From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] WILLIAM TALBOT. Page 957. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman, page 709. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] "William Tasker, farmer, P.O., Maquon; son of Wm. and Mary (Rooke) Tasker, natives of Ringmer, Sussex co., Eng.; was born July 18, 1848, in Sussex co., Eng. His early life passed mostly on the farm. When 15 years old went to sea for three years; emigrated to America, coming to Knox co., Dec. 14, 1866. Married Eda Moore April 6, 1873. They are the parents of 3 children. Greenbacker." From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] A. B. TAYLOR. P.O. Yates City. From the Biographical Album of Johnson and Pawnee Counties Nebraska. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] FRANKLIN TAYLOR. The pioneer element of Johnson County embraces no worthier representative of its early history than the subject of this sketch. He owns and occupies a good homestead on section 18, Todd Creek Precinct, his farm comprising 160 acres of land under a thorough state of cultivation. He has seen the country around develop from an unimproved prairie to the homesteads of an intelligent community, and no man has rejoiced more at the prosperity of his adopted State. Our subject first set foot upon the soil of Nebraska in February, 1868, the year after it had been converted from a Territory to a State. He was accompanied on his journey to this county by his wife, and they went to housekeeping in a rude structure, which has withstood the ravages of over twenty years, and which still remains standing on the southeast part of the farm. Mr. Taylor, however, left this first place after occupying it eight months, and moved to the eastern part of the precinct, taking up his abode on section 6, where he purchased a tract of Government land and commenced its improvement. Becoming homesick, however, a few months later, he returned to Illinois, and lived in Knox County on his farm until the fall of 1879. Then coming back to Nebraska he purchased first eighty acres of the farm which he now owns, and subsequently added thereto another eighty acres. This he has brought to a thorough state of cultivation, and upon it has erected good buildings and set out groves, which are needed upon every farm in this part of Nebraska. He now has nearly ten acres of solid forest, from six or eight years old to twenty years, and which constitutes a very valuable piece of timber. The present appearance of the land is widely different from what it was when Mr. Taylor first looked upon it, there being then nothing larger than a blade of grass. He has also planted an orchard of four acres, find around his dwelling are all kinds of the smaller fruit trees. These are all well developed and in good bearing condition, yielding each in their season most luscious fruits for the household. The present residence of our subject is a substantial two-story frame structure, which was completed in the fall of 1880, and is finished in modern style, being both handsome and convenient. The farm fences are mostly of hedge and wire, giving to the premises an exceedingly neat appearance. Mr. Taylor of late years has given his attention mostly to live stock, and has taken a new departure somewhat from that of his neighbors, being largely engrossed in sheep-raising, keeping from 300 to 550 head. He also has a number of horses, and a goodly herd of cattle. His premises present the picture of the well-to-do and intelligent agriculturalist, who makes hay while the sun shines, and neglects no opportunity to keep himself posted upon the matters pertaining to his calling. A native of Knox County, Ill., our subject was born Dec. 17, 1840, and received a practical education in the common schools. He assisted his father in the labors of the farm, and lived at home until after the outbreak of the Civil War. On the 11th of August, 1862, he enlisted in defense of his country, in Company G, 83d Illinois Infantry, and served nearly three years, being mostly employed along the Cumberland River after the guerrillas, and gained a good insight into the privations and hardships of army life. He fortunately escaped wounds and capture, and at the close of the war received his honorable discharge, July 5, 1865. Mr. Taylor upon laying aside the implements of war returned to the peaceful pursuits of farm life in Knox County, Ill., where he lived until coming to Nebraska. In Knox County he was married to Miss Margaret Ann Stanton, the wedding taking place at the home of the bride, Oct. 10, 1866. Mrs. Taylor is the daughter of a prominent citizen of that county, whose history will be noted in a sketch of Michael Stanton, found elsewhere in this volume. Of this union there were born nine children eight of whom are living, namely: Elsie A., Clifford M., Ira C., Katie L., Irene G., Floyd F., Lora and Edith. They are all at home with their parents, and form a remarkably intelligent and interesting group. They have been given a good practical education, and will in due time take their places in the community among its most honored citizens. Mr. Taylor votes the straight Democratic ticket, and has held the various local offices, serving as Collector, Commissioner, Assessor and School Director, until he refused to have his name again brought up as a nominee. Andrew B. Taylor, the father of our subject, was born in New Jersey, Nov. 23, 1817, and when four years of age removed with his parents to Fairfield County, Ohio. He there lived until a youth of seventeen years, then took to the lakes and followed the water for a period of six years. Then migrating to Knox County, Ill., he engaged in farming, and there spent the remainder of his days. He was accidentally killed by the falling of a tree, in May, 1885, when about sixty-eight years old. He was a man prominent in his community and highly respected, holding the township offices, and positions of trust and responsibility. The wife and mother, Mrs. Philomela (Egan) Taylor, was born in Madison County, Ohio, in October, 1821, and lived there until her marriage. She was the daughter of Michael Egan, who spent his last years in Illinois. Of her union with Andrew Taylor there were born eight children, seven of whom lived to mature years. The mother passed away twenty years before the decease of her husband, her death taking place at the old homestead in Knox County, Ill., in December, 1865. Both were Universalists in religious belief. The paternal grandfather of our subject, also named Andrew Taylor, was a native of New York State, born in 1778, and migrated first to New Jersey and thence to Ohio, being one of the earliest pioneers of the Buckeye State. He was twice married, his last wife, from whom our subject is descended, being a Mrs. Bassett. He was a successful farmer, and built up for himself a good homestead out of the wilderness in Ohio. The last few years of his life were spent with his son Andrew, in Illinois, where his death took place in 1848. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] JAMES MARTIN TAYLOR. A banker in Yates City, the son of Samuel and Mary Taylor, he was born in Clarksburg, PA on 24 Mar 1844. He was educated in the public schools ant at College in Pittsburgh, PA. In youth he learned the printer's trade, then short-hand reporting. Afterwards he farmed for a series of years and finally engaged in the banking business in Yates city. He served in the United States army during the rebellion. On 18 Feb 1858, he married S. J. Davids by whom he has 2 sons. He is connected with the Presbyterian Church. Republican. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] JOHN TAYLOR. Farmer, son of John and Anna Taylor, he was born in Champaign, OH. His early life was passed on the farm. He received his education from the common schools. He moved to IL thence to MO, stayed 3 years, then moved to Knox Co. in 1848. He married Eunice Milium in 1847. They have been the parents of 12 children, of whom 8 are now living. Democrat. He has been very successful in farming. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] MRS. S. E. TAYLOR. Section 4, Lynn Twp. P.O. Galva. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] WARREN TAYLOR. Farmer. Salem Twp. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman, page 709. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] James Thomas, farmer, was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, December 19, 1824. He is the son of Enoch and Anna (Dilley) Thomas, the father of Pennsylvania, the mother of New Jersey. He was educated in the common schools; spent his early life on a farm; came from Ohio to Knox County, Illinois, in 1856; has held the offices of Justice of the Peace, member of the school board and Trustee in Victoria township; September 14, 1847, he married Caroline Creighton, by whom he has 7 sons and 3 daughters, 4 dead; has been connected with the Methodist Protestant Church since 1851. P. O., Abingdon. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 978. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] W. D. Thomas, a farmer, residing on section 2, Victoria Township, Knox County, was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, Sept. 20, 1818. His parents were Enoch and Anna (Dilley) Thomas, natives of Pennsylvania and New Jersey respectively. They came to Ohio in an early day and settled in Guernsey County, purchasing 160 acres of land, to which they afterward added about 320 acres. They had a family of 15 children, eight still living: Hannah, now Mrs. Glassner; Lucy A., now Mrs. Campbell; Martha A., now Mrs. A. L. Brooks; Mary C., now Mrs. King; William D., Enoch J., James and Ephraim. The parents remained in Ohio until the death of the father in 1857; the mother died July 12, 1882, aged 94 years. The subject of our sketch remained at home until 22 years old, and assisted on the farm and attended school. After leaving home, he went onto a farm of 80 acres, in 1841, and lived on it until 1853. He then sold out, and purchased a woolen factory, operating the same two years, then sold it and came to Illinois, by wagon, and was on the road 23 days. He settled in Knox County, on section 34, Victoria Township, and purchased 90 acres, where he lived ten years. This he sold and moved onto section 2, same township, where he now lives, and purchased 160 acres, to which he has since added 240, and is engaged in the stock business. Mr. Thomas was married to Miss Lovina Kinney, a native of Pennsylvania, and daughter of David and Mary (Shafer) Kinney. They were natives of New Jersey and Pennsylvania respectively, and came to Ohio in 1824, settling in Guernsey County. They had a family of six children, five still living - Peter; Leah, now Mrs. Davis; John; Lovina, now Mrs. Thomas; Margrett, now Mrs. Morris, lives in Des Moines, Iowa. The parents lived in Ohio until their death in 1860 and 1864 respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas have a family of twelve children, nine still living: Margrett A., now Mrs. McClanahan, has five children - Edna D., Daniel, Carl D., Franklin and Bert. John F. married Elizabeth Burch, and they have three children - John D., Ella, Sanoria. William F. married Eliza Patton; they have two children - Norris and Maud. Mary C., now Mrs. Mills, has three children - Estella, Bert and Bessie. Erastus R. lives in Nebraska; Elwood married Salome Keister; they have one child - John W.R.; Ruth, now Mrs. Guild, has one child, Ellison, and lives in Nebraska; Abraham L., also lives in Nebraska; Samuel. Mr. Thomas in politics is a Greenbacker, and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is one of the representative and solid men of Victoria Township. Taken from 1882 History of the State of Nebraska - Johnson County, by Andreas. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] E. C. THOMPSON, farmer and stock raiser, Section 17, Elk Creek P. O. Was born in Brown County, Ohio, and reared in Knox County, Ill., where he was connected with the agricultural industry until 1864, when he enlisted in Company D., Seventh Illinois Cavalry, and remained in active service until the end of the war, when he was honorably discharged. After the war he came here, and has been connected with the teaching profession, and his present industry principally since. In 1873 he was married to Miss Emma E. Nicholson, who was born and reared in Wayne County, Pa. They have a family of one son and daughter, Harriet M., and Chester H. Mr. T. has been active in the social life of his locality since coming here, and is a zealous worker in the Christian Church. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. George Wallace Thompson, was born in the Dominion of Canada, near St. Mary's, Ontario, August 9, 1850. He is the son of Robert and Theresa (Lee) Thompson and was brought up on a farm. His parents came to Knox County in 1872, and are now living on a farm near the city of Galesburg. They were born in the northern part of England, and the father in his younger days was a stonecutter.Judge Thompson received the customary instruction of the common school of his native town. Afterwards, he attended the grammar school at St. Mary's, working on the farm during summer. He then entered Upper Canada College at Toronto, and finally Toronto University, where he took a fully literary course. He graduated in 1874 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, winning a scholarship every year and a gold medal at graduation. By the labors of his own hands, he earned the means, principally, to meet the expenses of his college course. He read law while a student at college, and afterwards, with William Davis in Galesburg He was admitted to the Bar in Iowa at Fort Madison in 1875 and practiced at Sibley, Iowa, for two years. In June, 1877, he came to Galesburg, and practiced uninterruptedly in the courts of Knox County and the State, until he was elected to the office of Circuit Judge. His boyhood was passed on his father's Canada farm, which was stony and once heavily wooded. Early, he had a great fondness for books and a desire for learning. While attending the district school in winter, he borrowed books to begin the study of the classics; and while working on the farm during the day, he spend the early morning and the evening with a portion of the night in reading and study. A chancery suit, involving his father's farm, was the immediate cause of Judge Thompson's removal from Iowa to Illinois. His first co-partnership was with Mr. Davis under the firm name of Davis and Thompson. This co-partnership was dissolved, and from 1883 to 1893, he practiced alone. Then the firm of Thompson and Shumway was established, and in 1896, that of Thompson, Shumway and Wasson. Judge Thompson remained a member of this firm until June, 1897, when he was elected Judge in the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Illinois, comprising the counties of Knox, Warren, Henderson, Hancock, McDonough, and Fulton. Judge Thompson has never been an office-seeker. He has held but few offices. He was elected Alderman of the First Ward of the City of Galesburg in 1880, and held the office until 1884. He is a member of several societies and has filled important positions therein. He is a member of the Masonic Order, Oddfellows, and Knights of Pythias. He joined the Alpha Lodge of Masons in 1877, and was an officer continuously therein from 1878 to 1898. He was Worshipful Master four terms, and Eminent Commander of Galesburg Commandery the same length of time. As a lawyer, Judge Thompson has always borne a very high reputation. His fame expanded and spread by reason of his intelligent management of cases at court, and his fair treatment of witnesses on the stand. He has always been sought after for his reliability and fair-mindedness and for his superior knowledge of common and statute law. As a Judge, he is known for his quickness of decision and impartiality. He is just in his citations of points of law, and has earned the respect and esteem of both counselor and jury. As a citizen, he is kind and forbearing, and is worthy of public confidence. He is charitable in speech and act, is helpful in all needed reforms and improvements, and never withholds a helping hand from the needy and suffering. Judge Thompson is broad and liberal in his religious views. He belongs to no church, but is a regular attendant at the Baptist Church, of which his wife is a member. He is a strong republican, and has been identified with that party from the time he was old enough to cast his first vote. He was married September 12, 1884, to Hettie Linsley, who was born at Galva, Henry County, Illinois. She is a graduate of Knox College, and was Librarian in the Galesburg Public Library five years prior to her marriage. Her father, James H. Linsley, up to 1899, was Road Master of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad. With this road, he was connected for forty-six years. Judge and Mrs. Thompson are the parents of three children: Alma C., Ruth L., and Wallace L. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. Frank David Thomson, Principal of the Galesburg High School, was born one half mile west of the Lapham bridge in Truro Township, Knox County, March 6, 1864. His parents were Presson Wheeler and Mary S. (Lapham) Thomson. They came to Illinois in 1851, soon after their marriage, and settled in Truro Township, where Mr. Thomson bought a sawmill on Spoon River in 1853. He also worked a farm; and when in the later sixties the sawmill was burned, he gave his entire attention to farming. Mr. Thomson was born in Ohio; his family was of New England stock. One brother, David Thomson, was a general in the Civil War. Presson Thomson was gifted with a genius for inventing; he was greatly interested in all mechanical devices, was original in his ideas and, in his inventions, was far ahead of his time. Thus he invented a cultivator, a sulky and gangplow, a road scraper, a three-horse evener, a corn-planter and checkrow with original features which are highly commended. He is also endowed with a talent for music, and plays the violin. This musical ability has been inherited in a remarkable degree by his five sons. Mr. Thomson served for server terms as Supervisor from Truro Township. Mrs. Thomson has always been entirely devoted to her family; she is a woman of rare judgment and strong personality. Mrs. Thomson's ambition has been to see her sons well educated, and respected men. Her father, Augustus Lapham, was of Welsh and English parentage. He was born in Rhode Island in 1806, settled in Marion County, Ohio, and then cam to Illinois in 1851. He was the first Supervisor for Truro Township after Knox County adopted township organization. He had three brothers, who, like him, were teachers; two of them had attended Yale University.In 1874, the Thomsons removed to Canton, Illinois, and in the following year to Yates City, where they now live. Frank D. Thomson spent his boyhood upon the farm. He lived an active, out-door life, and enjoyed nothing better than a ramble in company with his dog, or a boat-ride on the Spoon. Like his father he, too, is clever and ingenious in mechanical construction. His mother's ambition, also, had taken possession of his mind, and he was early conscious of the desire "to be somebody"&emdash;as he often heard his mother express it. When a boy he attended the district school in Truro Township, the public schools in Canton and Yates City. During his High School course in the last named place, he studied under the principalship of Mr. W. L. Steele, now Superintendent of the Galesburg public schools. With the assistance of his brother, Leroy, Mr. Thomson was enabled to attend Knox College, receiving from that institution the degree of A. B. in 1892 and that of A. M. in 1895. When the latter degree was conferred, Mr. Thomson delivered, at the invitation of the college, the Master's Oration. During his college course he united with the Christian Church at Galesburg. By the advice and with the material assistance of Mr. Albert J. Perry and Superintendent Steel, Mr. Thomson spent two years, 1892-4, in Baltimore at the John Hopkins University, making a special study of history, political science, economics, and sociology. While fortunate in having had the assistance of willing friends, Mr. Thomson, after all, owes the attainment of his education and his successful career largely to his own industry and pluck, for he belongs to that interesting group of young men who have a mind to help themselves and the spirit to work their way. Appreciating the conditions of his own advance, it has been his pleasure to assist in his turn the brothers who have followed in his steps. Mr. Thomson's professional success has been rapid. He had charge of the village school at Douglas for three years; of the Yates City High School for two years, 1889-91, although he gained his first experience in teaching, as "Master" in the district school at Arkansas Corners, Truro Township, several years before. During the school year 1894-5, he was Principal of the Sumner School in Peoria, and then was called to the Principalship of the Galesburg High School, a position that he has held ever since. On his coming to Galesburg the "elective system" was introduced into the High School and his work, together with that of an efficient corps of assistants, has been to show that this system can be effectively operated in a High School. His idea in education has been that the school should be of the greatest service to the greatest number, and that the "elective system," when properly handled, produces that result by adapting the school more easily to the needs of individuals who need the most help. Owing largely to the success of this plan the school has increased in number from 214 in 1895 to 495 in 1899. Mr. Thomson has been successful as an instructor and as an executive and by both teachers and pupils is held in high esteem. For a number of years he has been employed as a teacher in summer institutes. He takes a just pride in the spirit of the institution in which he works. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] ALEX. THURMAN. Pages 233 and 234. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 233. [Submitted by Todd Walter.] Alex. Thurman. "A summary of the lives of many of the residents of Knox County are detailed on her records and go to show what claim may be made to genuine manhood, citizenship, and a place among the active workers in life. Among those none was better fitted to draw forth approbation than that of our subject, whose home was situated on sec. 29, Maquon Township, who followed the vocation of farming until his demise, which occurred in August, 1882. He of whom we write, was born in Highland County, Ohio, Dec. 1, 1821. His parents were John G. and Dorothy (Strange) Thurman. They were natives of Ohio and Virginia, respectively. The father was born in 1795, and died in 1859. The mother was born in 1799, and is now living with her son's wife at the advanced age of 87 years. He came to Knox County in June, 1841, and six years later, on the 26th day of November, was married. After marriage he settled in Maquon Township, where he was actively engaged in following the avocation of an agriculturalist, and there met with extraordinary success until his decease, as above stated. The maiden name of the wife of our subject was Eliza A., daughter of Mark and Fannie (Marchant) Thurman. Her parents were pioneers of Knox County, coming there as early as 1829. There they resided until their demise. Mark Thurman, the father of Mrs. Thurman, was the first Justice of the Peace in Knox County. His demise occurred Oct. 26, 1845. The parental family consisted of ten children, of whom Mrs. T. was the third in order of birth. February 14, 1820, in Highland County, Ohio, she first saw the light. She was only seven months old upon her arrival in this county, where she has lived all her life, she being one of the oldest settlers in the county. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman, of this notice, have become the parents of one child, a daughter, named Clarissa, who died at the interesting age of two years; Dec 19, 1850, being the date of her death. Since her husbands death, Mrs. Thurman has come in possession of the extensive farm of 320 acres of land, 200 of which is in a most excellent state of cultivation. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman, having lost their only child, have raised five children, all reaching the age of man and womanhood. The names of the children they have reared will be found below: Zeruial McCullock, who was five years of age when he was taken to raise; Loren E. Thurman was the next child adopted, he being only three years of age when he was taken as one of their children; Catherine Potts was raised and became the wife of Luther Moats; Nettie Hall came to their home when only 13 months old and has grown up to womanhood and is now the leading support of Mrs. Thurman." From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] ALFRED THURMAN. Pages 608 and 609. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 608. [Submitted by Todd Walter.] Alfred Thurman, deceased, came to Knox County about 1851, and for a time taught school in Salem Township, after which he worked out by the month on a farm. He subsequently formed a partnership with a Mr. Steel in the dry goods business in Farmington. This they carried on successfully for a short time, when our subject removed to Uniontown, Salem Township, where he purchased a dry goods store and remained there for four years, then returned to Farmington, carrying on this business for some months. His next removal was to Maquon Township, whither he removed his stock of dry goods, locating his store near the distillery. He remained there for some time, after which he went to Leavenworth, Kan., and one year later again returned to Maquon. During all this time he was engaged in the mercantile business. Upon his final settlement at Maquon he formed a partnership with David Housh, where he remained until his demise. Mr. Thurman was married to Barbara Housh, at Knoxville, Aug 3, 1854. She was the daughter of David and Elizabeth (Thornbrough) Housh. Mrs. Thurman was born in Haw Creek Township, Aug 20, 1836, and by this union became the mother of two daughters - Florence and Emma C. Florence M. is the wife of Benjamin S. Green, and they are at present residing in Peoria; Mrs. Green is the mother of three children, viz.: George A., Sophia B., and Benjamin J.; Emma C. died when three months old. Mrs. Thurman was again married, in Haw Creek Township, this time to William H. H. Green. Mr. Green was a native of Maryland, and settled in Maquon Township, where he and his brother purchased a distillery of David Housh, which they carried on for some years. He afterward followed farming and subsequently removed to the village of Maquon, where his death occurred Sept. 5, 1882. Mr. Green's first wife was Amanda Housh, a sister of his second. The former was the mother of two children - Sophia E. and George B. Her demise took place in November, 1870. George died in infancy. By his second marriage he had born to him three children - Harry D., Clinton B., and Annie E.; the first died in infancy. Mrs. Green is an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 967. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] Allen THURMAN; Farmer; Salem Township; born in 1823 in Highland County, Ohio. He was educated in the common schools. His parents, John and Elsa (Bales) Thurman, were born in Virginia. His paternal grandfather was Allen Thurman. Mr. Allen Thurman's first wife, Elizabeth [Truitt], who was born in Maryland about 1823, was the daughter of Littleton Truitt; she died in 1878; her parents died in Ohio. Seven children were born to them: John Allen, born October 25, 1849; Mary Ann, born March 7, 1843, died in infancy; Permilia, born May 15, 1850; Rachel, born February 22, 1853; Isaac, born September 21, 1855; and William, born March 19, 1858. In 1884 Mr. Thurman was married to Barbara Branble in Peoria, Illinois; she was born in Maryland. Mr. Thurman came to Illinois in 1833, and settled on the township line between Elba and Salem Township. Soon after his first marriage he settled on a farm in the southern part of Elba Township. His two sons, Isaac and William, are in Montana; John Allen lives in Elba Township. Mr. Thurman has been School Director of his township. In religious belief , he is a Christian. Politically, he is a democrat. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] ELISHA THURMAN, farmer, P.O. Maquon, was born July 1, 1812, in Highland co., Ohio. Parents were Thomas and Feba (Goard) Thurman, natives of Virginia. His early life was passed on the farm; he moved to Illinois in 1830, settling in Knox co., and has been out of the county only three years time since. Dec 25, 1834, he was married to Anna Hall. They are the parents of 9 children, seven are living. Was first a member of the Methodist Church, but now belongs to the Christian, which he joined in 1838 or '39. Has been School Director and Trustee. Republican. Owns 592 acres of land. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] W. H. THURMAN, farmer, son of Philip and Jane Thurman, from Virginia, was born March 27, 1822; only attended the district school a few terms. Came to Illinois in 1841; worked the first 3 years for his board and a 3-year-old colt; and the next summer for $9 a month. Jan. 3, 1845, he married Phebe Jane Thurman. He has been a member of the Christian Church for many years; has been a member of the School Board of the township. Republican. P.O., Yates City. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. Josiah Tilden is a "Green Mountain Boy." He is the son of Joseph foster and Clementine (Lyman) Tilden, and was born in Rochester, Vermont, February 14, 1830. His parents were natives of Hartford, Vermont, and were married in that town, January 16, 1828. After marriage, they lived in Rochester, until 1840, when they removed to Newbury in the same State, living there fourteen years. In April, 1854, they came to Galesburg, Illinois, where they resided until 1864. They then went to Rochester, New York , in order to make their home near a daughter who resided there. In early life, the father's occupation was that of a merchant, livestock, dealer, a wool-buyer and shipper. He was an industrious man and a good citizen.The name Tilden is common in the Country of Kent, England. At an early date, one of the "dens" or "dales" bore this name before the period of the adoption of surnames. The name is found in the will of John Tilden, of Benenden, England, recorded September 12, 1463. He was born about the 1400. Another of the name, Joseph Tilden, was one of the merchant adventurers of London, who fitted out the Mayflower, and furnished quite a portion of the means, which enabled her passengers to found and maintain the infant settlement in America. Nathaniel Tilden, with his wife Lydia and seven children, came over in the ship Hercules in March, 1634. On the list of passengers, his name stands first, and the first conveyance of land, recorded at Scituate in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, was made to him in 1628. Another of the Tilden family, Stephen, married Hannah Little, of Plymouth, whose ancestors came over in the Mayflower in 1620. One of the same name, Stephen Tilden, living in Lebanon, Connecticut, in 1724, moved to Hartford, Vermont, 1767, settling near White River Junction. He purchased a proprietor's right of four hundred acres of land for two dollars and fifty cents. Afterwards, he bought for his children several other proprietor's rights. Josiah Tilden received the customary education given in the district schools of that early day, supplemented by a course in the seminary at Newbury, Vermont. He seemed to have the ability to extract much from little, for he is a well informed and a well-educated man. After leaving school, his first occupation was clerking in the store of Freeman and Henry Keyes in Newbury, where he remained six and a half years. His work was very laborious, and his wages were small. With the greatest economy and self-denial, he scarcely saved enough to defray his expensed to Galesburg, Illinois, (a trip he had planned with a view of bettering his fortune. He came across Lake Michigan to Chicago; thence by "limited" canal to LaSalle; thence down the Illinois River to Peoria; and lastly by stage-coach to Galesburg, arriving, October, 1851, at the celebrated "Palmer House" which stood at the corner of Main and Cherry streets. After spending a little time visiting his sister, who was then Principal of the Ladies' Department of Knox College, he began to look around for employment. So poor was his success that he was on the point of returning East, when a fortunate opportunity was offered him. The Central Military Tract Railroad Company employed him to open its accounts. Before this, no books had been opened, and the papers were kept in a box in a loose condition. Thus it may be said that Colonel Tilden was the first person to open the books of what has now become the great Burlington system. On January 6, 1852, Colonel Tilden began clerking in the store of Silas and Warren Willard, situated on the southeast corner of the "Square" and Main street. He remained with them until March, 1853, when, with David Sanborn as partner, he bought the general stock of goods of William Butcher. This store was situated two or three doors east of the Willard store, and was known from the sign over the door as "Uncle Sam." This copartnership continued for two and a half years, when Colonel Tilden sold out to Mr. Sanborn, and built a modern building, twenty-five by sixty feet, the first store room then in Galesburg. It was the first building with large glass in the windows, four to the window, and was rendered attractive thereby. He continued in the mercantile business until the Civil War broke out, when he sold out to Warren C. Willard. Colonel Tilden's military record is a worthy one, and he is deserving great credit for the part he took in the War of the Rebellion. He was appointed Paymaster in the United States Army, May 27, 1863. His commission bears the signatures of Abraham Lincoln, and Edwin M. Stanton as Secretary of War. Hon. Owen Lovejoy, then member of Congress from this district, was the bearer of the document to him. During his service in the army, he paid to soldiers nearly ten million dollars. Colonel Tilden was one of eight paymasters, going on the steamer Ruth, August 4, 1863, to Vicksburg, Mississippi, with two million six hundred thousand dollars, when she was set on fire by a rebel and burned with all the money. His clerk, Simeon Martin, son of Deacon Martin, of this city, was drowned with about thirty others, among who were two paymasters' clerks, who could not swim. Colonel Tilden swam ashore, saving nothing but the clothes he had on. It was midnight, and the struggle was with fire and water, and impenetrable darkness. The rebels had offered a prize for the destruction of United States boats. To counteract this, summary punishment was meted out to all when captured, which made the attempt. Without delay, a court-martial was held and the guilty one was loaded down with heavy pieces of iron, taken to the rear of the boat and commanded to swim ashore. Colonel Tilde, during the war, had several very fortunate escapes from capture. At one time, at Springfield, Illinois, he had in the safe two hundred thousand dollars for payment to soldiers on the following day. The next morning, he was to go to the camp to disburse this money. During the night his office was broken into, and his clerks, probably chloroformed, were robbed of about three hundred dollars of their own money. Colonel Tilden says: "The largest check I ever drew was two hundred eighty thousand dollars, and many others for large amounts. I remember well, coming over from Indianapolis to Springfield one night, bringing four hundred thousand dollars in two carpet satchels, tied up with a rope. I dressed in old clothes, my clerk carrying one satchel; and I, the other, to pay soldiers mustered out, and waiting for their pay. I felt a relief when I had turned it in at the First National Bank, Springfield, to Cashier Tracy, now President of the bank. For three years of faithful service, and it might be said, for honesty and ability, he received a commission as Lieutenant Colonel, dated April 15, 1866, and signed by Andrew Johnson, President, and Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. His certificate of non-indebtedness and adjustment of accounts from the Second Comptroller of the Currency and E. B. French, Auditor, is dated, August 27, 1870. Colonel Tilden, by his manliness and upright character, has won the respect and confidence of his fellow citizens generally. In some good degree, they have tried to repay him for his services in the field. May 6, 1867, he was appointed Deputy United States Collector by William Kellogg, Collector, for the counties of Knox, Henry, and Bureau. At the end of one year, he resigned, went to Missouri, and bought 1,525 acres of land near Carthage. In the Spring of 1870, he moved there with his family and lived for twelve years. Impressed with the duty and responsibility of educating his children, he returned to Galesburg in 1882. Since his return, he was elected Justice of the Peace in April, 1884, and has been re-elected three terms, serving in that office thirteen years. He was also Secretary and Treasurer of the Galesburg Gas Company, owning stock in the same, which he sold when he went to Missouri. Colonel Tilden is decisive and unswerving in his political views. When in Vermont in 1851, he voted the Whig ticket. He has been identified with the republican party since its organization. He says: "I have voted that ticket first, last, and all the time." His travels in this country have been quite extensive&emdash; having visited more than twenty-five States. Colonel Tilden is a man of great moral worth. To his convictions and to his friends, he is true as steel. Double-mindedness is no element of his character, but firmness of purpose and stableness of action are his ruling traits. He is open hearted and franks, and despises all innuendoes and deceit. He is thoroughly patriotic, and benevolent and charitable in his dealings with his fellow-men. In his church relations, he is a Congregationalist, and was one of the fifty-one persons that organized the "Brick Church" of Galesburg. He went to Boston with Warren W. Willard to invite Dr. Edward Beecher to become their pastor. In church, city, and county, h has acted a conspicuous part, and the reward that comes from duty is his. Colon Tilden was united in marriage at Galesburg, Illinois, October 26, 1857, to Jeannette Lucretia Abbott, born in Vernon, Connecticut, June 3, 1836. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. Edward Beecher, D. D. She was the daughter of Bickford and Amelia Abbott. They have had seven children, four sons and three daughters&emdash; Emma, Edward, Alice, Jeannette, Bertrand Josiah, Joseph Abbott, Earnest Lyman, and Amelia Clementine. Emma, Edward, and Joseph Abbott are deceased. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County Page 570
From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. Joseph Tonello, pastor of Saint Patrick's Church, Galesburg, commands the eminent respect of all that know him as a priest and as a citizen. He was born in Turin, Italy, March 16, 1851. His parents were Michael and Laura Giugia Tonello. His father carried on the business of a contractor. Both parents were lovers of art and were especially proficient in music. They were exemplary Catholics, and it is told of Laura Tonello that she was able to repeat in both Italian and Latin all the Psalms, a great part of the Book of Job, the whole of Ruth, the four Gospels, and some of the Epistles of Saint Paul, besides other portions of the scared writings. Of the earlier ancestry, the majority had followed a military career; both grandfathers served under Napoleon I., and one participated in the fateful campaign against Russia. Besides the soldiers, however, this family had produced several magistrates and artists, one of whom, La Tonello, was a famous soprano in her time. One of his relatives was the well-known Italian diplomat, Michael Tonello, who was commissioned by the Italian Government to negotiate with Pope Pius IX. for the unity of Italy.The childhood of Joseph Tonello was spent for the most part at home, during the winters in town, during the summers among the Alps of Switzerland and Northern Italy. His association was with artists and with those of artistic tastes. His own favorite recreation, even as a boy, were drawing and music. Before the time came for military service, he attended the Gymnastic and Military School for seven years. His school training began with the Society of Christian Brothers, at the age of six. At nine he entered the public gymnasium at Turin, and after completing the five years' course required in that institution was admitted to the Lyceum, or College. He later became a student in the University of Turin, where he specialized in mathematics and architecture. Following his course in the university, he traveled and studied in Switzerland, applying himself now more directly to the classics, to philosophy and modern languages. He finally became a student of theology and a member of the Order of Charity. In 1878, Father Tonello was ordained a priest and settled at Domodossola. In 1879, he was made Vice Rector in the college at that place, teaching various branches until his departure for this country in 1892. Upon his arrival in America, Father Tonello was employed for a time in missionary work among the poor miners; but in October, 1893, he was appointed to the charge of Saint Patrick's, where he has since remained. In musical circles, Father Tonello fills a conspicuous place. Some of his artist friends of early days, now famous in their profession, have been brought to Galesburg because of his presence in that city. He is himself a musician of acknowledged talent, and among his numerous compositions, one in particular, "Cuba's Dream," has achieved widespread fame. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 818. [Contributed by Bobbie (Barb).] JOHN A. TORNQUIST; Carriagemaker; Altona, Walnut Grove Township, Illinois; born November 16, 1874, at Keitsville, Missouri. His father, John F. Tornquist, was a carriagemaker near New Windsor, Illinois. Mr. Tornquist was educated in the Business College at Rock Island, Illinois. He was married in New Windsor, January 25, 1895, to Hannah E. Lindstrom [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a John Andrew Tornquist marrying a Hannah Elenora Lindstrom in Mercer County on January 26, 1895]; their children are Paul A. and Wendell E. Mr. Tornquist learned his trade at his home in New Windsor, and set up business for himself in Altona, Illinois, in 1895. He is a blacksmith and carriagemaker, and turns out twenty to thirty fine buggies yearly. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 942. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] MAURICE JONES TOWNSEND; Farmer; Chestnut Township; born in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, January 23, 1859; educated in Hedding College, Abingdon, Illinois. His father was William Townsend, who was born in New York; his mother was Lodema (Jones). The father is still living in Chestnut Township; the mother is deceased. Mr. Townsend was married February 25, 1885, in Chestnut Township, to Ruth Grice [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a M. J. Townsend marrying a Ruth Grice in Knox County on February 26, 1885]; they have two children: Jessie Elvira, born March 17, 1889; and Estella Lodema, born February 7, 1892. Mrs. Townsend was born in Ohio March 17, 1858; she is the daughter of Joseph and Susan Grice. Her father is deceased. Mr. Townsend has been Collector of the township of Chestnut for two years, and is a School Trustee. He is member of the Knights of Pythias, Lodge No. 334, London Mills. In politics, he is a republican. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, pages 665, 666 Joseph E. Trovillo. Prominent among
the worthy citizens of Knox County and her enterprising and successful farmers
may be found the subject of this recital, whose personal performance is herein
given. His farm is situated on section 3, Indian Point Township In addition to
his marked success as a tiller of the soil, which under his able management is
bountifully productive, he has given his attention to the breeding of fine
cattle and swine. Among the former may be named Polled-Angus and Short-horn. His
blooded swine are grown for shipping.
From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] ELIJAH TRUITT. A farmer, he was born 14 Oct 1818 in Ross County, OH, the son of Gilley and Nancy Truitt. The father was from Georgia and the mother from Virginia. He was educated in the common school and reared on a farm. He came to Illinois in 1856. In 1842 he married Eliza Jane Taylor. They have 11 children [children names not listed]. He has been a member of the M. E. Church since 1842, and has been Class-leader for a number of years. He is a Republican. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] T. J. TRUITT. Farmer; Elba Township; born January 28, 1852, in Ross County, Ohio; educated in the common schools. His parents, Elijah and Eliza Jane (Taylor) Truitt, were born in Ross County, Ohio, in 1818, and 1822; his grandparents were Giley Truitt of Virginia, and Nancy (David) Truitt. T. J. Truitt came with his father to Illinois in 1855, and located in Elba Twp., Section 28. He removed after several years to Yates City, where his parents lived till their death in 1898. The father was school director in Elba Township for a number of years, and was captain of a military company. Mr. and Mrs. Truitt were members of the Methodist Church, of which he was a class leader for a number of years. They had a family of 11 children; Mary Jane, who was married to I. O. Gibbs; J. D. Truitt, a lawyer at Yates City; John T.; Margaret L., who married Dunaham Drake; T. J. Truitt; William F.; Harvey J.; Isaac M.; Laura E., who married John G. Grey; Joseph H.; E. E. Truitt, a physician in Maquon, and graduated at Keokuk College, Iowa. Mr. T. J. Truitt is fifth in this family and is unmarried. He is a Republican and has been School Director a number of years. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] GEORGE A. TRYON was born in Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence Co., N.Y., April 5, 1826. At the age of nine years his parents, Eber and Maria (Barber) Tryon, removed to Northern Ohio, and located on a farm, where he remained until 1852. He then came to this State, and after stopping temporarily at several different points in the State, finally located permanently in Galesburg, and in 1854 engaged in the lumber trade. Mr. Tryon was married July 27, 1857, to Miss Julia L. Whiting, daughter of Charles and Lorinda Whiting, of Lake County, Ohio. Two children, Louise and Fred. G., and two adopted children, Estelle M. and James W., constitute his family. In 1867 he started a branch lumber-yard at Abingdon, and in 1879 transferred his business in Galesburg to this point. He is proprietor of Cherry Grove Farm, consisting of 600 acres in Cedar Township, giving special attention to the raising of stock. He was the first to introduce thoroughbred Hereford cattle into Knox County. He has at present a herd of 25 thoroughbreds and about 100 grades. Mr. Tryon in religion is a Presbyterian, in politics a Republican, in temperance a Prohibitionist. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman, page 711. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] EPHRAIM TUCKER, son of Jonathan and Elizabeth, who were farmers, was born Jan. 15, 1831, in Richland co., O.; received a good education; was married to Miss N. B. Jaques, May 25, 1854, and came to Knox co. in the Fall of the same year, where he engaged in framing, and later, in manufacturing of tiles; will make of the latter, this year, about 400,000; is the owner of a large farm. Democrat. Was elected Road Commissioner in Truro township in 1860, and has since held the same office in Elba, where he now resides. P. O., Eugene. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 362. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Ezra W. Tucker, one of Knox County's most prominent and respected farmers, and a resident on section 26, Truro Township, was born in Peoria County, Ill., Jan. 4, 1839. He is the son of John and Eleanor (Metcalf) Tucker, pioneers of Peoria. Our subject was reared on a farm and educated in the pioneer school, receiving his first instruction in a log schoolhouse furnished with slab benches. He remained at home with his parents until the date of his marriage with Miss Kate Mundy, Oct. 22, 1860 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Ezra Tucker marrying a Catherine E. Mundy in Knox County on October 24, 1860]. She was born in Elba Township. After his marriage Mr. Tucker removed to Truro Township and purchased the place where he now lives. He is the owner of 110 acres of excellent and improved land, upon which he is engaged in the breeding of stock and raising of cereals. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker became the parents of six children - Nellie, Samuel B., Mamie, Lettie, Barbara and Thomas. Mrs. T. died in 1875. The second marriage of our subject occurred Feb. 28, 1877, when he was joined in the holy bonds of matrimony with Elizabeth Dugan [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Ezra W. Tucker marrying a Elizabeth Underwood in Knox County on January 28, 1877]. She was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, and is the daughter of James and Elizabeth (McMurry) Dugan. Her father died in Scotland, and she came with her mother to the United States in 1855. The first marriage of Mrs. Tucker was with Uriah Underwood, a stanch Republican, who died in the service of the United States in 1865. By this union two children were born to them - William H. and Mary E. Mrs. T. is a devoted member of the Presbyterian Church. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 404. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Henry C. Tucker, one of Knox County's prominent farmers, resides on section 35, Truro Township and was born in the same township in which he is at present residing, Nov. 9, 1855. His parents were Vachel and Jane Tucker (see sketch). He, like most farmers' sons, was reared upon the home farm, and received his education in the public schools, remaining at home until his marriage with Miss Nettie Earl, which occurred Sept. 25, 1879. Miss Earl was born in Douglas County, Illinois, Nov. 29, 1861, and is the daughter of Henry and Lizzie (Bailey) Earl, both natives of Illinois. The happy union of Mr. and Mrs. Tucker has been productive of four children - Walker, Laura B., Clarence and Otis. At the time of their marriage Mr. Tucker and wife settled upon their pleasant farm, which has been made comfortable by the erection of a desirable house and numerous other improvements. Mr. Tucker is one of the energetic young men of his township, and we bespeak for him a successful future. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman, page 711. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] Josiah Tucker, farmer, son of Samuel and Mary (Sells) Tucker, was born in Tuscarawas co., Ohio, Nov. 12, 1826; his only educational opportunities were those of the district school. He served in the United States Army as a private during the Mexican War. He went from Ohio to Michigan in 1852; thence to Illinois, in 1855. Nov. 12, 1848, he married Catherine Baughman who had 6 children; in 1862 he married Nancy Catherine Akins [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Josiah Tucker marrying a Nancy C. Adkins in Knox County on October 8, 1863], who is the mother of 6 children. He joined the Baptist Church in 1841. Republican, P.O., Knoxville. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 396. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Vachel L. Tucker is one of Knox County's progressive and practical farmers, resident on section 35, Truro Township, and one of the oldest settlers in this section of country. His success in his chosen line of industry, no less than his personal attributes, have won him a high place in the opinions of friends and neighbors. Mr. Tucker was born in Richland County, Ohio, Aug. 17, 1824. His father, John Tucker, was a native of Pennsylvania, born in 1799. His grandfather, also John Tucker by name, was born in Scotland, and came to America when a young man. He first located in Virginia, and removing from there settled in Pennsylvania, from which State he removed to Ohio, spending the last years of his life in Richland County, that State. The father of our subject was but 18 years of age when his parents moved to Ohio, in 1817, and became pioneers. He was there united in marriage with Eleanor Metcalf, a native of Richland County and a daughter of Vachel and Lucinda (Green) Metcalf. Mr. Tucker's father had given him 80 acres of land in Richland County, and he located there at the time of his marriage, remaining until 1834, when, accompanied by his wife and six children, he started for the then "Far West." The journey was made across the country with five horses and three wagons, Illinois being the point of destination. Adopting the mode of other emigrants, they cooked and camped by the way, and arrived in Peoria County Oct.12 of that year. Mr. Tucker bought a claim in township 10, east 3 north, and with his family moved into a small log structure which stood on the claim. That tract of land is now included in Brimfield Township, Peoria County, and with all the energy and hope which almost universally inspired the early settlers in their struggles and privations, Mr. Tucker began the improvement and cultivation of his land. When the Government had decided that it was ready to dispose of it, he entered his land at the Quincy land sale, and upon it soon erected a neat and handsome brick residence. There are also other convenient buildings, including a frame barn, with all the surrounding comforts that taste suggests and an ingenious hand supplies in the founding of that noblest of all human possessions - a home. John Tucker was removed to a better land in the prime and vigor of life, in June, 1850, being but 51 years of age. His wife survived him 20 years, dying in 1870. Our subject is the third child in order of birth of his parent's children, and was ten years of age when he came to Peoria County with them, and there grew to manhood, reared on the farm. He lived under the parental roof until the time of his marriage, which event was celebrated May 3, 1849, with Miss Jane Tucker [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Yachel/Vachel Tucker marrying a Jane Tucker in Knox County on May 3, 1849], also a native of Richland County, Ohio, born Sept. 10, 1830. She was not only a kind and agreeable companion, but a brave and true-hearted woman, who cheered and strengthened her husband in the undertaking of any difficult enterprise. About two months after their bridal he located on the place he now owns, and although it was wild prairie land without improvements, the pair were in no way dismayed. Their united energy and purpose gave them courage to attempt, the will to execute, and the happiness succeeding. Mr. Tucker is now one of the most prosperous men in the county. His land is fruitful, well-cultivated and carefully improved. A set of convenient frame buildings tends to make it one of the neatest and most attractive homesteads in this vicinity. He has planted fruit and shade trees, and has added to his landed possessions until he has 440 acres devoted to agriculture, and 120 acres of timber. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Tucker has been brightened by the birth of seven children - John A., Sydney E., Martha E., Henry C., Dora B., Etta M., and Burt A. John A. married Lilly Love and they have three children - Seth Clay, Leto J., Myrtle Albertie; Sydney E. married Columbus Black; Henry C. married Nettie Earl, they have four children - Allen W., Laura Belle, Clarence, William Otis; Martha E., wife of Den Eagan, lives in Elba Township; Dora married William Stewart, and lives in Nebraska; and Ella, wife of Fred C. Cole, resides in Kansas. The sons are all residents of Truro Township. In politics Mr. Tucker is a strong Republican and his first vote was cast for Henry Clay for President. Taken from 1882 History of the State of Nebraska, by Andreas. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] WILLIAM TUCKER, farmer and stock raiser, Section 18, Elk Creek P. O. Was born and reared in Knox County, Ill., and came to Nebraska in 1867. Has been actively connected with the farming industry here since. In 1868 he was married to Miss Ellen Phelan, who was born and reared in Menard County, Ill. They have a family of two sons and four daughters: Edward N., Ada R. (dead), Lottie L., Randolf S., Stella A. and Ora E. Mr. T. served in the Eighth Missouri Volunteers, Company B., Fifteenth Army Corps, Second Division, from 1861 until September, 1864; was honorably discharged. He has been active in the social life in his locality since coming here. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. Hon. John James Tunnicliff, lawyer, son of Nelson and Mary (Smith) Tunnicliff, was born in Penn Yan, Yates County, New York, March 17, 1841. His father was a merchant and son of John Tunnicliff, who was one of the early settlers of Herkimer County, New York.The educational advantages of Mr. Tunnicliff were of the better kind. After receiving the rudiments of his education in the public schools of his native town, he was placed under competent instructors and fitted for a more advance course of study. He entered Hamilton College, located at Clinton, Oneida County, New York, and graduated with high honors in 1863. Immediately after graduation, he took a course in the Albany Law School and was admitted at the Bar in 1864. He then came West and entered the office of Judge D. G. Tunnicliff at Macomb, Illinois, where he remained until he came to Galesburg in September, 1865. His first partnership here, in the practice of law, was with the late Thomas G. Frost, one of the leading lawyers of the state, under the firm name of Frost and Tunnicliff. This partnership continued until 1871, when it was dissolved by the removal of Mr. Frost to Chicago. This firm had a large and extensive practice in the counties of Knox, Warren, Henry, Mercer, and Henderson, and also had many cases in the Supreme Court of Illinois and some cases in the United States Court. Mr. Tunnicliff has been called to positions of honor and trust, which is an evidence of the confidence of the people in his ability and integrity. At the general election in 1872, he was elected State's Attorney for Knox County, and was re-elected five successive times, holding the office until 1892, a period of twenty years, and then declined a re-election. He was elected Mayor of the City of Galesburg in April 1895, and held the office until 1897. Mr. Tunnicliff ranks high as a lawyer, and when he was State's Attorney, he prosecuted several criminal cases of national notoriety. He prosecuted John Marion Osborn for murder, who was hanged at Knoxville, March 14, 1873, (being the first and only criminal suffering capital punishment in Knox County. He also prosecuted the notorious "Frank Rand," known as the "Bandit of the Wabash," who was sentenced to the penitentiary at Joliet for life, where he tried to murder the Deputy Warden and afterwards hung himself in his cell. Mr. Tunnicliff holds no official position at present. He is engaged in the practice of law; the firm name being J. J. and G. Tunnicliff. As a citizen, he has lived a life above reproach. He is esteemed as a man of stern integrity, consistent in his views, wise and discreet in judgment. He is affable towards all, and with friends, frank and familiar, without the appearance of affection. In religious faith he is Presbyterian. His political creed is republican. Mr. Tunnicliff has been twice married. He was first wedded July 4, 1866, to Catherine Ludlow Burrows, who was born at Avondale, Ohio; died April, 1871. By this union, one son was born to them: Fredrick B. He was married a second time January 23, 1873, at Saginaw, Michigan, to Margaretta Willoughby Duffield, daughter of Rev. George Duffield, D. D., late of Detroit, Michigan. To them were born three children: George Duffield, Augusta Willoughby and John J., Jr. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman, page 711. [Picture contributed by great-great grandson Wayne Marschinke; text contributed by Bob Miller.]
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 457. [Contributed by Bob Miller.]
Israel Turner, who is passing the sunset of life on his fine farm on section 32, Orange Township, where his years have been spent since coming to this county in that most independent of all callings, farming, was born in Chester County, Pa., March 22, 1812. He is the son of Henry and Susanna (Halderman) Turner, natives of the Keystone State and of German ancestry. The father was born April 2, 1790, and the mother May 18, 1781. They were married when the father was but 19 years of age, and the vocation of the former was that of a stone mason. Our subject enjoyed no educational advantages, except such as were afforded by the district schools. He continued to reside in the parental household until 1838, when, hoping to better his financial condition in life, he started for the West, making his location in this county. Prior to this time, however, he hired out as a boat hand, when 16 years of age, and was thus occupied for three years, when he engaged to learn the brick mason and stone cutter's trade, following the same until he came to Knox County. Prior to coming here, however, he was engaged in the erection of bridges on the Schuylkill Canal, and also for the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company. On Mr. Turner's arrival in this county, he was so favorably impressed with the lay of the land and its productiveness that he concluded to make it his permanent abiding place. He immediately entered 240 acres of land, and in 1840 settled on the same, a portion of it being located on section 32, Orange Township, where he is at present residing. At the date of his settlement the land was in a wild condition, none of it ever having brightened a plowshare, but Mr. Turner had faith in the future development of the country, and engaged energetically in the cultivation and improvement of his land. There he continued to live and labor until Feb. 13, 1844, when, coming to the conclusion that a helpmate was necessary to enjoy the competency which he considered at that time he had acquired, namely, a good title to his land, he joined the army of benedicts by uniting himself in marriage with Miss Lucinda E. Hammond. She is the daughter of George and Elinor (Taylor) Hammond, and was born in Sidney, Kennebec Co., Me., Feb. 5, 1826. Her mother came to Galesburg, Ill., in 1843. Of the union of Mr. Turner and Miss Hammond 11 children have been born -- Elizabeth E., Oct. 9, 1844; she became the wife of Michael Enwright, April 14, 1865, and they live in Akron, Colo., and have become the parents of three children, one of whom is deceased. Henry W. Turner was born May 4, 1846, and still enjoys a life of single blessedness; Hamilton J., born June 10, 1848, married Anna R. Grimm, and lives in Orange Township, having become the father of four children; Israel F. was born Sept. 21, 1850, and took to wife Anna E. Howerter, with whom he is residing in Orange Township; Anna E., born Jan. 1, 1853, became the wife of Henry A. Howerter; they have an adopted child and reside in Fulton County. Isaac P., born Oct. 2, 1855, died Oct. 1, 1876; Willoughby F., born April 1, 1858, died Jan. 26, 1877. Abraham L. Turner, born Jan. 16, 1861, joined heart and hand with Hattie C. Haynes, Nov. 2, 1882, and they became the parents of two children, who are deceased; they live in Akron, Colo. Elnora C. was born March 1, 1864, and departed this life May 2, 1885; Lenora A., born March 1, 1864, is a twin sister of Elnora; Otis Grant was born Feb. 6, 1867. Israel Turner is respected for his sterling worth and integrity, and no man can point to a page of his life's history which is darkened by a wrong act against his fellow man. Those who know him will testify that he was never known to turn a deaf ear to true charity, and was always willing and ready to enter into any and all enterprises which were for the good of the community in which he lived. His success in his chosen vocation is attributable to his own energy and perseverance, coupled with the active cooperation of his good helpmate. Since making settlement here he has, on two or three occasions, visited his native State. He has also walked the streets of the capital of the nation, and traveled through the Canadas and many of out Western States. He commenced life a poor boy, with nothing but an abundance of determination and enterprise, and has worked his way up on the ladder round by round, until he has reached his present prominent position in the community. In his younger days he drove horses on the towpath along the Schuylkill and Union Canal, and was afterwards Captain of a boat on the same. This was prior to attaining his 20th year, after which he learned the trade of his father and was thus engaged for a considerable length of time. He cut stone for the foundation of the First Congregational Church of Galesburg, in 1843, and also helped to finish the stone for the old Seminary, which stood on the public square where the Union Hotel now stands. He also assisted in the preparation of the stone and mason work of many other structures, which now adorn the busy and thriving city of Galesburg.
Our subject and his wife have lived together for upward of 43 years in this township, working hand in hand, with but one interest in common. They have reared a large family, and in their declining years occupy a pleasant home, where plenty sits in the lap of contentment and happiness is found by the family hearthstone. They occupy a high position among the citizens not only of Orange Township, but of Knox County. They are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and politically Mr. Turner is a Republican. We take pleasure in presenting, in this volume, portraits of this excellent couple. |