From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Submitted by Bob Miller.] AMOS HALL. Pages 260, 261, and 262. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] CYRUS M. HALL; Farmer and Merchant; Yates City, Salem Township; born April 6, 1833; educated in the common schools. His father, Chaney [Chauncey] Hall was born in Vermont; his mother, Sarah (Richards) Hall, was born in Ohio. His paternal grandparents, Samuel and Silence Hall, were born in Vermont. His maternal grandfather, Joshua Richards, was born in Pennsylvania; his maternal grandmother, Rachel (Clary) Richards, was born in Maryland. Mr. Hall's first wife, Rhoda A. Sherman, was born July 3, 1834; died January 29, 1894. They had one child, Cyrus Elmer, born January 28, 1856. Florence E. Winslow, a grandchild, lives in Lincoln, Nebraska; she has one child, Sylvia Eileen, born May 26, 1899. November 8, 1894, he married, in Galesburg, Mrs. Lyda M. Buffum, who was born August 24, 1844, in New York; her parents were James and Sarah J. Jobes; her first husband was Matthew Buffum, a farmer, who was born in 1831, and died in 1891; her mother is living, aged eighty-nine. Mr. Hall has been Supervisor, Justice of the Peace, Assessor, and Road Commissioner. He conducted a hotel at Galesburg, and at Lincoln, Nebraska. In early life he was in the Mercantile and Agriculture Implement business. In 1856 he originated a cultivator, which is very extensively used at the present time. In politics he is a Republican. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Submitted by Bob Miller.] LT. JOHN HALL. Pages 589 and 590. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] HARMAN HALL. A farmer, he is the son of John and Sloma (FREEMOLE) Hall, the former of Germany and the latter of Pennsylvania. He was born in Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, on 14 Aug 1857. He spent his youth on a farm and attended the district school. In 1866, his parents removed to Nashville, TN, thence to Sandusky, Ohio, in 1867, thence to Knox Co, IL. In 1873, the subject of this sketch went to Nebraska, but returned to Knox Co in 1874. P.O. Maquon. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] VINTON HALL. Son of John and Sarah (BARTON) Hall of Virginia, he was born in Jackson County, Ohio, on 10 Sept 1823. He moved to Iowa and came to Knox County, Illinois, in 1847. He married Elizabeth Smith on 13 Aug 1844. Eleven children have been born to them and there are nine living. Mr. H. was reared on a farm and attended common schools. He is a Republican. P.O. Hermon. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company.
Years have brought changes; but in large measure, the men and women of our Atlantic border still retain love for the Bible, faith in popular government, and the determination to follow conscience at whatever cost, which animated their fathers. As the sons and daughters of the Puritans have moved westward through New York, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, and still on to the "bluffs which beetle over the blue Pacific," they have reproduced in the churches and town which they have founded the same glorious characteristics which marked the communities on the rock-bound coast of New England. Of this stock, in Fairlee, Orange County, Vermont, on April 13, 1809, was born Royal Hammond. His father, Calvin Hammond, was a farmer, and carried in his given name a reminder of the stern and uplifting views of divine truth which his fathers and his descendants fed upon. His mother was Roxana (Field) Hammond. Of her, we know but little; but if we may judge the mother by the child, she must have been a woman of pure and devoted life. One thing we do know, that it was her hope that her son might be a minister of the Gospel. Six years after Deacon Hammond was born his father removed to the Western Reserve in Ohio. He settled at Bath, a town twenty-four miles south of Cleveland, in a region called New Connecticut. This section of the State is noted for the great men it has produced, and here, in the healthful labors of the farm and the prosecution of his studies, the boy grew to manhood. People who name their home-land New Connecticut, would be likely to have good schools, and Mr. Hammond studied in those which were located near his Ohio home. First, in the common schools, then in Talmage Academy, he studied, and, as his health did not favor further study, he entered on his life task. He was for a time a teacher in the public schools. While yet a young man he was superintendent of the Sabbath school and deacon of the Congregational Church in Bath. The religious element in his character, thus early evidenced, was strong until the last. He always conducted family worship, was eager for revivals, and felt all departures from Christian faith like personal injuries. In business life, he was noted for integrity, industry, and economy; a triad of virtues often associated. In Bath he was a merchant in company with his cousin, Horatio Hammond. When he came to Illinois, with the intention of settled on a farm, he drove a flock of fifteen hundred sheep. All his movements exhibited energy and wisdom, and presaged for him a successful life. Next to a man's home training, perhaps to even a greater extent than that, his marriage decides his destiny. In Chesterfield, Massachusetts, lived, in the early forties, Mr. Rufus Rogers and wife, Evangelia (Booth) Rogers. Into this home came six sons and two daughters, one of whom was Emeline [Rogers], who afterward. For almost sixty-two years, was the comfort and inspiration of Mr. Hammond's life. Mr. Rogers was a carpenter and builder. In 1837 he moved to Bath, Ohio. By this circumstance these two lives were brought into contact. Mrs. Rogers was a member of the Congregational Church in Massachusetts. Her husband united with this church in Bath. In 1837 the Rogers family moved from Massachusetts to Ohio, and on May 24, 1838, Mr. and Mrs. Hammond were married. Six years later they moved to Illinois, settling on a farm in Ontario Township, Knox County, where they lived for six or seven years, when they moved to Galesburg, which was thereafter their home. In Galesburg Mr. Hammond clerked for Levi Sanderson one year. In 1851 he engaged in business for himself, carrying on the first exclusive grocery store in Galesburg. When about sixty-five years old he retired from active life and occupied himself with the care of his property and the religious interests of the community until his death, at nearly ninety years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Hammond were always identified with the Congregational Church. At Bath, Ontario, and Galesburg, they were earnest and devoted adherents of this communion. But, though loyal church people, they never substituted that loyalty for fidelity to Christ, and Mr. Hammond's later years were saddened by the inroads of worldliness in the Church he loved and served so long. In early life, Mr. Hammond was a Whig; his led him naturally to the republican party, and in this he found his political home, until the abolition of slavery. He then wished that party to free itself from the lodge and saloon, and when it appeared hopeless to obtain such results in the party of Sumner and Lincoln, he united with the American party, and during his latter years, voted with that and the prohibition party. It was because of his interest in these two causes, opposition to lodges and saloons, that he had so deep an affection for Wheaton College, to which he left generous gifts in his will. There was a personal element in this regard for Wheaton College also. Mr. and Mrs. Hammond were life long friends of President and Mrs. Jonathan Blanchard, for the ties of Christian love which were so strong during life have not been loosened by the departure of one and another, but still remained firm and unyielding to the last. During the later years of his life, Mr. Hammond with his wife traveled quite extensively. They spent on winter in California, one in Florida, and a summer in Wyoming. Several times they made journeys to Ohio and New England. The present never lost its interest to them, as is the case with some elderly people; but they kept in touch with the social, religious and political world. They gave to the local churches where they worshipped, to the Sabbath school work, to the Mission Boards and to Wheaton College. During the winter of '98 and '99, Mr. Hammond remained quietly at home in Galesburg. The writer saw him only a few weeks before his death. He seemed very well; but ninety years is a long march and he was weary. The prevailing disease, LaGrippe, attached him and he had not sufficient strength to left to ward it off. Very quietly and gently he passed away, while his life companion sat with aching heart and could not accompany him. Mr. and Mrs. Hammond will be tenderly remembered by all who have enjoyed their friendship. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 366. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] DAVID HANNAH, living on section 7, Elba Township, is the subject of this biographical notice. He is the son of Jane and Sarah (McKinney) Hannah, natives of Scotland and Indiana respectively. They were married and settled in Elba Township, where he died March 19, 1852. The wife survives him and is the mother of six children - Catherine, William C., James R., David, Mary and John T. David was born in Elba Township, Oct. 12, 1847. The subject of our sketch has lived in Elba Township since Oct. 12, 1847, with the exception of two years spent in Iowa and two in Missouri when he was quite young. He has received a common-school education and has always been engaged in agricultural pursuits. He was married in Haw Creek Township, Feb. 6, 1873, to Miss Olive E. Harshberger [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a David Hannah marrying a Olive Harshbarger in Knox County on February 6, 1873], daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Housh) Harshberger, natives of Ohio and Illinois, of German ancestry. They reside in Haw Creek Township. The family consisted of seven children, viz.: Lenora, Alice, Olive E., Delmer, May and Ednor; a daughter Amanda, is deceased. Olive E. (Mrs. Hannah) was born in Haw Creek Township, May 27, 1853. Our subject and wife have become the parents of four children, viz.: Harry C., Olive P., Icel G. and Delle L. In politics, Mr. Hannah is a staunch Republican, and he upholds that party with all the zeal in his power. Mr. H. is the owner of 325 acres of land, much of which is in a tillable condition. He is engaged quite busily in buying and raising stock, and in this particular line of business he is exceedingly successful. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 511. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Joseph Harris, deceased. Among the early settlers of Knox County, whose industry and enterprise have contributed to its development and growth, Joseph Harris, now deceased, is worthy of honorable mention and remembrance. He was born in Montgomery County, Ohio, at Centreville, April 17, 1827, and was the son of James and Rebecca C. (Jennings) Harris. He was raised in his native state and came to this county in 1853, buying land in Elba Township, and was engaged in farming there until 1869, when he moved to Abingdon and engaged in the mercantile business, still, however, retaining his farm. In addition to the carrying on of farming operations, he was also moderately engaged in the growing of cattle. He continued in the mercantile business up to within a short time of his decease, which occurred April 20, 1883. Mr. Harris was married Sept. 19, 1854, at Rochester, Illinois, to Miss Matilda C. Hart, daughter of Finney and Jane (Quinn) Hart [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Joseph Harris marrying a Matilda C. Hart in Peoria County on September 9, 1854]. Mrs. H. was born near Eaton, Preble Co., Ohio, August 6, 1829. Of this union, two children, a son and a daughter, were born, both residing with their mother at Abingdon; Mary E., the daughter, having been born April 1, 1856, and Israel J. Oct. 24, 1857. Mr. Harris was Justice of the Peace in 1856-7, and was Trustee of Abingdon College several years. Politically, he acted with the Republican party, but was not a strong partisan. He and his wife were members of the Christian Church, as are also the present members of the family. The son, Israel, now carries on the farm and is a stock-grower. His father, Mr. Harris, of whom this is a biography, was of English descent, and the parents of Mrs. Harris were natives of Georgia. The family is one of the most respected in the county and among its most useful and valuable people. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 373. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Charles W. Harrison. Standing out in bold relief on the records of Knox County is the name of our subject, who is a farmer residing on section 1, Copley Township, and who, for enterprise and energy, has no superior. Possessed of that "push" which is the larger element in the success of a life, he has made his way despite many drawbacks, and stands high above the trivial crosses and losses of the world. Mr. Harrison was born in Ohio, May 16, 1837. His parents, Alfred and Margaret (Cherington) Harrison, were natives of Virginia and Ohio respectively. They were engaged in the retired and peaceful vocation of farming, "shut in from the world outside," and to their home came seven children, our subject being the third in order of birth. He remained at home until the age of 27, working on the farm and attending school. In 1862 he enlisted in Company K of Colonel A. C. Harding's regiment of Illinois Volunteers, which was afterward commanded by Col. Smith, now Judge of the Circuit Court of Knox County, and was in the army three years. He was engaged in the second battle of Fort Donelson and was Commissary Sergeant of Company K, and at the expiration of his term of service was honorably discharged. He came to Illinois with his father in 1855, and settled in Copley Township, on section 24, where the latter died in 1866. His mother died in Ohio in 1846. At the close of the war Charles W. returned to Illinois and lived on the old homestead until 1868. He then purchased the farm of 160 acres where he now lives, and in 1869 moved onto the same. This he has improved and cultivated, fencing and modernizing and making it convenient and desirable. In 1869 he was united in marriage with Miss Ellen Knapp [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Charles N. Harrison marrying a Nancy E. Knapp in Knox County on May 18, 1869], a native of Copley Township, and to them were born two children - Charles C. and Eliza N. Mrs. Harrison died in April, 1871, and Mr. Harrison contracted a second marriage, Nov. 8, 1883, with Miss Laura L. Hankins [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Charles H. Harrison marrying a Laura L. Hankins in McDonough County on November 7, 1883], daughter of Jeremiah and Polly A. (O'Neil) Hankins. She was born in McDonough County. Her parents were natives of Indiana and Kentucky, and came to Illinois in 1835, settling in Brown County. The father engaged in the pottery business and employed a large number of men; as it was the first enterprise of its kind in that section, it created something of a "boom." He finally sold out his business and moved to Mercer County, where he entered upon mercantile pursuits and was thus engaged for two years. He next went to Galva, where he engaged in hardware business, and in 1871 went to Macomb, and pursued the same calling in which he had been engaged in Galva. He still resides at Macomb, where he is a leading business man and a substantial citizen. Mrs. Harrison taught school eight years. She was a graduate of the class of 1866 at Galva. Mr. Harrison, in politics, is a Republican, and has held the office of Road Commissioner in the town where he lives. Both himself and wife are useful and consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the doctrines of which faith they zealously uphold, having gained possession of the "pearl of great price." By his marriage with his second wife, Mr. Harrison has had one child, named Bertha. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 360. [Submitted by Pat Thomas.] Jacob H. Harrison. Among Knox County citizens of noteworthy repute and substantial worth of character stands the subject of this brief personal history, whom we take pleasure in citing as an example of worthy industry and honest labor. His home is situated on section 24, of Copley Township. He has an extensive interest in landed estates and is engaged in raising and breeding fine stock, at which he is unusually successful. His barns, out-buildings and other late improvements are as convenient and well-finished as any in the county. His residence is neat and handsome, and his homestead includes 378 acres of land. Mr. Harrison is the son of Alfred and Margaret (Cherington) Harrison, natives of Virginia and Ohio. Their family included seven children, as follows: Betsey, William, Wesley, Mary A., Jacob H., Delilah and Margaret. Mrs. Harrison died in Ohio, in October, 1846, and the father came to Illinois in 1855, with his family, and settled in Copley township Dec. 24 of that year, and there he remained until removed by death, Jan. 11, 1865. Our subject remained at home while a young man and attained the age of 22 years before leaving the parental roof. He was of much help and comfort to his father, who missed sorely his strength and counsel when he was gone. In the interval between youth and early manhood, he had attended the district school, and with a heritage of intelligence and perseverance made the best possible use of his time until he became a well-informed young man. In 1864, Mr. Harrison, feeling himself called upon to defend his country's honor with his strong right arm, and feeling that indeed "humanity with all its fears, with all the hopes of future years, was hanging breathless on her fate," enlisted in Company A, 36th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and went forth to fight for the flag. He figured actively in the battles at Spring Hill, Franklin and Nashville, and was honorably discharged at the close of the service. When he came back to Illinois, he settled on the farm which he has since conducted to its improvement and the satisfaction of everyone concerned. At the present time his affairs are in a flourishing condition, and he values the land at $45 per acre. Mr. Harrison joined the army of benedicts the 18th of December, 1884, being admitted to their ranks by the fair hand of Wilmetta Levalley [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Jacob H. Harrison marrying a Willemette Levalley in Knox County on December 18, 1884], the daughter of George C. and Eliza (Miles) Levalley, natives of New York and Indiana. They came to Illinois in 1852, settling in Henderson Township. There they remained for a short time and then came to Copley Township, where the father still lives on section 24. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison have one child, a son, by name Paul J. Mr. Harrison is Republican in politics, and has held many of the local offices of his section; he has been Road Commissioner and may be counted as one of the most reliable men of the entire section. He belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church, which belief he supports financially and by profession. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 299. [Submitted by Todd Walter.] J. B. HARSHBERGER is one among the prominent farmers of Knox County, as well as one of its most worthy citizens. He is interested in stock raising and dealing, and his home is located on Section 15, Haw Creek Township. He has also been quite a prominent man in public affairs, and has filled the office of Road Commissioner a number of times. His homestead comprises the south half of section 15, and on it he has erected a neat frame house, convenient and modernized out-buildings, and made comfortable the entire property. Mr. Harshberger was born in Highland County, Ohio, May 5, 1819, and is the son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Beckner) Harshberger, both natives of Virginia. In the fall of 1835 they emigrated to Knox County, but previously went from Virginia to Ohio, the date of their removal not exactly known. When they came to Illinois, they settled in what is now known as Haw Creek Township, and bought the patent title to the same quarter-section now occupied by our subject. Here they remained up to the date of the father's death, which occurred in 1874, the mother having previously departed this life, closing her eyes to things of life three years before. They lie side by side on the home farm. "They were one in life and in death they were not divided." The gentleman of whom we write is one of eleven children, nine boys and two girls. He was married Oct. 5, 1849, to Mary Housh [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Jonathon B. Harshbarger marrying a Mary Housh in Knox County on October 5, 1848], daughter of David and Elizabeth (Thornbrugh) Housh, and to them have been born seven children - Lenora C., Leah A., Olive E., Ida D., May L., Amanda and Edna L. Lenora C. and Amanda are deceased. The mother of these children belongs to a family of 13, who all lived to attain the age of man and womanhood but one. All were married and founded homes on their own. The ancestry on both the father's and mother's side of the house were German, but the descendants were American by birth. Both Mr. Harshberger and wife are members of the United Brethren Church, are consistent Christians, and ever ready to unite heart and hand in forwarding any enterprise for the good of their fellow men. In politics he is a Greenbacker. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 290. [Submitted by Todd Walter.] DAVID H. HARTSOOK is of the firm of Hartsook & Walker, merchants at Maquon. He came to Knox County in June, 1851, emigrating from Madison County, Ohio, and engaged in the milling business at French Creek, Elba Township, with Richard Morris. In this branch of business he continued until 1857, at which time he removed to Haw Creek Township, settling on section 35, on land which he had previously purchased. Upon this place he remained for 12 years, in the meantime engaging extensively in farming. Subsequent to this he removed to the village of Maquon, which he has since made his home. In 1871 he engaged in the mercantile business, in partnership with L. H. Butcher, under the firm name of Hartsook & Butcher. They continued in this business for 15 months, when our subject bought out the interest of his partner and for four years carried on the business alone, when he took into the business his son-in-law, H. J. Pierce, and the firm was known as Hartsook & Pierce. This partnership existed until 1881, at which time Mr. H. sold out his interest, and two years later, on the death of Mr. Pierce, took his place in the store again, where he has since remained. Their stock consists of dry goods, boots, shoes, etc., and is a valuable concern for this section of the country. Mr. Hartsook was born in Frederick County, Md., the date of his birth being May 26, 1824. He remained in the State of his nativity until 12 years of age, when he went to Madison County, Ohio, at which place he resided with his elder brother. In that county he learned the blacksmith trade, which he followed until June, 1851, the date of his emigration to Knox County. Mr. Hartsook was married in Windham County, Conn., June 9, 1846, the lady being Nancy Sherman, who was a daughter of Elisha and Nancy (Cook) Sherman. Her parents were natives of New England, where they resided until their deaths. Mrs. Hartsook was born in Foxboro, Mass., June 3, 1827, and has borne her husband seven children, five of whom are living, namely: Ellen D., Susan J., Ann H., David S. and Charles E. Those deceased are Orson N. and Emma. Ellen Hartsook is the wife of Joseph McComas, and they reside in Iowa; she is the mother of three children, bearing the names of Emma, Warner and Seymour. Susan Hartsook is the relict of H. J. Pierce, and is residing in Maquon; her only child is named Charles D. Ann Hartsook has for a husband C. A. Walker, and they are residents of Maquon; they are the parents of one daughter - Anna P. David Hartsook married Lizzie Green, and they also have one child - a son, David H. Charles E. Hartsook married Lizzie Swigert, and they are residents of Scott County, Kan.; their one child bears the name of Vera. Mr. and Mrs. H., of this sketch, are identified with the Christian Church, and in politics he is a firm supporter of the Republican party. His parents were David and Helen (Harding) Hartsook. They were natives of Maryland, the former being of German and the later of English ancestry. They both died when our subject was quite young. The members of their family were six in number, viz.: Henry E. H., Mary E., Cass A., Ellen, Haward D. and David H. From the 1883 History of Kansas by Cutler. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] M. H. HASKINS, physician and surgeon, and dealer in drugs, medicines and druggists' sundries, under the name of Haskins & Hodges. They opened trade in the fall of 1879 and carry a general stock of $2,000. The doctor first located at Empire, McPherson County, in 1877, where he practiced medicine until 1879. He was born in Knox County, Ill., February 22, 1852. His parents moved with their family to Emporia, Kansas, in 1855; the family, after living there for some time, returned to Farmington, Ill., living there and in Page County, Iowa. His father, B. F. Haskins, became president and trustee of Amity College, at College Springs, Page County, Iowa, for six years, then returned to Victoria, Ill., and preached for thirteen years. The subject of this sketch entered Knox College in 1869, and remained some time as a student. He commenced the study of medicine in 1872 with Dr. J. R. Corbus, of Amboy, Ill., and graduated from the Chicago Medical College in 1875. He has since practiced medicine. He married, in the fall of 1875, Miss Mary L. Pierson, of Amboy, Ill. They have two children - Harry E. and Laura. He is a member of Amboy Lodge No. 179, I. O. O. F.; also Canton Lodge of A. F. & A. M., No. 197, and of McPherson Chapter, McPherson, Kansas. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company.
Mr. Hawkinson has lived a busy life, and in business, has been uniformly successful. His first venture in the bakery extended through more than twenty years, and he built up one of the largest and most flourishing establishments in the city. He has always striven to make his enterprise worthy of praise. He is a thoroughgoing man in everything to which he turns his hand. He is intelligent, a great reader, and entertains clear and decisive views on questions of government, religion, and philosophy. He is temperate and calm in his judgments, and is not easily driven from his position when once taken. He is honest in his dealings with men, and upright in his daily walk and conversation. Mr. Hawkinson has never held or sought office. He is a director in the Commercial Union Grocery, and is now a director in the Cottage City Hospital. To the latter, he has given a great deal of interest and much valuable time. His charity and benevolence are shown in the fact that he is one of the largest donors to this most important and necessary institution. He has also aided other worthy causes. In political affiliations, he is a republican, but his partisanship is never offensive. He belongs to the party because he believes in its principles. Mr. Hawkinson was never married. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] MONS HAWKINSON. Sect. 13, Galesburg Twp. Galesburg P.O. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] OLOF HAWKINSON. A farmer, and son of Hawkin and Hanna (Anderson), he was born in Sweden on May 7, 1837, and was educated in the common schools in Sweden. His early life was passed on a farm, and he chose farming for a livelihood, in which he has been quite successful. He came from Sweden to Knox Co. in 1856. He married Louisa Erickson, and they have 3 sons and 2 daughters. He joined the Lutheran Church in the old country, and is a Republican. P.O. Galesburg. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company.
In 1856, Olof Hawkinson emigrated to America. He landed at Boston and thence came direct to Galesburg. For seven years he labored steadily, at the end of which time he found himself, by his industry and thrift, the possessor of one thousand dollars. But his fortunes soon experienced a serious reverse; for the bank in which his money had been deposited suddenly collapsed, and the young man was left penniless. However, he was not to be daunted even by so severe a blow; he set himself more earnestly at work and gradually came to be recognized as a substantial and successful businessman. At various times, Mr. Hawkinson was associated with the following firms: W. L. Roseboom and Company, broom corn, Chicago; Hawkinson and Willsie, livery; and Olof Hawkinson and Company, lumber. He was one of the organizers of the Bank of Galesburg, and conducted an extensive stock-raising business in Nebraska. In 1883, he was elected Supervisor, served as Alderman of the City of Galesburg, having been elected on the liberal ticket, and was a member of the District Fair Association. He was a member of the Order of Knights of Pythias, and was a prominent member of the Swedish-American Old Settler's Association. Mr. Hawkinson always responded freely to the demands of public enterprise. At the building of the Santa Fe Railroad, he contributed liberally and assisted in raising funds. His donations in private charity have been generous, and he gave material aid to the Nebraska sufferers at critical times. In religious belief, Mr. Hawkinson was a Lutheran; in politics he was a republican. March 22, 1862, Olof Hawkinson was married to Lousia Ericson. Six children were born to them: Emma, William, Minnie O., Henry W., Fred A., and Elmer E. Mr. Hawkinson died March 28, 1896. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] Captain Asa Haynes was born in 1804, in Dutchess County, New York. He was of Scotch-Irish parentage, his grandfather, Enoch Haynes, having come to this country early in its history, together with a brother, William, who settled in one of the Carolinas. The mother of Asa Haynes died while her son was an infant, and he was cared for by an older sister. At nine years of age he was "bound out," but six years later he rejoined his father, who was "coming west." Clinton County, Ohio was their destination, and here the boy helped clear the farm and shared in the toll and hardship of pioneer life. Now and then in the winter time he was sent to school for a brief term, but he received altogether not more than thirteen months of such instruction. At the age of twenty-two, he, together with an older brother, purchased a farm, and four years later, October 7, 1830, Mr. Haynes was married to Miss Mary Gaddis, of Fayette County, Pennsylvania. She was of Irish descent, was a noted beauty, and there were many suitors for her hand. She proved a devoted wife, and cheerfully bore her part in the common burdens of the time. In 1836, Mr. and Mrs. Haynes removed to Knox County. They occupied nineteen days upon the trip, in almost continuous rain, finding the rivers greatly swollen, and reaching their journey's end only after much discomfort and danger. They began their residence in Illinois in a log cabin of one room, located in Section 30 of Orange Township, where Mr. Haynes had purchased three hundred acres of land. The enterprise of Asa Haynes was equal to the opportunities afforded by the undeveloped country. Soon after his arrival he started a brick yard, and in 1840, built a saw-mill on Brush Creek. His appreciation of the advantages of education is evidenced by the fact that in winter he opened a school in his own house and taught it himself. In 1843, he built a large frame barn - the largest in the county at the time. The "raising" was an historic event; with only three exceptions, every man in Knox County was present to assist. The next year saw the erection of a fine two-story brick house of twelve rooms, which is still standing. The lumber for the barn and the brick for the dwelling had been manufactured by Mr. Haynes himself; most of the furniture was constructed on the spot, a competent workman having been secured for the purpose. A large number of hands were employed upon the place, until it seemed more like a colony than a farm. Sheep were kept to supply the wool needed for clothing, and a tailoress was hired for six months every year to cut and make the homespun suits. With such a spirit of ambitious enterprise Mr. Haynes prospered, and performed his part in the development of Knox County. He was County Commissioner and Supervisor for several years. Mr. Haynes was one of the celebrated "Jayhawkers" of 1849, and in that year, crossed the plains as Captain of the company from Monmouth. He was a republican and during the Civil War was outspoken in the expression of loyal sentiments, and was several times threatened by the notorious Knights of the Golden Circle, though without effect. For many years, he was a noted stock-raiser, having been the first to introduce the spotted China hog, and one of the three men who first brought short-horn cattle into Knox County. He was one of the founders of the Knox County Agricultural Society. At one time, Mr. Haynes owned nearly one thousand acres of land in Orange Township, five hundred acres in Iowa, and two fine farms in California. In religion, he was a Protestant Methodist. He died at the old homestead in Orange Township, March 29, 1889. Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Haynes: Clark, deceased; Margaret; Elizabeth; Anna M, deceased; Nancy; Mary E; Charles A; and Elery, deceased. One son and one daughter live in Kansas; two daughters are living in Missouri, and one daughter lives in Orange Township, near the old home. [Contributors Note: As of 2001, the Asa Haynes home is still standing and is occupied. The barn referred to burned in 1997.] From the Thursday, July 12, 1906, Daily Republican-Register, Galesburg, Illinois. [Contributed by Patti Smith.] "Death of Ellen Hickey" "Mrs. Ellen Hickey died at her home six miles south of Galesburg at 1:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon of an illness dating from November last. Ellen Godsil was born in County Cork, Ireland, March 3, 1850. She came with her parents to Galesburg about thirty-three years ago [the Godsil family is found on the 1870 Federal Census, and may have arrived as early as 1864]. On April 18, 1880 she was united in marriage with John Hickey who died January 5, 1902. Mrs. Hickey is survived by the following children, Kathryn, Frances, John and Lawrence, living at home and Ella, Mrs. Margaret Dooly, Mrs. W. J. Moriey, Mrs. Mary Moriarity and Mrs. Anne Edwards, all of Chicago. A sister Mrs. Margaret Scully and two brothers, Patrick and Michael Godsil reside in this city. During Mrs. Hickey's illness she was attentively cared for by her pastor Rev. Father Doubleday. The funeral service will take place at St. Patrick's church Friday morning at 10:00 o'clock. The internment will take place in St. Joseph's cemetery." From the Tuesday, January 7, 1902, Daily Republican Register, Galesburg, Illinois. [Contributed by Patti Smith.] DIES FROM INJURIES SUFFERS AGONIES TO THE LAST John Hickey, a farmer living near Saluda, was struck by a C. B. & Q. train Friday and terribly injured. When the train struck him he was hurled a distance of some twenty feet to the east of the track against a board and barb-wire fence. Here in a dazed condition he remained all night clawing the wire fence in his delirium with such a fierceness that his hands were torn into shreds. The bitter cold of the night also affected him, for his hands and feet to the wrist and ankles were frozen as stiff as a rock. Unable to survive the shock of the terrible injuries he died about 4:15 o'clock Sunday afternoon [January 5, 1902] at the city hospital. Hickey came to Galesburg Friday afternoon and left for home on the passenger train to walk to his home about two miles east of here. No one saw the accident but everything goes to show that he was struck shortly afterwards by one of the many trains that pass that way during the night. Found Next Morning Suffering was Intense He was in frightful condition. His clothes were very badly torn, both his hands and feet were frozen stiff to the wrists and ankles; his hands were torn and scratched almost into fringe by his struggles in the barb-wire fence; his face also was scratched and cut., and he was terribly bruised about the knee and other places on the body. His left hip was dislocated, the pelvis being fractured. Dr. Maley dressed his wounds and worked on him to draw the frost out of his extremities. He was made as comfortable as possible, but is necessarily in great pain. His wife and daughter, Maggie, are with him. A messenger was sent for them as soon as Mr. Hickey was found, and they arrived shortly afterwards and accompanied him here on the special train. Henry Burns and Michael Kennedy neighbors of the family, came up also on the same train. Constant efforts were made to keep him alive, and various heart stimulants were injected into his body. On Saturday night he rested fairly well, although showing constantly that he was suffering terribly from the pain in his hands. Sunday morning his restlessness increased markedly, and all efforts to give him relief finally proved futile. Change for Worse Appears Further Facts of Accident Inquiry by the coroner's jury into the death of John Hickey, which was finished Tuesday afternoon in the Circuit Court room, failed to determine from what ___ he received the terrible bodily injuries which he was suffering when found on the CB&Q right-of-way near Saluda last Saturday morning. The verdict of the jury was simply that he died from his injuries and from the shock of freezing. The deliberation of the jury did not occupy much time. The jurors decided that from the testimony given it was not satisfactorily shown that Mr. Hickey was struck by a railroad train, and they returned the following verdict: "Deceased came to his death from injuries received and from the shock of freezing on the right-of-way of the CB&Q Railway Company." Sketch of Mr. Hickey He was born in Limerick, Ireland, in 1841, and came to this country when about 13 years of age. He first came to Chicago, where he lived for a number of years, being married to Ellen Welch [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists John Hickey marrying Helen Welch in Knox County on March 23, 1856]. Soon after this marriage he came to this county and purchased the farm on 120 acres near Saluda, where he lived until the time of his death. In his earlier years he was an active farmer, and he achieved much success in that work. His wife died about twelve years ago, and he was afterwards married to Miss Ellen Godsill of this city [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists John Hickey marrying Ellen Godsil in Knox County on April 8, 1880]. The deceased was a member of St. Patrick's church of this city. By his first wife there survived him six children - Mrs. C. G.(Mary) Morriety, Mrs. N. F. Ratty, Mrs. W. J. Maxly [the mother's obituary states Morley), J. R., and Ella and Margaret Hickey , all of Chicago, and James of Sacramento, Cal. By his second wife there survive John, Lawrence, Catherine, and Frances of this city. The funeral services were held from St. Patrick's church Tuesday morning at 10:30 O'clock. The interment was in the new Catholic burying grounds [St. Joseph's Cemetery]. The body of Mr. Hickey was taken form the rooms of Kimber & West Monday to the home of Edward Sculley, 888 Abingdon street. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] CHARLES HITCHCOCK. A grocer, the son of John and Hannah (Ryer) Hitchcock, and was born in Westchester Co, NY, which was also the native place of his parents. His early life was spent in Saratoga Springs, dividing his time between school and working in a store. Later in life he spent some time at running an engine, and afterwards embarked in the grocery business. He married Mary A. Williams on 8 Sept 1869, by whom he has had two sons and 1 daughter. Republican. P. O. Douglas. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] HENRY HITCHCOCK. Division Supt. of the C. B. & Q. R. R., he was born at Old Deerfield MA on 25 May 1816. His parents were Henry and Betsey (Kimberly) Hitchcock. His father and he were born in the same house. For many years his father farmed at the old homestead. He received his education in the common school and academy at Deerfield. Till the age of 24 he worked on his father's farm. During the following 6 years he was agent of the Rutland and Burlington R.R. at Chicago. On 9 Jan 1856, he moved to Galesburg and was appointed Asst. Supt. of the C. B. & Q. In 1866, he became Division Superintendent, which position he has held to the present time. His religious views are those of the Congregational denomination. He is now one of the Trustees of the First Congregational Church of Galesburg, and a Trustee of Knox College. He is a director of the Second National Bank, Galesburg. He was married June 9, 1841 to Miss Martha Arms. They have had three children, but have lost two. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 971. [Submitted by Pat Thomas.] Samuel G. Holyoke was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 27, 1824, and was fourth son of William and Lucy (Greenleaf) Holyoke, of early Massachusetts families. The senior Mr. Holyoke brought his effects to Knox County in 1837, and here carried on farming and wagon-making. He learned wagon-making while young, and carried it on in Cincinnati several years. He made the first wagon ever constructed in Knox County. The old man died in 1867, aged 68 years, and his widow followed him in 1876. Samuel G. was educated at Knox College; learned to be a mechanic while a boy and worked at farming; started a wagon-shop in 1842 in Galesburg; carried it on till 1855, and made the first covered carriage ever constructed in this county. In 1871-72 he engaged with G. W. Brown as wheel-man, and, as such invented the machinery for making the kind of wheels now used in the famous Brown Corn-Planter. Since 1878 he has been at the head of the pattern department of G. W. Brown & Co. and is recognized as a workman of extraordinary skill. He was married in Knoxville Township June 2, 1847, to Miss Amanda L. Hoag [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Samuel Holyoke marrying a Amanda Hoag in Knox County on June 2, 1847], of Otsego, N. Y., and has two sons - James E., collecting agent for the C. B.& Q. R. R., Hastings, Neb., and Rev. Edward O. Holyoke, in charge of the Baptist Church at Pittsfield, Mass., a position of high rank in that great denomination, and one to which he was called immediately upon leaving the seminary. The subject of our sketch is a brother of Hon. J. M. Holyoke, who represented Knox County three terms in the Illinois Legislature, and is now (1885) Enrolling Secretary of the Colorado Senate. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 940. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] Mrs. Sally A. (Booton) Hopkins; Chestnut Township; born in Jackson County, Ohio, February 17, 1832; educated in the common schools. Her father, Laban Booton, was born in Cabell County, Virginia, February 17, 1809; her mother, Catherine (Shoemaker), was born in Ohio June 6, 1812, and died January 29, 1861. Her maternal grandparents were John Shoemaker and Sally (Woulfberger), the latter a native of Pennsylvania. Her paternal grandfather was Laban Booton; he was of English descent; her paternal grandmother, Nancy (Davis), was born in Wales. Mrs. Hopkins taught school about seven years, and received her first certificate from Judge Sanford, of Knoxville. December 7, 1865, near Hermon, Illinois, she was married to Thomas Hopkins [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Thomas Hopkins marrying a Sarah A. Booton in Knox County on December 27, 1865]; they had four children: Willie G., born September 3, 1866, died March 18, 1870, Rosa D., born August 25, 1868; Mary C., born November 24, 1870; and Frank L., born May 4, 1873. Rosa D. married John E. Davis. Mr. Hopkins was born in Glenmorganshire, Wales, January 4, 1831; his parents, Griffith and Mary Hopkins, died in Portage County, Ohio. Mrs. Hopkins came to Illinois in 1836, and lived in the township of Chestnut, afterwards residing about ten years in Peoria, when she returned to Chestnut Township, where she and her husband resided until the time of his death, August 23, 1895. Mr. Hopkins was Supervisor of Chestnut Township, Road Commissioner, Assessor five years and School Director fifteen years. He belonged to the Odd Fellows in Hermon and Peoria, and was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. He enlisted in Company M., Fourteenth Illinois Cavalry, and was mustered out in August, 1865. Mrs. Hopkins owns a farm of one hundred and sixty acres, which she and her son are managing, on Section 4, Township of Chestnut. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company.
In 1877, Mr. Housel removed from Akron to Galesburg, where he lived until 1880, when he went to Peoria. In 1887-88 he lived in Altona, Knox County, Illinois, where he managed a farm, and in 1889, he returned to Galesburg, and entered upon his successful career as contractor and builder. Mr. Housel has built many of the finest residences and most conspicuous public buildings in Galesburg. Among the latter may be mentioned the Marguette Building, the Dick Block, the Craig and Johnson buildings on Main Street, the Central Congregational Church, the Universalist Church, the Knox Street Congregational Church, and the remodeling of the First Methodist Episcopal Church. Nor have Mr. Housel's labors have been confined to the demands upon his skill in the town where he resides. He was the builder of the annex to the County Alms House at Knoxville, and of the annex to the State Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb at Jacksonville. At present he is engaged in the erection of a Presbyterian Church at Davenport, Iowa. Mr. Housel belongs to the Modern Woodsmen of America, and is one of the Knights of Pyrthias. In 1878, he became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, he is a republican. June 1, 1880, Mr. Housel was married to Lenora Cunnings. Her father, L. B. Cummings, was a veteran of the Mexican War, and one of the gold hunters of 1849. Upon his return form California, in 1852, he settled on a farm near Altona. Mr. and Mrs. Housel have three children: Ralph B., Alice Maree, and John Frederic. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 772. [Submitted by Todd Walter.] ALONZO MARION HOUSH; Farmer and Dairyman; Abingdon; born September 29, 1856, in Haw Creek Township; educated in Maquon; his parents were: James O., and Eliza (Strong) Housh; his grandfather was David Housh. He was married February 6, 1879, at Prairie City, Illinois, to Ella Barlow [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Alonzo M. Housh marrying a Ella Barlow in McDonough County on February 6, 1879], daughter of Samuel Barlow, of Warren County; they have one son, Glenn Yguerra. Mr. Housh was brought up on a farm, and after his marriage lived in Haw Creek Township, where he had one hundred and eighty five acres of excellent land. In 1893, he went to Abingdon, and engaged in the insurance and real estate business; since February, 1898, he has been a dairyman. Mr. Housh has been a breeder of fine horses, and owned, in 1856, Byerly Abdallah; he now owns Zuleka Patchen. He is a successful business man. Mr. Housh is a democrat. He is a believer in Christian Science. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] Andrew C. Housh. A dealer in stocks and notes, born in 1834 in Indiana. His parents were David and Elizabeth Housh, the former a native of Kentucky and the latter of Indiana. He received a common-school education, and his early life was passed on the farm. He was married to Miss A. E. Ouderkirk on Nov. 11, 1857 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Andrew C. Housh marrying a Adeline E. Ouderkirk in Knox County on November 10, 1857]. They are the parents of two children. He removed from Indiana to Illinois. He has been Alderman for three years, Road Commissioner for nine years, and School Director for a long term of service. He is a Greenbacker. P.O. Maquon. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 789. [Submitted by Todd Walter.] ANDREW C. HOUSH, banker, Maquon, is the son of David and Elizabeth (Thornbrough) Housh. His father was a native of Kentucky and of Dutch ancestry, his mother of French and Irish. They settled in Putnam County, Ind., where they lived until 1836, when they removed to Knox County. They made a settlement in Haw Creek Township, where the father engaged in farming and became one of its leading men. Here his demise occurred in the latter part of May, 1879. His widow still survives and resides at Maquon. Their family consisted of twelve children - Joseph M., Mary, James O., Rebecca, Jacob C., Barbara, Joshua, Lilly A., Elizabeth, Daniel M., Eveline and Amanda. Andrew C. Housh, of whom we write, was born in Putnam County, Ind., Oct. 16, 1834, and was therefore in the second year of his age when his parents came to this county, in 1836. He remained at home, assisting his father on the farm, until he attained the age of 17 years, after which he was employed by his father in teaming and in the distillery. He had learned the trade of distilling, at which occupation he worked for 12 years, at the same time following the occupation of a teamster. His education was very limited, being acquired in the common schools. In the year 1863, he, in company with his father and two brothers, bought out the mercantile interest of Alfred Thurman (see sketch of Mr. T.), Maquon Township. They continued together in this branch of business for ten years, when our subject bought out the entire concern. He conducted it for about four years, when he disposed of it and soon afterward engaged in the banking business, and also in the handling of stock, in which branches of business he is still engaged. Mr. Housh is the proprietor of 530 acres of fertile land, located in Maquon Township, and which is under a very high state of cultivation. He is also the owner of village property in Maquon, besides 500 acres of fine farm land in Nebraska. He is an extensive dealer in stock, and is numbered among the most successful and prosperous agriculturalists and business men in the county of Knox. At Knoxville, Nov. 11, 1857, our subject was married to Adeline Ouderkirk [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Andrew C. Housh marrying a Adeline E. Ouderkirk in Knox County on November 10, 1857], daughter of Peter F. and Elizabeth (Fink) Ouderkirk. Her parents were natives of New York state and of Dutch ancestry. They arrived in Knox County in 1835, and settled in Maquon, afterward removing to Haw Creek Township, at which place their demise occurred. The father died in 1846, and the mother in 1863. The family consisted of six children - John, Samuel, Adeline, Caroline, Polly and La Fayette. Adeline E. Ouderkirk, wife of our subject, was born in Onondaga County, N.Y., Feb. 28, 1835, and was an infant of eight months when her parents came to Knox County. Samuel Ouderkirk enlisted in the 86th Ill. Vol. Inf., and served three years. He was in several engagements, the most important being the battle of Shiloh. Mr. and Mrs. Housh have been blest by the birth of two children - Emma F. and E. La Fayette. Emma is the wife of Frank P. Hurd, the present Supervisor of Maquon Township, being elected April 6, 1886. Mrs. Hurd has become the mother of two children - J. Clinton and Addie L. La Fayette Housh is the husband of Leonia Libolt, also residents of Maquon, and is associated with his father in the banking business. The senior Mr. Housh has been Township Clerk, Commissioner of Highways and School Director. He has also been a member of the Town Council. He is a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, and in politics is a Douglas Democrat. He belongs to Maquon Lodge, No. 530, A.F. & A.M. The father of Mr. Housh was in the War of 1812. As one of the leading and representative men of Knox County we place the portrait of Mr. Housh in this ALBUM. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 947. [Submitted by Todd Walter.] ANDREW CLINTON HOUSH, son of David and Elizabeth (Thornbrough) Housh, was born October 16, 1834, near Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana. The progenitor of the Housh family settled in Virginia, where grandfather Adam Housh resided till he removed to Kentucky and located near Louisville. Farming was his vocation, and politically, he was a democrat. There were born to him and his wife seven sons and four daughters: The sons were John, Andrew, Adam, George, Jacob, Thomas, and David. Both Adam Housh and his wife lived to be very aged; she died in Kentucky. David Housh, father of Andrew C., was born in Kentucky and removed to Putnam County, Indiana. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Rebecca (Gibson) Thornbrough of the same State. The father of Joseph Thornbrough was a Quaker; Rebecca Gibson was of Welsh descent. David Housh came to Haw Creek Township, passing through the place where Maquon now stands, July 3, 1836. He was a prosperous farmer, and one of the leading men of his township. In politics he was a democrat, and held various township offices. He died at the old homestead in May, 1879, at the age of eighty years. He owned at the time of his death about two thousand six hundred acres of land. In religious belief he was a Universalist. He served in the War of 1812, though only twelve years of age, doing guard duty in one of the frontier forts of Indiana. Later he participated in many Indian skirmishes in his vicinity. He came to Illinois when Knox County was mostly a wilderness. Mrs. David Housh yet lives at the age of eighty nine years, having been born near Greencastle, Indiana, March 1, 1810. David and Elizabeth Housh had thirteen children, seven of whom are now living: Mary, Rebecca, James O., Andrew Clinton, Elizabeth, Daniel M., and Eveline; all of them have been devoted to agricultural pursuits. Mr. A. C. Housh was educated in the common schools of Knox County, and was brought up on the farm. In the year 1858, with his father and three brothers, James O., Jacob C., and Daniel M., he entered upon the mercantile career in Maquon. They also engaged in the stock business and farming on a large scale. They had a general store, the largest in Maquon. A few years later he bought out his partners and conducted the mercantile business alone for several years, selling out in 1896. He opened a bank in 1884 called the "A. C. Housh Bank of Maquon," which he has conducted to the present time. He also owns and manages about fifteen hundred acres of farming land in Knox County, and also owns two farms containing three hundred and twenty acres in Nebraska. In politics he is a democrat. He has been Township Clerk, Commissioner of Highways, School Director and a member of the Town Council. He is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, A.F. and A.M., Lodge No. 530, in Maquon. He is liberal minded in all things, and is worthy the esteem and confidence of his fellow citizens. Mr. Housh was married at Knoxville, November 11, 1857, to Adeline Ouderkirk [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Andrew C. Housh marrying a Adeline E. Ouderkirk in Knox County on November 10, 1857], daughter of Peter F. and Elizabeth (Fink) Ouderkirk. Mr. and Mrs. Housh have two children: Emma F. and E. La Fayette. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Text contributed by Joan Achille; portrait contributed by Todd Walter.]
From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 532. [Submitted by Todd Walter.] JAMES O. HOUSH. Tracing the history of Knox County, and examining the origin of many points in its growth, we find as its support and help the names of many good and worthy men, who aided in its foundation and assisted in its progress. Among them stands prominently the name of our subject, who resides at present on section 22, Haw Creek Township, and who is one of the important factors of its prosperity. Our subject is the son of David and Elizabeth (Thornbrough) Housh (see sketch of A. C. Housh). He was born in Putnam County, Ind., Sept. 10, 1829. He was about seven years of age when his parents came to Knox County. He received only a limited common school education, and has most of his life followed the vocation of a farmer. While at Maquon he was engaged in mercantile business in company with his father and two brothers, for a period of ten years. He disposed of his interest to A. C. Housh, nevertheless continuing to carry on farming interests in Haw Creek Township. He is at present writing the proprietor of 617 acres of highly cultivated and improved land in the township named, and is extensively engaged in the breeding and raising of stock, being one of the largest agriculturalists in Haw Creek Township. Mr. Housh was married in Haw Creek Township, Oct. 26, 1855, to Ann Eliza Strong [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a James O. Housh marrying a Ann Eliza Strong in Knox County on October 26, 1855], daughter of Jared and Jane (Wilson) Strong. Her parents came from Ohio to Knox County in 1847, selecting Haw Creek Township as their abiding place. The father left his family in Haw Creek Township in 1850, and went to California and was occupied in mining for eight years. Subsequently he came back East with his family, and in the year 1869 returned with his wife to California. His demise occurred Nov. 8, 1885. His widow still survives him. His family consists of seven children, by name as follows: Elizabeth J., Nancy Ann, Ann Eliza, John D., Henry Clay, Emily S. and Samantha E. Mrs. H. of this sketch was born in Ohio, April 5, 1838, and has born her husband four children, the record being as follows: Alonzo M., Florence E., Frank J. and Amanda E. Alonzo Housh married Ella Barlow, and they are residing in Haw Creek Township. They are the parents of one child - Glenny. Florence Housh became the wife of William B. Bland, and they reside in Los Angeles, Cal.; Frank J. Housh is the husband of Luella Dennison, and they reside at Haw Creek; their two children are named Teresa E. and Florence E. Amanda E. Housh became the wife of A. S. Potter, and resides in Hamilton County, Neb. Mr. Housh has been School Director for 22 years. Mrs. H. has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for a period of 33 years. Politically speaking, Mr. Housh is a Greenbacker. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 984. [Submitted by Todd Walter.] Thomas Housh, a farmer on section 28, Haw Creek Township, was born in Washington County, Ind., Dec. 25, 1829. He is the son of George P. and Polly Housh. They removed from Indiana in 1837. They were farmers, and when they came to Illinois bought and improved land and made a home, on which both of the old people died. The mother died a number of years ago; the father in 1864. This family was of German origin. The father was a soldier in the War of 1812 and in the Black Hawk war. The subject of this sketch was married to Elizabeth Mowery, Feb. 23, 1851 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Thomas Housh marrying a Elizabeth Mowery in Knox County on February 23, 1851]. She is the daughter of John and Elenor Mowery, and was born in Ohio, Oct 31, 1835. Her father, John Mowery, was born in February, 1809, and her mother Aug. 13, 1810. The subject of this sketch and wife are the parents of eight children, as follows: Milton A., born Nov. 25, 1851; Mary, May 22, 1854; John M., Oct. 13, 1857; Grant, April 11, 1863; Charles F., Sept. 8, 1869, and Jennie Pearl, Aug. 24, 1881. Jessie and Willie died in infancy. Mr. H. is raising a girl, Addie M. House [probably Housh], born July 14, 1876. Mrs. Housh died March 20, 1885. [The Illinois Statewide Marriage Index also lists a Thomas Housh marrying a Mary Jane Smith in Knox County on September 9, 1886.] The subject of this notice enlisted in Co. F., 86th Ill. Vol. Inf., under Capt. J. L. Burkhalter, Aug. 7, 1862, and served nine months. He took part in the battle of Perryville, Ky., and the raid after Gen. Bragg and his forces, and was mustered out at Quincy, Ill., April 1, 1863. He then came home and lived on the farm up to the present. He owns 157 acres of good land, all under fence and has fine improvements. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., also is a member of the G. A. R., and politically is a Republican. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Alice Gless.] George Houston, son of Alexander and Elizabeth (Mills) Houston, natives of Pennsylvania, was born July 11, 1804 in Steuben co., N. Y. His father died when George was 7 years old. He was educated in the common schools and his early life passed on the farm. He was Colonel in the Mexican War; moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, about 1819, thence to Peoria, Ill., in 1851; was married Aug. 21, 1851, to Nancy J. Harr, and they were the parents of 11 children, of whom 10 are living; removed to Lynn township, Knox co. Democrat. He always followed farming, in which he was very successful; was burned out Jan. 17, 1873, and the family lost nearly all their effects. He died Dec. 22, 1874; was the late husband of Mrs. George Houston, whose P. O. address is (sic) Galva, Henry co. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Alice Gless.] J. Hover, teller in First National Bank, Galesburg. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Alice Gless.] Benjamin Howarter, farmer, son of Peter and Elizabeth Howarter, was born in Pennsylvania in 1828. His early life was spent on a farm, and his education obtained in the common schools. He came from Pennsylvania to Illinois in 1837. He married Elizabeth Newman in 1854 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Benjamin Howarten marrying a Elizabeth Newman in Stark County on Dec. 28, 1853], by whom he has had 6 children, 5 of them now living. He has held the offices of School Director and Road Commissioner for a number of years. Has been a member of the M. E. Church since 1860. Republican. P. O., Elba Centre. From the 1883 William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas - Marshall County, Wells Township, published by A. T. Andreas, Chicago, IL. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] JOSHUA HOWE, farmer, P. O. Frankfort, was born 1832, in Delaware County, Ohio. Eight years later his parents, Aaron and Sarah Howe, removed to Knox county, Ill., thence in 1864, to Bedford Iowa, where his mother died and father yet resides. Joshua Howe came to Kansas in May, 1861, and rented a farm west of Frankfort. He finally secured a farm of his own, and is now prospering in spite of the dread effects of the cyclone of 1879, which utterly destroyed his home, killed his only son and badly injured his wife. Misses Joan Howe, Ida Osborn and Mr. J. T. Vaughn were in the house and escaped injury, with the exception of Miss Howe, who sustained slight bruises. Mr. Howe himself was saved by clinging desperately to a small tree in his orchard, but his son, John A. Howe, was blown over the orchard and killed instantly; all farm implements, wagons, etc., were blown away and wrecked, and but little save the bare land left to Mr. Howe, whose energetic spirit at once led to his rebuilding and final success. [Joshua Howe was probably married in Knox County on Nov. 16, 1854 to Sarah Vaughn.] From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 450. [Submitted by Pat Thomas.] Lathan A. Howe. Beside being one of the prominent farmers and active citizens of his county, Mr. Howe is the Collector of Henderson Township for 1886. He came to Knoxville in 1840, when he was only two years old, his parents coming from Ohio and settling in Knox Township about the first of November. They subsequently came to Log City, in Henderson Township, when the Galesburg colony first settled in and around that vicinity. He received a good common-school education and proved himself a young man of quiet disposition and well-balanced judgment. His father was a mason by trade, which later on was followed by his son, our subject, for several years. Mr. How had not served a regular apprenticeship to his father's business, but was naturally a good workman. He was born in Delaware County, Ohio, Aug. 17, 1838. His parents were Aaron and Sarah (Helsie) Howe, who were natives respectively of New York and Ohio. In 1863, they removed to Taylor County, Iowa, where the mother died two months later. Mr. Howe, Sr., still resides in Taylor County. There were ten children born to the marriage, of whom Lathan was the fifth in order of birth. On the 19th of February ,1861, his marriage took place, in Knoxville, Illinois, with Miss Narcissa Roundtree [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Latham Hour marrying a Narcissa Roundtree in Knox County on February 19, 1861], a native of Henderson Township, born Jan. 16, 1839. Her parents were John D. and Docia (Fuqua) Roundtree, natives of Kentucky and Virginia. When they came to Knox County, in 1831, they settled in Henderson Township, where the father died Aug. 3, 1849. Mrs. Roundtree still survives and has attained to her 83d year. She now resides in Kansas with her son, William. By the marriage there were 11 children, of whom Mrs. Howe was the ninth in order of birth. By the happy union of our subject and Miss Roundtree, one very interesting little boy, George A., has been born. Mr. H. is the owner of 94 acres of highly improved land. He and his wife are active members of the Christian Church, in which they stand in high favor with the community. Politically, our subject is a fervid Republican and strong supporter of that party's principles. No measure likely to promote his party's good escapes his notice, and he is accordingly looked up to by politicians in his township. From the 1889 Biographical Album of Johnson and Pawnee Counties, Nebraska, published by Chapman Brothers. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] RUFUS HOWE. The people who settled in Johnson County [Nebraska] during its earlier days gathered here from all points of the compass. The subject of this sketch, a well-to-do farmer of Western Precinct, first opened his eyes to the light near the city of Toronto, Canada, Feb. 23, 1851. He is of New England ancestry, his father, Rufus Howe, having been a native of Vermont, and the son of Orson Howe, a second cousin of the noted Elias Howe, inventor of the celebrated sewing-machine which bears his name. The maiden name of the mother of our subject was Evaline Miller. She was born in Connecticut, and is now deceased. Rufus Howe spent his last years in Illinois, and died about 1857. Orson Howe, the paternal grandfather of out subject. was very much like his cousin Elias in point of mechanical genius. At the time of his death he had been working on a knitting-machine, aiming to effect greater improvements, in hopes that it might be made available in time to come. He spent his last years in Illinois. The children of Rufus and Evaline (Miller) Howe, the parents of our subject, consisted of a son and daughter. The parents of our subject left the Dominion in 1854, and settled in Ashtabula County, Ohio, where the father carried on merchandising until 1857, when the family moved to Kankakee County, Ill., where commenced the early education of our subject. He was a bright and studious lad, fond of his books, and making good headway, entered Eureka College after having attended the High School at Monticello, Iowa, and the academy at Onargo, Ill. Having become an orphan early in life he was thrown upon his own resources, and paid his way through the academy and college by teaching. In the fall of 1881 Mr. Howe crossed the Mississippi to Cedar County, Iowa, where he engaged in general work until the spring of 1883, at which time he made his preparations for settlement in Nebraska, and soon afterward took possession of the homestead where he now resides. He was married in Knox County, Ill., Dec. 24, 1876, to Miss Louisa Olmsted, daughter of Thaddeus Olmsted, of Maquon. Of this union there was born one child only, Elizabeth E., who died Sept. 8, 1888, aged three years and six months. Little Bessie, as she was called, was a remarkably bright and interesting child, and her death was a severe blow to the stricken parents, in which they received the sympathies of the entire community. Mrs. Howe was born March 30, 1853, in Knox County, Ill., and is the sister of Dr. Theodore Olmsted, who, in addition to his otherwise lucrative practice, is physician for the Central Illinois and the Southern Pacific Railroad Companies. He was for two years an assistant of the noted Dr. Lane, President of Cooper Institute, and conducted clinics in that institution. Mrs. Howe is a lady of good education, having pursued her studies in Maquon, Ill., and in Eureka College. Both she and her husband are members in good standing of the United Brethren Church. Their farm includes eighty acres of good land, with the necessary buildings and machinery, besides the other appliances in keeping with the complete rural home. They are recognized as among the intelligent people of the county, wherein they number a large circle of friends. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 327. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] JOHN HOXWORTH. Among the well-to-do and prosperous farmers of Knox County, residing on section 25, Maquon Township, is the subject of this biographical notice. Mr. Hoxworth came to Knox County in the fall of 1849, from Vermillion County, Ill., with his wife and three children, and located where he has since resided. He first bought 53 1/3 acres on section 24, to which he has added by subsequent purchases until he now owns 230 acres. He was born in Bucks Co., Pa., June 5, 1819, where he lived until about 18 years of age, assisting his father in the cultivation of the farm, when they went from there to Franklin County, Ohio, and he resided there until 1847, the date of his coming to this State. He has been engaged in agricultural pursuits all his life, and has met with far more than ordinary success in the prosecution of this, the most independent of all callings. John Hoxworth was married in Franklin County, Ohio, Jan 30, 1842, to Rachel Peters, daughter of Peter and Susan (Beaty) Peters, natives of Virginia. Her father died in Franklin County, Ohio, and her mother afterward removed to this county, and died in Maquon Township. Her parents' family consisted of three sons and one daughter. Mrs. H. was born in Franklin County, Ohio, Dec 23, 1825, and has borne her husband nine children, whom they have named Sarah, Joseph, Lewis, Mary C., Emily, Alice, Milton, Stephen and Charlotte M. Sarah and Milton are deceased; Joseph married Lydia A. Kirkhuff, and resides in Maquon Township, where he is engaged in farming, and of their union five children have been born - Nettie, Flora, George, Carl and Bartlett. Lewis Hoxworth has been twice married, first to Doris Leverton, who became the mother of three children - Florence, Emmett and Nellie. His second marriage was with Mary Barton, and they had one child - Harry. Mary C. Hoxworth became the wife of John D. French, with whom she is residing in Nebraska, and their family circle has been blessed by the birth of four children - Milton, Charlie, Clinton and Raymond G. Emily Hoxworth married John Leverton, and resides in this county; their children are William, Velma, Maude, Edwin, Charlie, Bruce, Stephen and Sylvia. Alice Hoxworth became the wife of Henry Street; they are living in Nebraska and have become the parents of six children - Bertie, Arthur, Grace, Gertie, Carl and Georgie. Stephen Hoxworth married Emma Wilson; they have one child, Lottie I. E., and reside in Nebraska. Charlotte Hoxworth married Thomas Downin, a resident of Maquon Township, and they have seven children - Myrtle M., Guy, Claude, Mabel, Maude, Jay and Alice. Mr. John Hoxworth has held the position of Road Commissioner and other minor offices within the gift of the people of his township. In politics, he is a Democrat and a worthy representative of the agricultural class. From the Biographical Dictionary of the United States Congress 1774 - Present. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] STEVEN ARNOLD HOXWORTH. Born in Maquon Township, near Maquon, Knox County, Ill., May 1, 1860; attended the public schools; moved to Blue Springs, Gage County, Nebr., in 1880; engaged in banking and in the grain and implement business; member of the Nebraska State Militia; returned to Illinois in 1885 and engaged in agricultural pursuits near Rapatee, Knox County; served as supervisor of Maquon Township 1907-1912; elected as a Democrat to the Sixty-third Congress (March 4, 1913-March 3, 1915); was not a candidate for renomination in 1914; resumed agricultural pursuits; died in Rapatee, Ill., January 25, 1930; interment in Lyons Cemetery. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 636 Benjamin Hudson. Merit deserves mention, and it is therefore with pleasure
that we have procured facts which enable us to state that he whose short
biography we write is not only an honored and respected citizen of Knox County,
but one of her successful agriculturists, who has made what he has of this
world's goods through his own individual effort. Benjamin Hudson was born in
Oneida, New York on 8 October 1837 and is a son of William and Anna Hudson. In
his younger days he lived at home, assisting his father on the farm and
attending the common school, developing into manhood.
From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 874. [Submitted by Pat Thomas.] Edson Huggins. One of the earliest settlers of Knoxville and a prominent citizen is Edson Huggins, who is identified as one of the pioneers of that section and who is the subject of this personal history. He has occupied his present home since an early day and has been an eye-witness to the growth and prosperity of Knox County. Mr. Huggins was born in the town of Coventry, Vt. , Sept. 11, 1816. His father, David Huggins, came of New England stock, being a native of the State of New Hampshire, and was born in the town of Cornish, May 14, 1787. He grew to manhood in his native State, and while young went to Vermont and there purchased a tract of timber land, lying in Orleans County, in which section of the country he was an early settler. He returned to the State of his birth, New Hampshire, to celebrate his marriage with Miss Jerusha Cobb, and with his bride set his face toward his new home. The young couple, with brave hearts and united energy, commenced the uprearing of a home, the husband clearing the land of forest trees, and the wife, equally desirous of success and prosperity, pursuing her part of the domestic labors. On this farm, they worked and waited for prosperity until 1834, and in the spring of that year, with his oldest son, the head of the house with a pair of horses and a wagon emigrated to the Far West, with the strong expectation and hope of finding an Eldorado. They made their way overland to Knox County, and here purchased a pre-emption right on the northwest quarter of section 27, township 11, in what is now Knox Township. They also bought two lots in the village of Knoxville, on which stood a log house. Leaving his son in the western home they had found, Mr. Huggins returned to the State of Vermont, from which, in the fall of that year, accompanied by his wife and their family, consisting of eight children, he started for Illinois. They took what was at the time the most desirable route, namely, via stage to Burlington, thence down Lake Champlain by boat, through to Troy, and from that city by Erie Canal to Buffalo. Leaving Buffalo, they came by the way of Lake Erie to Cleveland, Ohio, traveling on to Portsmouth and coming down the Ohio and up the Mississippi River, to Beardstown, from which place they completed their journey by land. They started from that place, traveling with an ox team, intending by this mode of conveyance to reach Knoxville, but were met on the way by their son, with whom they returned in better style. The family moved into their log cabin in the village, in which humble home they remained for two years, and which they left to move onto the farm, a log cabin being there too. This latter had been built by the first claimant of the land. Mr. Huggins placed his land under high cultivation and made the farm his home until his death. His wife, who survived him some time, spent the last years of her life in peace and pleasure in the home of her son George. To this couple have been given nine children, viz: Brunson, deceased; Phebe, who married Sullivan Raney and died in Vermont; Nathaniel, deceased; Olivia, who married Dr. Johnson and who died in Texas; Edson, who lives in Knoxville; Jerusha, wife of John Mosher, whose home is also in Knoxville; David B; Charles H., who lived in Knox Township; George lives in Knox Township, and Chester, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Huggins were members of the first church ever organized in Knoxville, and were devoted and earnest workers in all worthy enterprises. When the subject of this sketch had attained an age of 18 years, he removed to Illinois with his parents, as previously stated. When the family landed at Beardstown and were met by him with their awkward conveyance, he at once proposed to return to Knoxville in search of a team, which journey he performed on foot, and came back to his parents, whom he landed in Knoxville. He learned the trade of cabinet-maker, and went first to Knoxville to repair the cabin in which the family lived, and during the first year he made tables. There being no wagon-shop in Knoxville, he was often called upon to do the work of a wheelwright, and during his first year filled a pair of wheels, the first work of the kind ever done in Knox County. He afterward became contractor and builder, at which occupation he continued until within two or three years. He is now a retired business man and enjoys the fruits of a well spent life of industry and economy. He has been twice married, his first matrimonial alliance being with Sophronia Marsh, a native of York State. Their nuptials were celebrated Sept. 11, 1844 [in Knox County]; and, leaving four orphaned children to mourn her loss, Mrs. Huggins passed from earth to the joy and peace beyond, July 4, 1857, celebrating a nobler and grander independence in the great hereafter. The names of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Huggins are: Eloise, wife of Prof. Stickney, whose home is in Knoxville; Emma, who wedded George A. Bassett, and Everett E. The maiden name of the present Mrs. Huggins, whose marriage to the subject of this sketch, took place Nov. 8, 1858, was Louise E. Knight, and she was born in Coventry, Vt. Both she and her husband are useful and active members of society and are connected with the Presbyterian Church, of which they are conscientious and consistent members. Politically Mr. H. is a supporter of the Republican party, and takes a lively interest in outside affairs. His handsome residence is located on Ann street, corner of Henderson, and was erected after the destruction by fire of his former home in 1871. It was a large and commodious frame house and was a loss of no mean dimensions to its owner, who, however, immediate built, on the same spot, his present home. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 655. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] FRANK D. HUGGINS. Standing prominent among the more influential and popular citizens and worthy men of Knox County is found the subject of this biography, who is proprietor of a book and stationary store in Knoxville. He is well known as one of the most notable and reliable residents of that city, his keen foresight, energetic purpose and active execution making this estimate of him a correct one. Mr. Huggins was born in Knoxville, Sept. 2, 1852, and although yet a young man has shown marked business ability. His father, David B. Huggins, a resident of Knoxville, is a native of the Green Mountain State, where he was born Aug 31, 1834, in Orleans County, his father being Deacon David Huggins, a pioneer of Knox County (see sketch of Edson Huggins). David B. Huggins, the father of our subject, was 11 years of age when he came to Knox County, and he grew to manhood, assisting his father in improving the farm and attending the district school. He often went to Galena, Burlington and Peoria, the then nearest market points. David Huggins was united in marriage Dec. 26, 1847, with Miss Harmony Doty, who was born in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. At the time of his marriage he located on the old homestead and there remained until 1855, when he started with his wife and child for California. They went by the stage road to Bloomington, by railroad to Cairo, thence by steamer to New Orleans, taking the Nicaraugua route to San Francisco, and thence to San Jose. At this place he took charge of a hospital eight months. He then traveled in different parts of the state, and one year worked on a farm. In 1857 he returned by the Panama and New York route, and resumed his agricultural pursuits, on the farm he now owns and occupies. He located in the vicinity of Knoxville, and now owns 200 acres of land in Knox County and 300 in Taylor County, Iowa, divided into three farms. The subject is his only child. Mr. and Mrs. Huggins are active members of the Presbyterian Church, at Knoxville, and, though somewhat advanced in years, Mr. H. is interested in politics, in which he supports the Republican party. Frank Huggins, of whom this biography is written, was reared to agricultural pursuits, receiving his early education in the Knoxville schools. After leaving these he spent six months at the Gem City Business College, Quincy, Ill., at which place he received the silver medal offered for the greatest improvement in penmanship made during that period of time by any pupil. The class numbered upward of one hundred, and he was considered to have attained a high honor. He graduated from that institution in 1873, and after returning home engaged in farming until 1875, at which time he became clerk in a bookstore for J. C. Cover, and was Deputy Postmaster. He was engaged in clerking 18 months, at which he showed excellent tact and business capability, but, leaving it, he went back to the farm and there continued till 1882. In September of that year, he entered as associate partner with J.C. Sheeley, and the firm bought out J. C. Cover & Son, book and stationary dealers. These two partners continued together one year, at the end of which time he bought Mr. Sheeley's interest and has since conducted the business alone. HUGGINS, FRANK D SHEELEY, ELLA KNOX 10/25/1877 He was united in marriage Oct. 25, 1877, his chosen life-companion being Ella Sheeley [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Frank D. Huggins marrying a Ella Sheeley in Knox County on October 25, 1877], daughter of James W. and Elizabeth Sheeley. This young lady was an active member of society and a most popular and admired friend and companion; and in consequence of a sympathy of tastes the union has proved a congenial and pleasant one. To them has been born one child, a daughter, named Blanche. Mr. Huggins takes an interest in outside affairs and is a member of Knoxville Lodge, No. 66, A.F. & A.M., and is also a member of the Knoxville Lodge, No. 126, A.O.U.W. Mr. Huggins at the city election April 20, 1886, was elected as Alderman to represent his ward in the city of his residence. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Alice Gless.] James Davidson Hume, born March 16, 1848, at Newville, Cumberland co., Penn.; his parents, Wm. D. and Hettie were of the same nativity. James was sent to the district schools, and early learned the trade of tanner; removed to Jefferson co., Tenn., in 1870; served as judge of election same year; removed to Knox co., Ill., 1871; was elected Town Clerk. Democrat. Is in good circumstances. P. O., Henderson. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 220. [Submitted by Pat Thomas.] Elisha Humiston (deceased) the gentleman whose name honors this brief review of a worthy life, was one among the earliest pioneers of Knox County, Ill., having arrived in the State in 1834. He was born in Connecticut not long subsequent to the War of Independence. He was twice married, his first wife being Elizabeth Hartshorn. Two children, a son and a daughter, were born to the union, Hartson and Almira, both births occurring in Broome County, New York. The daughter married Mr. Gary Ruggles, a gentleman of prominence. While the country was still a wilderness, Mr. Humiston moved from Connecticut to Broome County, New York, and resided there until 1834, when he came to Knox County, Ill., settling in this township. Having lost his first wife, he married Betsy Noble by whom he had four children, Elizabeth, Phoebe, Delia and Hobert. The last three were early associated with the history of Knox County. Hartson Humiston, who was born in Broome County, N. Y., April 3d, 1805, was married in that place to Miss Mary Church, June 28, 1832, five children being the result of the union; Cyrus J., Mary E., Helen M., Francis M. and Joanna. The last named being the wife of Joseph F. Latimer, of Cedar Township, Knox County, Ill. In 1846, Mr. H. Humiston emigrated with his family from New York to Knox County, and immediately engaged in farming, with profit to himself and much satisfaction to those who had dealings with him, he continued in this occupation until his death, July 6, 1876. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Alice Gless.] John B. Hunt, farmer and lumber dealer; was born in Bond co., Ill., in May 1820. When he was 12 years old his parents moved to Bushnell, McDonough co., and in 1834 settled at Burlington, Iowa; was married Sept. 18, 1842, to Mary M. C. Love. He spent the years 1855 and �56 in California; returned to Illinois; settled in Knox co. in 1864. His marriage resulted in 2 daughters and 1 son, Ransom C., who acquired his education at Lombard college, studied law with J. C. Thompson of Macomb, and is now practicing law in Galesburg. Mr. Hunt, Sr., was Postmaster at Bushnell 4 years. Democrat. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company.
His father, the fourth child in a family of thirteen, was born in Trenton, New Jersey, in 1803. Considering the condition of schools in that early day, he obtained a good practical education, and was well fitted to enter upon the active duties of life. At different times, he became a grocer, schoolteacher, farmer, and nurseryman. He engaged in business in Brooklyn and other places in the vicinity of New York City, and about this time, married Elizabeth Manley, daughter of Robert Manley, a minister of the Dutch Reformed Church. In 1833, unattended, he came West and opened a store in Chicago. The next year he settled in Naperville, Illinois and sent for his family. Young Reuben Hunt did not have the advantages of a college education, but he drank deeply at the Pierian fountains of knowledge. He availed himself of the instruction of public and private schools, and became, through untiring energy and perseverance, a well-educated man. Both he and his brother were well versed in the Latin grammar before they studied the English. Notwithstanding his fondness for Latin, he was a thoughtful reader and was well posted on the current events of the day. In youth, he was sedate and studious, shy and retiring. He was fond of music and natural scenery & endash; a lover of flowers and the song of birds. Replying to one who spoke of his strength and activity, he said, "When I was young, I was old, and now, when I am old in years, I am young." Mr. Hunt came to Illinois when only seven years of age. In the Spring of 1857, he moved from Naperville to Galesburg and established a nursery and greenhouse. In May of the following year, a severe wind and hailstorm destroyed his entire nursery stock and swept away his greenhouse, leaving him much in debt. Not despairing or discouraged, both he and his faithful wife took hold with renewed energy, and finally their labors were crowned with success. Mr. Hunt was a member of the Masonic fraternity, Vesper Lodge, A. F. and A. M. which he joined about 1876. He was a member of the Galesburg Horticultural Society and the State Society, adding much to their life and interest by his discussions and the papers that he presented and read on his practical experiments in horticulture. Mr. Hunt was naturally a religious man. He united with the Baptist Church at Naperville in 1843. On his removal to Galesburg, both he and his wife connected themselves with the Baptists, but when the old church was divided they did not join the present organization. Politically, he was a Whig until the organization of the republican party. From that time until his death, he was an earnest republican, never opposing party measures or party methods. He was united in marriage, November 18, 1856, to Mary (Wolcott) Hunt, his brother Robert's widow, daughter of Asa and Elizabeth (Stanton) Wolcott, who was born at Coburg, Canada, October 2, 1825. To them were born three daughters and one son, Mary Elizabeth, Julia (Rogers), Lillie, and Reuben W., Jr. Mr. Hunt possessed many Christian graces. He was always generous and kind, aiding those around him by his counsel, and bestowing his sympathies upon the unfortunate and despairing. He was charitable and hospitable, true to his friends and every ready to serve them. He was fond of his home and home joys, uniformly sweet-tempered and loving in his family, and thoughtful of their welfare and comfort. He was always cheerful and always had a pleasant word for every one. He was fond of both prose and poetry and could express his thoughts clearly in either. His writings were of the incisive and laconic style, as the following extract will show: "Faith reaches, prayer opens, but purity of heart alone enters the portals of Heaven". Mr. Hunt had two marked characteristics: honesty of purpose and purity of action. He lived the life of a Christian and died universally lamented. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman, page 683. [Submitted by Todd Walter.] "James M. Hunter, farmer, is the son of Robt. and Deborah (McGown) Hunter, the former of Pennsylvania, his mother a native of Nova Scotia. He was born in Franklin co., Ohio, Dec. 31, 1811, reared on farm and educated in district schools; was married in 1836 to Eliza Hunter; they had 5 children; came to Knox co. in 1846; in 1848 elected J. P., and in 1850, Associate Justice of Knox co. Democrat. P.O.. Douglas." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 535. [Submitted by Todd Walter.] Hon. James M. Hunter. "Identified with those men who have builded and watched the growth of Knox County, may be found the subject of this personal sketch, who is a retired farmer of wealth and influence, residing on section 18, in Salem Township. He has filled many positions of trust in this section of the country, is honored and respected by his entire circle of friends, and was appointed Associate Judge of the county in 1849. He is possessed of unvarying dignity of manner and of kind and genial disposition. Mr. Hunter was born in Franklin County, Ohio, Dec. 31, 1811. His father, Robert Hunter, was a native of Pennsylvania, and his grandfather Joseph Hunter, was born in Scotland, and came to America with his family before the Revolution. He spent the last year of his life in Franklin County, Ohio, where the father of James grew to manhood, and subsequently removed to the state of Ohio [?] with his parents. They settled in that state while it was yet a territory, and were identified as pioneers, and there Robert Hunter was married to Deborah McGowan, who was born in Nova Scotia, and was of Scotch-Irish descent. He was a carpenter by trade, and alternated between that branch of industry and farming, dying in Franklin County in 1815. He left to mourn him, besides his widow, five sons, of whom the subject of our sketch was the third in order of birth, and was four years of age at the death of his father. He subsequently resided with an uncle until he attained the age of 9 years, after which he lived with a man named Cutter, whose farm joined the city of Columbus, Ohio. It was while living in this latter home that he attained all the education which he afterward possessed, by attending both the country and city schools. At the age of 17, he purchased half interest in a team, and engaged in carrying goods from the different lake ports of the cities of Dayton and Cincinnati. Three years later he bought his partners interest and concluded to carry on the business alone, and went on transporting goods across the state until 1833. At that date he sold out and engaged in farming, two and a half miles from Columbus, on rented land, and after the lapse of 18 months he removed to Union County, where he purchased 80 acres of land, on which he lived for three years. Removing to Madison County from his first estate, he bought 240 acres, and, in 1846, sold this out and, with six horses, two wagons and a carriage, occupied by his wife and five children, emigrated to Illinois. At the close of 17 days they arrived at Fulton County, where they stopped for a few days and then came to Knox County, found a location on Section 18, in what is now Salem Township, and have here resided ever since. The date of his marriage was March 6, 1833, with Miss Eliza Hunter, of Franklin County, Pa., who was born Oct. 12, 1817. Their family consisted of five children, as follows: Joseph, Charles, James M., Eliza J., and May. Mr. Hunter in politics is a Democrat, stanch and strong, and cast his first presidential vote for Gen. Jackson." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 959. [Submitted by Todd Walter.] "JAMES MADISON HUNTER. ... Judge Hunter died on his farm November 15, 1894, at nearly eighty-three years of age. Mrs. Hunter died Dec 4, 1888, at the age of seventy-six. They had six children, all of whom reached maturity: Deborah; Joseph; Charles R.; James M.; Eliza J., wife of H. C. Mann; and Mary A., wife of R. H. Harper. ..." From the April 7, 1908 Galesburg Republican Register. [Contributed by Alice Gless, who has no additional information.] Kirk J. Hunter died at Abingdon, Ill last night Apr 6, 1908 one of the oldest and best known citizens. He had been in poor health the past several months and death expected for some time. He had been suffering from liver complaint and his demise from the ailment. The funeral service will be held tomorrow at the Congregational church. Rev. M. L. O'Hara officiating. Kirk J. Hunter was the only son of Isaac Hunter, Jr., born July 9, 1838 at Otis, Berkshire (sic), Mass. In 1839 he came to Ill with his parents and they settled at Peoria where they lived for three years, moving from there to the old Hunter farm 3-1/2 miles northeast of the city. Married March 3, 1858 Elizabeth Andrews [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Kirk Hunter marrying a Elizabeth Andrews in Knox County on March 28, 1861] and they settled on the farm adjoining that of his father, where he and his wife lived until 1881 when they moved to a farm near London Mills where they remained two years, then returned in 1882 and locating on the old Hunter place. Here they remained until September 1895 when they moved to Abingdon. They had 11 children, all of whom are married and the farthest away from Abingdon that any live is at Winfield, Iowa. Their children, John of Winfield, Iowa; Mrs. J. J. Foster; R. D. Hunter; Isaac D. Hunter; Mrs. E. D. Blair; Henry F. Hunter; Madison R. Hunter; Mrs. Roshville; Mrs. Will Dalton of Burlington; K. N. Hunter, Rapatee. He received his education at Hedding college, the first year of its existence and in Peoria schools an has always been a staunch supporter of Hedding. United with Congregational church 1851, but for number of years did not profess Christianity. In the winter of 1897 rejoined the church. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Alice Gless.] Orville S. Hunter, traveler, son of Joseph and Eunice (Star) Hunter, was born in Columbus, Ohio, March 13, 1821. His educational opportunities were limited to the public schools of the city. He was engaged in farming for two years; most of his life has been spent in travel He settled in Knox co., Ill., in Feb., 1856. He has been 3 times married and has 9 children living; joined the Presbyterian Church early in life. Liberal Democrat. P. O., Douglas. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Alice Gless.] Reuben R. Huntington, son of Reuben and Basheba, born at Albany, N. Y.; educated in the public schools. His parents were poor; apprenticed to a painter; this proving distasteful, changed to farming; elected Constable, Pathmaster and Assessor; served with honor in the Mexican war and in the 83d and 139th Ill. Inf.; wounded at Collinsville, Tenn.; removed to Michigan; thence to Knox co., Ill.; married in 1849 to Roxana S. James; joined Free Will Baptist Church in 1850; was elected Clerk and at present Trustee of U. B. Church. Democrat. P. O., Henderson. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Alice Gless.] Levi A. Huntley, farmer, P. O. Oneida; his parents, Asher and Phebe (Hitchcock) Huntley, are natives of Connecticut. The subject of this sketch was born in Connecticut, Oct. 30, 1830; received a limited education; moved to New York, then to Summit Co., Ohio, then to Knox Co., Ill.; married Elizabeth R. King. Three girls have blessed the union. United with the M. E. church in 1862; joined the Adventists in 1871; is Trustee in that church. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company.
His mother's ancestors were among the 6,000 Protestants, who, near the close of the seventeenth century, fled from the Rhine Palatinate to England in consequence of the religious persecutions of Louis XIV. A number of these Palatine Teutons finally formed a settlement in Ireland, where her grandmother was born in 1734. In 1758, John Wesley visited the settlement, and many of them became Methodists; her grandmother, Barbara Ruckle, and her grandfather, Paul Heck, were among the number. They, with many other "Irish Palatines" emigrated to America, landing in New York, August 10, 1760. There, Barbara Heck began the organization of the first Methodist service and the first Methodist church in the New World. Her name is first on the list, and to her is given, by the entire Methodist Church of America, the exalted honor of being their spiritual mother and founder. "Wesley Chapel", the first church structure of the denomination in the Western Hemisphere, came from the heart and head of his devoted woman. It stood on the present site of the John Street Methodist Church, New York. The family afterwards moved to the neighborhood of Troy, New York and finally to Canada. The early educational advantages of Albert Hurd were the customary ones of that period. He obtained a good English education in the common schools. He fitted for college, partly in the preparatory department of Victoria College at Coburg, Ontario, and partly at Ogdensburg Academy, New York. He matriculated at Middlebury College, Vermont, in 1846, and graduated in 1850. Subsequently, he studied chemistry and the natural sciences at the Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard University under Professors Horsford and Louis Agassiz. Professor Hurd, whose father was a farmer, passed his youth upon the farm at home. Like many a New England boy, he worked on the farm in the summer and attended school in the winter. He was always fond of books, and when he was seventeen years of age, had read thoughtfully and lovingly much of the best English poetical literature. Before reaching the age of sixteen, he was the teacher of a district school near his home, and for the next five years continued that work, more or less. For the first year after leaving college, Professor Hurd became Principal of the Vermont Literary and Scientific Institution, located at Brandon. At the end of the year, he accepted an invitation to become Tutor and Lecturer on the Natural Sciences in Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois. Since the Fall of 1851, he has remained in this institution, pursuing the quiet and uneventful, but laborious life of a Western College Professor. For three years, 1851-54, he was Tutor and Lecturer on the Natural Sciences; for forty-three years, 1854-1897, Professor of Chemistry and Natural Science, and from 1897 to the present time, he has held the Latin Professorship, having previously, for nearly twenty years, been the acting Professor in addition to his other duties. He says of himself: "I am not conscious of having ever deliberately chosen the profession of teaching for my lifework. I have always been of the opinion that an over-ruling Providence decided that matter for me. From boyhood, I loved books and study. The door to the teacher's life was always open wide before me. Other doors did not invite my entrance. I merely passed through the open door and have been led along through a life of contentment and satisfaction, teaching, more or less, every year for sixty years". Sixty years of earnest toil with the mind of youth; Sixty years of untiring energy and labor in erecting the temple of manhood and womanhood! Sixty years in developing the latent powers of the human soul! How full of interest, how full of thought the reflection! What joys, what hopes, what ambitions were inspired during the recital of the daily lessons! How many can look back and say, the inspiration and impulse of my life-work and life-deeds were given, when receiving instruction from this teacher of sixty years experience! How many can say, then was opened to me my pathway of life! Truly, sixty years, as a teacher and Professor, is a holy sacrifice on the altar of devotion. It is almost impossible, in any department of labor, to accomplish a greater life work. As a teacher in the classroom, Professor Hurd stands pre-eminent. He has but few equals. He is clear and logical in thought and expression, and has a most incisive way of imparting instruction. His lessons are always well learned, and he never meddles with subjects that are hazy in mind or not well understood. He is positive and commanding, and no student can fail to see the lucidness of his teaching and illustrations. As a man and citizen, he has never made himself popular by his sociability. In the broad sense, he is not social, and yet, when thoroughly acquainted, he is one of the most social of men. He is especially known for his decision of character, purity of motives, and fair-mindedness in his relation with his fellow-men. He despises all shams and detests all sycophancy and demagoguism. In a word, he is acknowledged as a man of ability, of sound learning, and as one who always acts with prudence and discretion. Professor Hurd has always shown a commendable interest in the prosperity and welfare of this city. At the commencement of the legal existence of the Young Men's Library Association in January 1860, he was elected its President. After holding that office for a year, he became its Librarian and served in that capacity until April 1867, when the continued existence of the Association had become assured and it was possible to pay the Librarian a small salary. In religious faith and belief, Professor Hurd is a Congregationalist. On his arrival here in 1851, he became a member of that church. He never has been identified with any of the various secret or social organizations. Politically, he is a republican, believing, in the main, in republican principles and republican doctrine. Sometimes, he has voted the prohibition ticket because of his life-long and earnest opposition to the use of intoxicating drinks. He was married January 11, 1855, to Eleanor Amelia Pennock, who died August 11, 1895. To them were born two children, Harriet Sophia (McClure), wife of the founder of McClure's Magazine, and Mary Charlotte, teacher of French in Knox College. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Alice Gless.] Charles G. Hurd, station ticket agent, C. B. & Q. R. R., Galesburg. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Alice Gless.] Henry S. Hurd, physician, Galesburg. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Alice Gless.] F. R. Hurlburt, proprietor of steam dye and scouring works, Galesburg. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Alice Gless.] Dean C. Hurlbutt, farmer, son of Asa and Mary Hurlbutt, was born in Dalton, N. H., in 1834; was educated in the common schools; was raised on a farm, and continued a farmer from choice. He came from New Hampshire directly to Knox co., Ill.; was married to Elizabeth Lambert in 1855. They have two children. Mr. H. has been quite successful in the vocation of his choice. Republican. P. O., Elba Centre. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Alice Gless.] Francis Hurlbutt. Alba and Laura Hurlbut, his parents, were natives of New Hampshire. Francis was born at Dalton, in the same state, June 22, 1837; removed to Knox co. in the spring of 1843, being then but six years old; has been closely identified with the development of this county, having been a resident since his first arrival in 1843; served his country in the war for the union, enlisting in the 83d Ill. Inf. Vol. August 1862; was united in matrimony [in Knox County], July 11, 1867, with Miss Martha C. Wallack [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists Francis Hurlburt marrying Martha C. Walack in Knox County, Illinois], and the union was blessed with five children; though in no sense a politician, acts and votes with the Republican party; owns a fine farm of 335 acres of land in Truro township; P. O., Victoria. [Contributed by Sally Weeks, descendant of Elias and Rachel (Baldwin) Hurr.] HURR. My father's family was in the Galesburg area from the 1830s... some descendants may still live in the county. I have a few photos of some of my connection but don't know whether they would be of current interest. These are pics of people. The HURR family was from Oneida. Isaac E. and Edwin L. Hurr were sons of Elias Hurr and his second wife Rachel (Baldwin) Hulick Hurr Bostick [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Rachel Hurr marrying a Charles Bostick in Knox County on September 27 1840] who came to the county from Ohio. A sister, Margaret/Martha Hurr, married Marshall Wright (1858) [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Margret Hurr marrying a Marshal Wright in Knox County on August 26 1858]... they later lived somewhere near Chicago. My connection is Edwin Lott Hurr (1837-1895; his second marriage was to Sarah Ann Reece in 1860 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Edwin L. Hurr marrying a Sarah Ann Reece in Knox County on December 31, 1865]) and his daughter Emma Hurr who married Charles Gray (from Indiana, who came to Oneida area as a blacksmith working for the railroad) [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Charles L. Gray marrying a Emma Hurr in Knox County on October 5, 1895]. Emma's brother, Henry Elias Hurr, learned Morse code, got a job with the railroad, came to Texas and married a smart woman, ended up a newspaper owner/editor in central Texas. Emma died in 1901 (buried in Oneida cemetery) and her widowed husband put their two boys, Charles (4) and Paul (2), in a Galesburg children's home or school and "went West". Apparently their grandmother was not able to take these boys. Emma's brother, Henry Hurr, brought Paul to Texas around 1910. Charles Gray grew up in Galesburg but spent most or his life in Iowa.
Of Edwin's brother, Isaac E. Hurr (1830-1909), it was said that he had a kind of eidetic memory and was sometimes called to court to testify what the weather had been on a certain day... this sounds strange but is what I was told by a DeGerald connection. Isaac Hurr married Mary Melissa Eckley (in 1868) [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Issac Hurr marrying a Mary M. Eckley in Knox County on March 19, 1868] and had nine children. There may still be some of this Hurr family's descendants in Knox. |