemed essential to enable him to assume the heavier responsibilities of the fields, he left school and devoted his entire attention to the work of the fields, remaining under the parental roof for five years thereafter. At the expiration of that time he began his independent agricultural career and farmed as a renter for several years. He next removed to Missouri, but at the expiration of two years he returned to Knox county, settling in Williamsfield, where he subsequently became associated with Peter A. Sunwall in buying and shipping stock. He has ever since engaged in this business in which he has met very good success. Mr. Rice has been married three times. His first union was with Ella Goodspeed [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a John H. Rice marrying a Ella Goodspeed in Knox County on February 24, 1876], and unto them were born two children; Carl and Mrs. Maud Davis. He subsequently married Miss Hannah Hammond [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a John H. Rice marrying a Hannah A. Hammond in Knox County on February 24, 1887], while his present wife was formerly Miss Tillie Anderson, a daughter of the late Adolphus Anderson, who was a farmer in Victoria township. Unto Mr. Rice and his third wife there have been born two children, Vera and John. Both Mr. and Mrs. Rice hold membership in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and politically he is a republican. He always takes an active interest in municipal and township affairs and has served with efficiency in a number off the township offices. From the 1912 History of Knox County, Illinois, Volume II, The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, page 40. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Hon. Robert Clifford Rice, who since his admission to the bar has given his undivided attention to the work of the courts, his ability as advocate and counselor recommending him for election to the bench, is now serving as judge of the county court of Knox county, to which he was chosen by popular suffrage in 1906 and again in 1910, so that he is now serving for the second term. He was born in Berwick township, Warren county, Illinois, March 31, 1872, one of the three children of Harvey and Laura (Walker) Rice. His paternal grandfather was Reverend Robert Rice, a minister of the Christian church, who also devoted a portion of his time to farming. He became an early settler of Warren county, Illinois, where he carried on agricultural pursuits and also engaged in preaching the gospel as opportunity offered. His death resulted from the effects of injuries sustained while hauling lumber, in middle life. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Mary Iden, survived him for many years and passed away in Abingdon, Illinois, at the age of eighty-one years. They were the parents of a number of children, including Harvey, Izora, William, Perry, and several who died in infancy. The maternal grandfather of Judge Rice was George Walker, who also made farming his life work. He wedded Sarah Hedges and they became early residents of Warren county, where his attention was given to the work of the fields until his labors were ended by death when he was in the prime of life. His wife passed away when about sixty years of age. Their family numbered six children, Laura, Bird, Dottie, May and two, who died in infancy. Harvey Rice, the father of Judge Rice, spent his youthful days in Indiana and Illinois, coming to the latter state when yet a boy and reaching his majority when a resident of Warren county. He early became familiar with all the duties and labors that fall to the lot of the agriculturist and, after spending one year in Nebraska, in early manhood returned to Warren county, where he followed farming until his death. He was killed by lightning in 1875, when but twenty-nine years of age. In early manhood he had married Laura Walker, a native of this state, and the three children born unto them were: Carl, who died in infancy; Robert Clifford; and Eva, now the deceased wife of George Messplay. Judge Rice is now the only survivor of his family, although his mother is still living in Monmouth, Illinois, with the judge's stepsister. He spent his youth on the old homestead farm in his native county and through the summer months aided in the work of the fields, while in the winter seasons he attended the country schools. Later he had the advantage of a course in the Abingdon Normal College, from which he was graduated with the class of 1893. He afterward engaged in teaching in the district schools for two terms and later worked at the printer's trade on the Enterprise-Herald, of Abingdon, for a year. While thus engaged he devoted his evening hours to reading law under the direction of Judge Dennis Clark, who was judge of the county court for twenty-one years. In September, 1895, Mr. Rice came to Galesburg and entered the office of Thompson & Shumway as a student, there continuing his reading until his admission to the bar in January, 1897. The following year he began practice in Galesburg as a member of the law firm of Carney, Shumway & Rice, this association being maintained until Mr. Carney was elected mayor of the city. The two remaining partners continued together until Mr. Shumway was chosen as the chief executive of the city, subsequent to which time Mr. Rice practice alone with good success until 1906, when he was elected county judge. An excellent presence, an earnest manner, marked strength of character, a thorough grasp of the law and the ability to accurately apply its principles made him an effective and successful advocate and insured him equal rank with the distinguished men who have presided over county court. Public indorsement [sic] of the first term of service came to him with his reelection in 1910. His reported opinions indicate his legal learning and superior ability and show a thorough mastery in the questions involved, together with an admirable terseness and clearness in the statement of the principles upon which his opinions rest. On the 17th of April, 1901, Judge Rice was married to Miss Kathryn Gregory, of Bowling Green, Indiana, a daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (Carr) Gregory. Mrs. Rice was born in Bowling Green, Indiana, and her parents were also natives of that state. Her father, who served as a soldier of the Union army in the Civil War, died in 1884, but her mother is still living and yet makes her home in Bowling Green. In their family were five children, Leota, Lena, Kathryn, Bertha and Gertrude, the last two of whom are deceased. Judge and Mrs. Rice have become the parents of a daughter, Dorothy. In his political views Judge Rice has always been a republican, stanchly [sic] advocating the principles of the party, yet never allowing his political preferences to interfere in the slightest with the discharge of his official duties. He holds membership in the Christian church and his wife is a member of the Christian Science church. Fraternally he is connected with the Alpha Lodge, No. 155, A. F.& A. M. and also with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. His entire life has been passed in this section of the state, and in Galesburg, where he has now resided for sixteen years, he has made many friends, who esteem him no less for the individuality of a personal character which impresses itself upon the community than for the superior ability he has displayed in the profession which he has chosen as his life work. From the 1911 History of Wyandotte County, Kansas, The Lewis Publishing Company. [Contributed by Todd Walter. WILLIAM J. RICE. One of the stanch institutions contributing its quota to the financial prestige and stability of the metropolis of Wyandotte county is the Central Avenue State Bank, of which William J. Rice is president and which is eligibly located at 15 Central avenue, Kansas City. The chief executive of this bank is known as one of the progressive and reliable business men of this section of the state, and his various interests in Kansas City well denote his civic loyalty and public spirit. Mr. Rice was born in Spencer county, Indiana, on the 4th of July, 1860, and his advent thus justified especial celebration of the anniversary of our national independence so far as it touched the home of his parents, Robert R. and. Mary (Iden) Rice, both of whom were born and reared in Ohio, where the respective families were founded in the pioneer epoch of its history. Robert R. Rice was reared under the discipline of the basic industry of agriculture, to which he continued to devote his attention in the old Buckeye state until 1861, when he removed to Illinois and purchased a farm in Knox county, which continued to be his home until his death, at the age of about forty-five years. His widow lived to attain the venerable age of eighty-two years, and of the six children, two of whom are living, William J., of this review, was the fifth in order of birth. The childhood and early youth of William J. Rice were passed in Knox and Warren counties, Illinois, to the former of which his parents moved the year following his birth, and after duly profiting by the instructions given in the public schools he further fortified himself for the practical affairs of life by the completion of a thorough course of study in a business college at Quincy, Illinois. He early gave evidence of distinctive business acumen and he has been concerned with banking enterprises from the time he was a young man. He came to Kansas in 1886 and in the same year he assisted in the organization of the first bank in Cheyenne county, in the village of Wano, the new institution being established under the title of the Bank of Wano. The town later assumed the name of St. Francis and is now the judicial center of this county, which lies in the extreme northwestern corner of the state. Mr. Rice was made cashier of the bank, and he continued to retain this position until the 1st of January, 1894, when he disposed of his interest in the same, and for the ensuing four years he held the office of treasurer of the county. The bank was reorganized under the title of the Citizens' State Bank of St. Francis several years after Mr. Rice severed his connection with the institution, and he was one of the most influential citizens of the county until his removal to Kansas City, Kansas, in 1899. Here he was engaged in the real-estate business for five years, both as an owner and broker, and in 1904 he effected the organization of the Central Avenue State Bank, of which he became cashier at the time of incorporation, and under his able direction the institution has gained substantial standing and liberal support. He continued incumbent of the office of cashier until the 1st of January, 1910, when he was elected president, in which position he has since continued to direct the policies of the bank with marked discrimination and success. Mr. Rice is also interested in timber lands in the state of Oregon and is the owner of valuable land in various parts of Kansas, as well as of valuable real estate in his home city. All progressive measures advanced for the general good of the community receive his earnest support and he takes a lively interest in public affairs of a local order, the while he has also been an influential factor in the councils of the Republican party in Kansas. He has served as a member of the Republican State Central Committee, and in this connection has taken an active part in the maneuvering of political forces in this favored commonwealth, to which his loyalty is of the most insistent type. In 1889 Mr. Rice was united in marriage to Miss Jessie E. Hart, daughter of John W. Hart, a prominent citizen of Mifflin county, Pennsylvania. He passed away when Mrs. Rice was a mere child. The five children of this union are Ewart R., Gladys, Alice, William Ivan and Joseph Iden.
She is found in the 1870 Illinois census, Knox County, Ontario Township. She is age 34 and born in Vermont. She died 15 June 1910 in Berkeley, California, and is buried with her husband in Jefferson, Iowa.
He is found in the 1870 Illinois census, Knox County, Ontario Township. He is age 52, a farmer born in Vermont. He is living next door to his sister Frances and her husband Charles Mecham. He is found in the 1880 Illinois census, Knox County, Ontario Township. He is age 62, a farmer born in Vermont, it says both of his parents were born in Vermont. Living with the family is Peter Sweeney, a farm laborer, born in Illinois to Scots parents. He moved the family from Galesburg in 1882 to a farm in Pawnee County, Nebraska, and settled near Bourchard. In 1888, he moved them again to a farm near Mascot, Nebraska. In 1893, they moved to a farm west of Beaver City where they lived until Luther died in 1899. This farm was close to that of his son George. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] HENRY RICHMOND. Jesse and Elizabeth Richmond are both natives of Ohio, and coming west settled in Knox Co., where they had born to them on 3 Apr 1860, Henry Richmond. He was educated in Knox College. P.O. Gilson. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] H. H. RILEY, born of Kentucky parentage at Elizabethtown, Ky., Aug 19, 1821; educated in subscription schools in Crawford co, Ind.; came to Knox co. in 1833; was a member of light horse cavalry in 1834; married Amanda Mayo Oct. 11, 1842 [the Illinois Marriage Statewide Index lists a Harbin H. Riley marrying a Amanda Mayo in Knox County on August 13, 1848]; they have 1 son and 8 daughters; united with the M. E. Church in 1850; has been Collector, Trustee and School Director of Rio; is a farmer from choice. Democrat. P.O. Rio. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] FRANK L. RITCHEY. Editor of the Abingdon Express, he was the son of Samuel and Nancy Ritchey, of Kentucky, and was born in 1855, in Abingdon, IL. He was educated in the common schools of that place. When old enough her learned the printer's trade, which he has followed. In 1875, he started the Abingdon Express, of which he is now editor and proprietor. Democrat. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company.
From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] H. L. F. ROBERSON, teacher, St Augustine, is the son of Edward C. and Nancy N. (McCrite) Roberson; was born in Jefferson co., Ill., Feb 10, 1851; when young had a great desire for obtaining an education; after many hardships graduated from the Kansas Normal School in 1875 with degree of B. E.; was married Aug. 24, 1876, to Nancy Jared; have one child. Republican. From the December 22, l904, Decatur County [Iowa] Journal. [Transcribed by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert; contributed by Janice Katherine Lund.] W. T. ROBINSON died at his home in Knoxville, Illinois, last Thursday night, aged 75 years. In l872 Mr. Robinson purchased the Journal and it remained under his management until he disposed of the paper in l885. He then went to Emporia, Kansas, and purchased the Republican, but soon disposed of it and subsequently became the owner of the Glenwood Opinion which he sold at the expiration of several years. He then went to N. Carolina for the benefit of his wife's health and later moved to Knoxville. About two months ago the deceased visited his son, Scott, at Glenwood and was then in poor health. Mr. Robinson was an old time printer and had been engaged continuously in newspaper work from early manhood. He was a man of good sense and genial disposition. While residing in Leon, he gained the good will and esteem of all who knew him. Ralph Robinson , the veteran editor of the Newton Journal, is a brother. The deceased is survived by a wife, an invalid, two sons and two daughters. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the December 22, l904, Decatur County [Iowa] Journal. [Transcribed by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert; contributed by Janice Katherine Lund.] A Former Editor of the Journal Died December 8 at His Home in Knoxville, Illinois. WILLIAM TAYLOR ROBINSON was born February l5th, l833, at Washington, Pennsylvania, and died at the age of seventy-one years, nine months and twenty-three days, on December 8th, l904. He was married February 2lst, l86l, to Martha Sadler [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a William T. Robinson marrying a Martha J. B. Sadler in Knox County on February 21, 1861], at the home of her parents, now the Allen place on the Henderson Road, l l/2 miles out of Knoxville. The wife and four children survive him -- Frank, Flora and Winnie, all of Knoxville, and Scott, of Glenwood, Iowa. Of a family of nine brothers and sisters only one survives him, his brother, Ralph, of Newton (Iowa) Journal, who was present at the funeral services. His father died when he was so very young that no recollections of his father were ever possessed by him. At the early age of about ten years, he began making his own livelihood, owing to financial reverses in the family treasury, due to business ventures of his elder brothers, but who afterwards became very wealthy, --notably, Alexander, of Wheeling, W.Va., who was a leading stockholder and secretary in some of the large iron works and other industries about that city. He followed his brother, James, in an apprenticeship at the printing trade on the Washington (Pa.) Reporter, where he finished as a journeyman printer, being bound for a four year term to his preceptor, a notable editor and printer of Pennsylvania. He was the third youngest of three printer brothers, James being the eldest and John or Ralph next. James was a partner with the famous editor, D. R. Locke, "Nasby" later publisher of the Toledo Blade, in the Bucyrus (Ohio) Journal. His first position after leaving Washington was on the Intelligencer in Wheeling, where he met his afterwards partner, Zach Beatty. Later he worked in Mansfield, and then at Cincinnati on the Commercial, going from there to Peoria where he worked under a former acquaintance, Mr. Beatty, on the Daily Union, then the leading paper of that city. At the age of twenty-six, in l859, he came to Knoxville with his friend, Mr. Beatty, now deceased and whose last years were put in as editor of the Galesburg Republican-Register, and purchased of the late J. S. Winter, the Knox County Republican. He remained on the Republican until l875, having for his partner during his last years, Mr. Oscar Barnhart, whom he bought out in l874. In July, l875, he became owner of the Decatur County Journal, at Leon, Iowa, when after ten years of marked success in the management of that paper he tried the newspaper business at Salina, Kansas, with no success financially, yet there he passed a most pleasant two years and over of his life in that fast-growing and beautiful little metropolis. After leaving the Sunflower state he came to Glenwood, Iowa, where he had fair success as owner and publisher of the Opinion, and enjoyed his life among the affable people of that pleasant town. After selling out at Glenwood he had a brief experience on the Burtonian, at Tekama, Neb., but the populistic wave of '96 upset all prospects of success for his Republican paper and it was disposed of to a populist company. In l896, on account of his wife's health and others of the family being in bad health, he journeyed to the mountainous district of North Carolina, at Hendersonville,--a very different land and people from that in which he had resided so many years. At Hendersonville he bought the Republican paper, which he published very satisfactorily to all the best citizens of that section, and while his political views were not acceptable to the ex-confederates, yet some of most ultra former secessionists were personally warm friends of his. After two years in the South the subject again came to the scene of his first newspaper experience,--May, l899. The climate of the Carolina mountains proving to be too moist for catarrhal and rheumatic complaints, which was the affliction of his wife, and the associations in the North were more to the liking of the entire family, owing to their former long residence here. In his labors, he was tireless, and unhappy when he could not be at work at something, and during the last few years did the work of the best average compositor in Galesburg offices, where he was accepted as a member of the International Typographical Union, but withdrew later from active membership. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the December 29, l904, Decatur County [Iowa] Journal. [Transcribed by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert; contributed by Janice Katherine Lund.] MARTHA SADLER ROBINSON. The death of Mrs. W. T. Robinson occurred at her home in Knoxville, Illinois, Monday evening, Dec. l9, l904. Though not unexpected, the news did come as a shock to her friends in Glenwood who knew her during the time she resided here, coming as it did so soon following the death of her husband, which occurred Dec. 8, only eight days previous. The maiden name of the deceased was Martha Sadler, and she was born near Harrisburg, Penn., Jan. 2l, l837. She removed with her parents and family to a farm near Knoxville, Ill., where her childhood days were spent. She was married to W. T. Robinson Feb. l5, l86l [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a William T. Robinson marrying a Martha J. B. Sadler in Knox County on February 21, 1861], and was the mother of eight children, four of whom survive her. She was always an active woman, taking a lively interest in all public affairs until the dreaded rheumatism attacked her, and this was the indirect cause of her death. In l896, the family removed to North Carolina for the wife and mother's health, but the climate was not beneficial and they returned to Knoxville. During most of the time since they left Glenwood, Mrs. Robinson has been a great sufferer and a great portion of the time has been in a wheel chair or a bed. The true character of a person is brought out during such continued suffering and in the case of the deceased it was no exception, for during all her illness she was bright and cheerful and did much to make the home pleasant for her children and for her husband, who was always active in business. The funeral occurred yesterday afternoon at Knoxville from the family home and her remains were laid to rest beside her husband. The children were all present except L. S. Robinson, of this city, who was compelled to remain at home. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. page 743. [Contributed by Todd Walter.]
Lack of time and taste have kept Mr. Robson from an active participation in politics. He is an independent Republican, and was elected County Supervisor in 1873. He is a stockholder in the Galesburg National Bank, and is President of the Glenwood Ice Company. He is a member of the Business Men's Association of Galesburg. He is an attendant on the services of the Congregational Church. In October, 1873, Mr. Robson was married to Pamela Davis [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a John Robson marrying a Emily Davis in Knox County on October 14, 1862]. They have no children living. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] JAMES T. RODGERS. Farmer, son of John and Eliza (McMurdy) Rodgers of Ireland, he was born in Peoria County, Illinois, on 24 Aug 1838. He was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. He came to Knox County in 1867. He married on 4 May 1859. He has devoted his attention to farming and dealing in stock. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Democrat. P.O. Farmington, Fulton County. [wife's name not mentioned] From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 191. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Mary (Barber) Roe. The lady of whom this biography is written, is one of the most estimable women of Knox County, and worthy of a place in its records. She has shown much business ability, and in spite of the obstacles and hindrances that confront a woman left alone, has done nobly, and like Joan of Arc, "Redeemed her people". Her farm is situated on section 21, of Indian Point Township, and though large originally, has been divided with the children, until 74 acres as a homestead, remains to the widow, daughter of Benjamin and Nancy (Tift) Barber, who were natives of Rhode Island. Mrs. Mary Roe was born in Chenango County, near Norwich, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1815. In the year 1836, she united her destiny with Mr. Silas Roe, of Dutchess County, N. Y., who was born June 15, 1807. Their marriage was celebrated in Norwich, and they lived their six years, at the expiration of which time, they came to Illinois, locating in Knox County in the spring of 1843. They have had 12 children, and besides her own family, she has two children, which she brought up as her own. The children's names are as follows: Sarah Ann, the eldest, died when in infancy; Emily C., Silas J., Truman H., Daniel M., Mary A., Jerusha G., Pluma A., Martin E., Nancy E., Laura A., Martha J. and Elizabeth. Mr. Roe enlisted in the army in March, 1865. Being a carpenter by trade, he engaged with the Government to work at Duval's Bluff. He was never heard from after the war, and it was generally supposed that he perished in a steamship explosion in the vicinity of Vicksburg, as all inquiries failed to elicit any information as to his whereabouts. Mrs. Roe had three sons in the army, one of whom, Daniel, lost his life at Pittsburgh Landing. He nobly proved that "They never die who fall in a great cause." His death was the result of wounds. The two others were Silas J. and Truman H. The latter was in the 1st Cavalry, passed through the ordeal unscathed and went home to the waiting mother. They are still living. She has one daughter, now living in Galesburg, and one in Cass County, Iowa; a daughter in Ford County, Ill.; one in Hancock County; one in Knox County; and Mills County, Iowa; Martha E. is in Nebraska; and one in Wyoming County, Pa. Mrs. Roe and husband were congenial companions and passed together a happy married life. He was an earnest, humble, and a kind and loving husband and father, and his death was deeply lamented. Mrs. Roe was one of the early settlers of this section of country, and remembers vividly, many of the incidents of pioneer days. She entered the house in which she now lives, before it was sided or shingled. During his life, they accumulated considerable property. Their landed possessions amount to 400 acres. He was an active, earnest member of society, and watched political events with considerable interest. He was a Republican in sentiment and vote. In faith, he was a Protestant Methodist. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 401. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Truman H. Roe of Indian Point Township, was born in New York, May 19, 1839. He is the son of Silas and Mary (Barber) Roe, both natives of New York State, who emigrated to Illinois early in 1840, and is one of a family of nine brothers and sisters, as follows: Daniel, Mary A., Jerusha, Pluma, Elizabeth, Martin E., Laura and Martha. Mr. Roe, the subject of this sketch, was married Sep. 22, 1864, while in the full vigor of his early manhood, to Miss Lucinda Stephens, daughter of Richard and Nancy (Mount) Stephens. Her father was born in the State of New Jersey, August 4, 1791, and May 5, 1834, married Miss Mount, who was born in the year 1819, and who still survives him. Productive of this last union was the birth of eight children - Samuel, Harrison, Louisa, Mary S., Robert, Lucinda, Martha and Ephraim. Mr. Roe, soon after the breaking out of the late Civil War, enlisted in the 1st Illinois Cavalry, under the command of Capt. J. B. Smith and Col. Marshall, June 21, 1861, and was mustered into active service on the 9th day of the ensuing month. The only general engagement in which he took part was at Lexington, Mo. His regiment being in pursuit of Gen. Price, they followed him through Missouri, then from Sedalia, the point reached in that State, to Lexington, Mo., where their capture by Price took place. Not long after this, a discharge was granted him, also to the whole regiment, and all returning home remained three months. Following this, he returned to the army. During his experience as a soldier, he narrowly escaped being wounded a number of times, once having the spur shot from his boot heel. He served his country faithfully and with patriotic zeal, receiving an honorable discharge, July 26, 1862. Owing to the lack of proper wording in the parole granted by Gen. Price, which should have been, "Not to take up arms against the Confederate States until regularly exchanged" was not in the parole proper, consequently, when they returned to re-enter their services, about three months later, this discrepancy was discovered, and Gen. Curtis ordered the 1st Cavalry back to St. Louis, where it was discharged at the date mentioned. Mr. Roe is at the present time in possession of 110 acres of finely cultivated land, on which stands an attractive dwelling, which was erected in 1883, at a cost of $2,000. Their family circle contains five children - Oliver L., born Sept. 24, 1865; Charles W., March 1, 1867; Perry E., Aug. 10, 1869; Eva I., Oct. 11, 1871; and Flora E., June 24, 1884. His finances are in a flourishing and satisfactory state, and he is actively engaged in the raising of cereals, at which branch of his vocation he has been markedly successful. Both himself and his wife are earnest and devoted members of the Christian Church, connected with the congregation at St. Augustine, Ill. He has been School Director in his home district for the past 13 years, which he has filled acceptably to the community at large. Politically he entertains Republican views. Probably from the March 1?, 1898, Galesburg newspaper. [Contributed by Lucy.] CHARLES ROGERS Mr. Charles Rogers was born April 5, 1799, at Sharon, Connecticut, and died February 24, 1898, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Charles, near Knoxville, Illinois. He was therefore almost 99 years of age. When 6 years old he went with his grandfather from his native town to Vermont, where he remained until about 16 years of age. Thence he moved to Stockbridge, New York, where he resided until after his marriage December 31, 1830, to Miss Eliza Phillips, who survives him. The first seven years of their married life was spent at Lockport, N.Y. Their next move was still further westward into Trumbull County, Ohio, about the close of 1836. They made a final move as pioneers to Illinois, coming to Knoxville in 1844. Here they have continued to reside and here today the grave opens to receive all that is mortal of this kindly, [..unreadable word..] man for whom everyone has professed respect and a good word. It was a characteristic of Mr. Rogers to see the better side of things. This, together with an even temper, an upright character and a sincere interest in everyone he knew, won him the high regard of a large circle of friends. His life reaches back to the turn of the century and it has, therefore, been his privilege to be an eye witness as well as a participant in all the tremendous development of this the greatest of centuries. Along with others, he assisted in getting out timber for one of the very first railroads built in the U.S. It was a short line from Schenectady to Albany, N.Y. Since that nearly 160,000 miles of railway have been built in this country alone. He was born the year George Washington died. The War of 1812, the Mexican War and that of the Rebellion all occurred within his lifetime and were full of vivid personal memories to him. Excepting Washington's, Mr. Rogers has lived under the administration of all the presidents of the U.S. and has seen the population increase from 5,000,000 to nearly 70,000,000. During his lifetime also, nearly all the great missionary and philanthropic movements and organizations have spring into activity and entered upon their world wide mission of blessing. It isn't any wonder that Grandfather Rogers took so deep an interest in the progress of the world since so much of it was wrought out within the compass of his lifetime. In 1866 he united with the Presbyterian Church of Knoxville upon profession of his faith in Christ. During these years he has been a sincere Christian. As he grew older his faith grew more childlike and his heart more tender. To the very end his affectionate regard for his loved ones who ministered to him and gathered about his couch was beautiful indeed. They can never forget his thoughtfulness and concern for their comfort nor his loving farewell message to each one as he called them about him. Thus it was granted him at last as one worn and weary with life's burdens and infirmities, to sink peacefully to rest like 'One who wraps the drapery of his couch about him And lies down to pleasant dreams.' Of immediate relatives who survive him there is the faithful companion, who has shared his joys and sorrows for more than 67 years, together with 3 sons and 2 daughters, 10 grandchildren, and 4 great grandchildren. To them all he bequeaths the priceless heritage of a good name, the fadeless memory of devoted affection, and the unspeakable comfort of his simple childlike trust in God. ... The funeral services were held on Saturday afternoon at the residence of Mr. A. G. Charles, and were conducted by his pastor, Rev. W. H. Mason, assisted by the Choir of the Presbyterian church. After the services, remains of the faithful old patriarch were laid to rest in the Knoxville Cemetery. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] PITT D. ROGERS, farmer, was born in Norwich, New London co., Ct., on July 18, 1818. He was educated in the district schools and was brought up on a farm and has followed that vocation through life; came to Ohio in 1845, and to Knoxville in 1853, where he has filled the office of Alderman several terms; in 1849, he married Effie Ewalt, who bore him one child; in 1855, he married T. P. Hibbard [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Pitt D. Rogers marrying a Lavina P. Hibbard in Knox County on July 2, 1855], by whom he has had 4 children; is a member, and has for years been an officer, in the Episcopal Church. Res., Knoxville. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] S. W. ROGERS. A farmer, he is the son of Edward and Elizabeth Rogers, the former of Maryland, the latter of Virginia. S. W. was born in Ohio 15 Mar 1819. He attended the common school. He came to IL in 1837. He married Jerusha Hand and they have 5 children. Greenbacker, P.O. Yates City. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] THOMAS W. ROGERS. Dealer in agricultural implements, seeds, coal and wood. Galesburg. Taken from 1882 History of the State of Nebraska - Johnson County, by Andreas. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] SAMUEL RUSSELL, farmer and stock raiser, Section 7, Tecumseh P. O. Mr. R. was born in Lycoming County, Pa. In 1825 he removed to Illinois where he remained in connection with his present industry in Knox County until 1866, when he came here and has successfully followed it since. In 1856 he was married to Miss Jane M. Bryson, who was born and reared in Northumberland County, Pa. They have a family of four sons and four daughters, Albert, William, Margaret, John Wood, Anna, Robert, Rebecca and Arletta. Mr. R. has been actively identified with the social development of his locality. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman, page 703. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] WILLIAM A. RYAN, City Clerk, Galesburg, son of Bernard and Maria C. Ryan, born Jan. 19, 1852, in Detroit, Mich. Moved to Illinois in 1865; attended the common schools until 15 years of age, then learned the trade of boiler-making, working at it until May, 1875, when he went to the Western Business College of Galesburg, and graduated in Oct. 1875, then engaged in bookkeeping in Chicago and Galesburg; was elected City Clerk on the "Citizens' Ticket", April 3, 1877. Democrat. |