From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. [Submitted by A. J. Perry.]
Mr. Gale has had a liberal education, judged from almost any standpoint. He attended the Galesburg pubic schools including one year in the High School. Two years in Knox Academy admitted him to Knox College, from which he graduated, and after four years study, with first honors, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1893. He received the degree of Masters of Arts from the same institution in 1895 and delivered the Master's Oration in 1896. Naturally Mr. Gale turned to the study of the law. No other profession offers such opportunities for the full exercise of his abilities and natural traits of character. He studied one year in the office of Messrs. Williams, Lawrence and Welsh; one year in the University of Wisconsin, and one year in the New York Law School. He won the first prize, $150.00, upon the thesis "Ultra Vires," in a contest open to all graduating members of the school, and was given the degree of Bachelor of Laws in 1896. He was admitted to the Bar of Wisconsin in May, 1895, and Illinois in 1896. Mr. Gale's boyhood was spent on the farm. We can almost imagine, however, that his fondness for reading and study, and an irrepressible desire to take part in the somewhat more stirring phases of life, interfered somewhat with his usefulness as a farm boy. He is at present engaged in the practice off law, a profession with which he is deeply in love, and is associated with Mr. Wilfred Arnold. If ability, honesty, and hard study combined will count for anything in the race for success, we may confidently expect to see some very important cases entrusted to his management before he is very old. In national politics he is a republican; in city affairs he is an independent. He has always resided in Galesburg, except when attending law school. A more extended genealogy of Mr. Gale may be seen by consulting the sketch of his grandfather William Selden Gale, in this volume. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company.
George W. Gale was left an orphan when only eight years old, but was affectionately cared for by his sisters, of whom he had eight, married to substantial farmers in the neighborhood of their old home. As he grew older, however, he became conscious that the life of a farmer=s boy would not satisfy his aspirations, and he determined to acquire a higher education. As soon as qualified, he alternated his attendance at school with the duties of the pedagogue, and by these means, with close application to study at home, he prepared himself for entering the Sophomore class at Union College. For a time he had a tutor, John Frost, of Middlebury, Vermont, who afterwards became pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Whitesboro, New York and was his consellor and coadjutor in all his enterprises in after life. After graduating from Union, Mr. Gale entered Princeton Theological Seminary, but so impaired his health by over-study that he was compelled to leave the institution before the completion of his course. He was, however, licensed to preach by the Hudson (New York) Presbytery, in 1816. For a few years he preached to small, newly formed congregations in Dutchess and Putnam counties, being also employed in Jefferson and Oswego counties, and for a time supplying a pulpit in Green County. His health partially restored, he returned to Princeton and completed his course in 1819. From the calls to a pastorate which he received, he accepted one from the church at Adams, Jefferson County, New York; and riding thither from Princeton on horseback, he entered upon a new field of duty. Within five years his health again failed him, and, resigning his charge, he went South, to seek the benefits to be obtained through a change of climate. A winter in Virginia proved so beneficial that he returned North; yet did not dare to resume his ministerial duties. Accordingly he secured a residence, with a small farm attached, in the pretty village of Western, Oneida County, New York. At that time an educated ministry seemed to be a vital need of the Presbyterian Church, a fact which few men within that communion felt more keenly than did Mr. Gale. To his trained and reflective mind, the problem presented itself, how to enlist young men of piety and talent, and afford them proper training? His own experience had shown him students discouraged for want of means, abandoning their studies to earn money which was indispensable for their prosecution, and undermining their health by an intense effort to make up the time thus lost. Most of them were accustomed to the outdoor life of a farm, with physical exercise, and it occurred to him that if each student were given, each day, a sufficient amount of such work to relieve the mental strain inseparable from hard study, and at the same time to aid in defraying the expense necessary to his education, better results might be obtained. He tried an experiment. He took into his family a half dozen young men, to whom he furnished books and gave instruction in consideration of three hours' daily work upon his farm. Out of this project developed the Oneida Institute, at Whitesboro, New York, which was founded mainly through his efforts. He personally solicited the funds necessary for the purchase of a farm and the erection of buildings. Instructors of ability and repute were secured, dormitories and shops built, a college curriculum adopted, and the project fairly launched. Three hours' daily labor on the farm paid for room rent and board; work in the shops was paid what it might be worth. The Institute was soon filled with students, and the pervading atmosphere was intensely religious, while strong temperance and anti-slavery sentiments were developed. From 1827 to 1834 Mr. Gale remained at its head, but in the latter year he retired from the management to enter upon the formation of the Galesburg Colony and the founding of Knox College. For a detailed account of his efforts in this direction, and the success with which they were crowned, the reader is referred to the articles entitled Galesburg and Knox College. He first visited the site of the city named in his honor in 1836, when he devoted considerable time to looking into the affairs of the colony and making ready a home for his family, whom he brought out later, returning to Whitesboro to accompany them. Their journey to their new home occupied six weeks, and was accomplished by canal to Buffalo, by lake to Detroit, and by wagon to the cabin in which they were to reside. Finding this filled with sufferers from an unfortunate canal boat expedition, he found quarters for his wife and seven children in the already crowded cabins of helpful, sympathetic neighbors, and put up another cabin for the winter from green logs. In the spring he built another and better one at what is now the corner of Seminary and Grove streets, and four years later erected a house, yet standing, at the corner of North and Cherry streets. From its founding until his death, which occurred September 13, 1861, Mr. Gale was prominent in the management of Knox College, serving as trustee all the time, and as a Professor from 1841 until 1856. He was also active in the affairs of the church, and for several years filled the pulpit of the First Presbyterian, long the only church in Galesburg, besides devoting much time to the establishment of other churches, in the surrounding country. In 1857, he was smitten with a paralytic stroke, but was gradually regaining his strength until, within six months before his death, he began to weaken. Gangrene finally set in, causing his death within a few days after its appearance. The following tribute to his memory was paid by Rev. Dr. Boardman, of Philadelphia, an eminent Presbyterian divine, who knew him well: "His intellect was strong, clear, acute, penetrating, active, well furnished and well disciplined. His judgment of men and things was sound, his hopefulness large, his faith confiding, his will resolute, his fortitude unshrinking, and his courage unfaltering. His piety was a governing principle, a part of his very being, and controlling his plans, his labors, his comforts and his purse. His works praise him, and his memory will long be fresh and fragrant in the church". Mr. Gale was three times married. His first wife was Harriet Selden, a daughter of Hon. Charles Selden and Abigail Jones, his wife, to whom he was united at Troy, New York, in 1820. She was delicately reared, and a young girl at the time of her marriage. The income from her small fortune enabled him to prosecute his plans for doing good, and she cheerfully followed his fortunes; if not with enthusiasm, at least without complaint. In 1841, a year after her death, he married Mrs. Esther Coon, a daughter of Daniel Williams, at Galesburg; and after her demise he was joined - in 1844 - to Lucy Merriam, at New Haven, Connecticut. He was the father of seven sons and three daughters: William Selden, born in 1822, and now living at Galesburg; Harriet Yonvet, born in 1823; George, born in 1826, and died in 1872; Josiah, born in 1827, and died in 1863; Mary Elizabeth born in 1829, and now the widow of Rev. Edwin L. Hurd, D.D.; Margaret, born in 1831, who became the wife of Professor Henry E. Hitchcock, of Knox College and the Nebraska State University; Charles Selden, born in 1835 and died in 1836; Joseph Dudley, the first male white child born within the present limits of Galesburg, born in 1837 and died in 1856; Roger and Henry Williams, both of whom died the year of their birth, the former in 1840 and the latter in 1842. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. [Submitted by A. J. Perry.]
All through Mr. Gale's life, prominent and above all other considerations, this principle has been manifested; and when called to look after interests extending beyond the purely local, and touching the State at large, the influence which his measures might have upon local affairs were still uppermost in his mind. If Mr. Gale has had ambition to work in large field (and doubtless he has, for he has been eminently fitted for such service), such ambitions have always been subordinated, not only to a feeling of obligation to perform the local duties that are ever pressing upon a competent man in any community, but also to a feeling of distaste to an active political life; for not one of the many positions of trust and honor which Mr. Gale has held was he ever an active candidate, until made so by his friends. In all his relationships to his fellow citizens, his bearing has been cordial, his criticisms not harsh, but based upon a sound judgment, and, therefore, never used to feed a vindictive spirit. He stands then a man to whom every young person may look as a specimen of a typical, high-minded citizen. He was born February 15, 1822, at Adams, Jefferson County, New York, where his father, the Rev. George Washington Gale, afterwards of Galesburg, Illinois, was then Presbyterian pastor. His mother, daughter of Hon. Charles Selden, was born at Lansingburg, New York, in 1800, and was married to Rev. Mr. Gale at Troy, New York, in 1820. Charles Selden was born at Lyme, Connecticut. He graduated from Yale in 1777, in the presence of General Washington, from whom he received, with others of his class, a commission on graduation day, and entered the Army. He was made Captain and served until a year after the war. He became a merchant, was State Senator, and a member of the State Board of Regents of the University. Col. Samuel Selden, father of Charles, commanded a Connecticut regiment, was in New York at the time of the battle of Long Island, and was left behind sick when the Americans evacuated and the English entered the city. He died a prisoner. Thomas Selden and Richard Ely, ancestors of Charles Selden, came to Lyme, Connecticut, about 1836, where some of their descendants still reside. Mr. Gale was married in 1845 to Caroline Eliza, daughter of Silvanus Western Ferris, and granddaughter of Silvanus Ferris, who was so prominent in the formation of the Galesburg colony. There were eight children born to Mr. And Mrs. Gale: William Selden, George Washington; Charles Selden; Caroline; Harriet; Joseph Dudley; Josiah; and John. William S.; George W.; Caroline, the wife of J. Gibson Lowrie, D.D.; and Harriet, are now living. Josiah died in 1889, and was at that time Clerk of the Circuit Court of this county. The other three sons young. Though not a college graduate, Mr. Gale's education has been a liberal one. He was fourteen years old when he left New York for Illinois. At that time he was prepared for college, but was considered too young to enter. A plan for home study was begun with the expectation of entering college later, but in an advanced class. Systematic study, however, was gradually dropped on account of some business cares and the desire for active life incident to a new and hopeful country. Having a phenomenal memory, and great powers of analysis and application, the habit of reading history, political economy, and other subjects of like practical interest to the citizen, made him one of the most liberally educated men of his community. Tempting opportunities for useful and profitable vocations presented themselves. That of merchant and general trader at first seemed most attractive. His eighteenth and nineteenth years were years of education in that capacity, while in the employ of Colonel Herman Knox and James Knox, brothers in business at Knoxville, and of Ralph H. Hulburt, of Mt. Sterling. He became interested in real estate and other property, however, which turned his attention to the law. He was admitted to the Bar in 1846. Without the usual waiting for practice, so universal with young attorneys, his business and certain duties of citizenship absorbed all his time. His knowledge of the law was of great service to him in what was afterwards his life work. Another preparatory experiment was the management of "The Newsletter", a paper published with the assistance of Dr. James Bunce and George C. Lanphere. It may be said that here Mr. Gale began his efforts to make Galesburg a railroad center. Railways at that time were thought to be principally useful for overland transportation, connecting lake with lake and river with river, the waterway being still considered means of traffic. The Peoria and Oquawka, the Rock Island and Peoria, the Illinois Central, the Northern Cross (Galesburg to Quincy), the Michigan Central, and Michigan Southern roads were all figuring for Illinois business. Knoxville and Monmouth both seemed to lead Galesburg in the chances of railroad connections; Galesburg, was therefore, greatly discouraged. It came to the knowledge of Mr. Gale that the managers of the Michigan Southern road were about to undertake the extension of the Rock Island and Peoria to Chicago. It was supposed that this line would come within thirty miles of Galesburg. Mr. Gale at once called attention to these facts in an editorial. A great stir was made, committees were appointed to confer with Chicago and Eastern parties, and everything looked favorable for the construction of a branch to connect with this road. Galesburg people obtained a charter for this branch, which was to be known as the Central Military Tract Railroad. The Rock Island and Peoria people agreed to take up its construction, but were, as it proved, a little too slow. The Michigan Central Railroad Company was about to extend the Chicago and Aurora line to connect with the Illinois Central at Mendota. Mr. Gale saw the advantage of this line at once, and the negotiations begun with the same parties to take up the Central Military Tract road were entirely successful. A direct line to Chicago, through Mendota and Aurora, was thus secured, and, as predicted by Mr. Gale, the Peoria and Oquawka and the Northern Cross came to Galesburg to make their Chicago connections. These roads no constitute an important portion of the splendid "Burlington" system. A large part of Mr. Gale's time was freely given to his enterprise, the wisdom of which is fully demonstrated by the great, intelligent, and prosperous communities that have grown up along its lines. With the completion of this railroad, "The Newsletter" was transferred to other parties, to the great relief, though substantial pecuniary loss, of the editor. The public offices held by Mr. Gale comprise almost everything of a local character, as well as certain positions of more general jurisdiction. From 1849 to 1853 he was Postmaster of Galesburg; 1853 to 1895, with the exception of five years, Supervisor of Knox County; 1871 to 1882, and 1891 to 1895, Alderman of the City of Galesburg; 1861 to present time, Trustee of Knox College; Member of the State Constitutional Convention, 1862; Member of the State Legislature, 1869; Member of the State Revenue Commission, 1885 and 1886; Trustee of the Illinois Western Hospital for the Insane, 1895 to 1897; Presidential Elector, 1872; In 1853 he was nominated for County Judge during his absence from home. He did not desire the office, made no canvass, and was defeated. He was a member of the Whig party, and attended, as a delegate, most of its conventions until its dissolution, and then joined the republican party. He has been in State and National Conventions, and supported the candidates, though sometimes doubting, and even regretting, the policy. Mr. Gale is entitled to a brief consideration of his more important public work, as it will serve to bring out more clearly his natural mental tendencies and power of analysis of public questions. The Constitution Convention of 1862 consisted of as many delegates as there were members of the Legislature, and they were elected from the same districts. No reapportionment had been made for twenty years. Representation was, therefore, very unjust to the republicans in the northern portions of the State, which had in the meantime became very populous. Union conventions to nominate delegates were held in many counties, Knox among them, and the result was only thirteen republican members in the convention. It contained many able men, and among the democrats were many strong Southern sympathizers. What, then, should be the attitude of Illinois in case the Union should be broken up, was a serious question to many, and the authority of the convention to declare it was urged. The influence of Douglas and Logan, together with Union victories, finally put discussions of this character aside, and the convention settled down to more legitimate work. Mr. Gale, though one of the very small minority, secured the adoption of a plan, giving county Boards, under certain conditions, power to submit to a vote of the people questions as to removal of county seats, the object being to take such questions out of politics. Knox County was then divided into factions on this subject, and at a decided disadvantage in every district and State convention. The proposition was dropped on final revision, through feat that it might cost the constitution votes in some localities. In the work of apportionment, Gale was successful, having his own way as to his own locality. He had been placed on the judicial and congressional apportionment committees, and the work of congressional apportionment was mainly done by Mr. Gale, and Lewis W. Ross, of Fulton County. The constitution failed before the people, owing to prejudice created by the unfortunate character of its opening provisions. In the Revenue Commission of 1885-6, Mr. Gale again displayed his knowledge of the details in every department of local administration. His appointment was made at the earnest solicitation of every member of the Knox County Board of Supervisors, the county officers, and the City Council of Galesburg, besides others equally prominent in matters of the public welfare - all of whom knew of his thorough fitness for such an important work. The commission was composed of twelve members, six from each political party. The Hon. Milton Hay, one of the most eminent attorneys of the State was chairman. The assessment of property in the State had developed into a contest between assessors, to see which could so assess as to obtain the most relief for his township or county, in the payment of State taxes. The Commission saw that this contest was unavoidable, unless the State taxes were assessed and collected in an entirely different manner from all local taxes. The Commission plan, therefore, struck at the root of the difficulty. It was opposed by interests directly affected by the proposed changes, and so the work came to naught. No member of the Commission left plainer marks than Mr. Gale. The work was mostly done in committees of the whole when he was chairman. In 1868, the people of Galesburg decided, if possible, to secure the passage of a bill, submitting to a vote, the removal of the county seat from Knoxville to Galesburg. They put forward Mr. Gale as their candidate for the Legislature, and he received the nomination. The democrats nominated Alfred M. Craig. The county seat question figured largely in the issue, but Mr. Gale was elected. Mr. Gale was made chairman of the committee on penitentiaries and was also placed on the railroad committee. The county seat bill was presented and passed after a hard struggle. This was the last session of the Legislature permitting special legislation. Every member was, in consequence, very active. Mr. Gale had about thirty bills and succeeded in getting them all passed. Mr. Gale's interest in local affairs began when, as a boy, he listened to the plans of the founders of Galesburg before they left New York, to find the spot whereon was to be built the college and around which the village and future beautiful city was to grow. The plan worked out by the Rev. George W. Gale, and in which Mr. Selden was so much interested, has been substantially followed. The first city charter of Galesburg was drafted by Mr. Gale, George C. Panphere and Oliver S. Pitcher. Mr. Gale declined a place in the council at that time, and afterwards until 1871, when he was elected without opposition. He remained in the council until 1882, and had an opposing candidate but once during that time. He was chairman of the finance committee during his entire service as Alderman. In the first period of his service he refunded the city debt on terms especially advantageous to the taxpayers, and which were thought impractical by local bankers. He negotiated the purchase of the City Park, and the year after the close of his second period of service, from 1891 to 1895, he was chairman of the committee to revise the city ordinances. Township organization was adopted in Knox County in 1853. The first ten years subsequent to this Mr. Gale was elected Supervisor without opposition. The first five years he was the sole representative from Galesburg; then two more representatives followed. At the beginning there were still the remnants of an early prejudice against Galesburg, as a Yankee, Presbyterian, Abolitionist settlement. The town was increasing rapidly, and large bills were necessarily presented to the county for the support of the Galesburg poor, the poor being entirely a county charge at that time. Moreover, the rapid growth of Galesburg was exciting the suspicions of the people that sooner or later a successful effort would be made to remove the county seat from Knoxville to Galesburg. This feeling was shared by a majority of the county Board. Mr. Gale exerted more influence on the Board than any other man, and many of the representatives were accused by their constituents of allowing themselves to be hoodwinked by him. The simple fact, however, was, that coupled with his ability were a thorough knowledge of the situation and a spirit of perfect fairness and justice, and to be associated with him in the transaction of the county business, enabled all to see the justness of his propositions and the sincerity of his purpose. In 1863, he was not re-elected. In 1865, his services were again demanded, and he was returned with H. R. Sanderson as an able associate. Galesburg was soon restored to her proper degree of influence. From this time until 1873, when the question of locating the county seat at Galesburg was finally settled, Mr. Gale had the care of many important measures. He secured an order of the county Board dividing the town of Galesburg, drawing the division line in such a way that it made two towns, each entitled to two supervisors, thus increasing the representation of Galesburg by two members. Later he drew a bill, which passed the Legislature, dividing the City of Galesburg from the township, allowing the city representation in proportion to the population. This gave Galesburg six representatives in the county Board. This bill possessed one entirely new feature. It gave the city a township, as well as city government. He devised the present mode of caring for the poor, dividing the responsibility between township and county, which has been so satisfactory. The elegant three-story court house, completed in January, 1887, was mainly planned by Mr. Gale, the architect taking the floor plan entirely as submitted by him. He was chairman of the building committee during the entire time of the court house construction. His part in determining the plan for the jail and letting the contracts for construction, was practically the same. The same may be said of the construction of the first insane annex of the Alms House, although he did not remain in the Board until the building was completed. Limited space prevents the enumeration of all that Mr. Gale has done for this community; to repeat here what his opponents have said in his praise would appear fulsome in the extreme. One thing, however, his friends have seriously regretted, that he ever allowed himself to be drawn from the profession of the law; for they feel that when the conclusion was reached, that his work lay along other lines, this county lost its opportunity of furnishing to the State one of its foremost attorneys. Mr. Gale is still in active life, attending to his large farming interests in Knox and Warren Counties. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company.
Henry Gardt received a thorough common school education in Germany, where superior training of the mind is the rule, not the exception. He became well instructed in those branches which especially fitted him for the active business of life. In 1868, when only a youth of sixteen years, he came to Galesburg, where he has resided ever since. He first found employment with Charles Brechwald in the liquor business, where he remained for eleven years. He then formed a co-partnership with Solomon Frolich and L. Nirdlinger in the same business, which firm still continues. In 1888, this company purchased the Union Hotel at Galesburg, making it by their excellent management one of the best hotels in the State. It has a fine reputation far and wide, and became a pleasant resort, especially for traveling men. In the Spring of 1899, they rented the hotel of George J. Mills. All this time they were engaged in the wholesale liquor business, and have made a financial success in all their transactions. In 1890, they organized a joint stock company and built the Auditorium, which was put, and is still, under the management of Mr. Gardt. Mr. Gardt has always shown himself as a public spirited man. The various industries and improvements of the city of his adoption he has always favored, and has given liberally of his means. He is kind in disposition, agreeable in manners, and has the ability to establish friendly relations towards his associates. He served, with credit, as Alderman, the citizens of his ward in 1884-5, being elected on the republican ticket. For a term of two years, he held the office of Park Commissioner. The two public enterprises to which he has given special attention are the founding of the Auditorium and the establishment of the Williams Race Track. He is a member of several secret societies, among which are the following: Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, and the Shrine of Medinah (Chicago). He has traveled quite extensively in this country, visiting many States. In 1897, he made a tour of Europe, sojourning for a time in the land of his birth. In politics, he is an active republican, working always for his party's success. Mr. Gardt was married May 18, 1876, to Barbara Glaeser. To these parents have been born three children. Two are deceased and one boy is living, Chauncey. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman, page 676. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] George S. Gates, sec. 13, Ontario Township. P. O., Oneida. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company.
Silvanus W. Ferris, Mrs. Gettemy's grandfather, was one of a committee of four to select a site for Galesburg and Knox College. Here he removed with his family and lived the remainder of his days. He took an active interest in the prosperity and growth of the town, and in establishing Knox College, of which he was a trustee until his death. Mrs. Gettemy's childhood was passed at home under the surveillance of her parents. There was scarcely a book at her command, and the day of daily newspapers had not dawned in Galesburg. Fox's Book of Martyrs was the only illustrated book which the home afforded, and the scenes there pictured were stamped indelibly upon her mind. Her early advantages for education were the best the times afforded. She first attended a private school and afterwards entered the public schools. With this preparatory training she became a student in Knox Academy, and enjoyed the instruction of superior teachers. In January, 1854, she entered Knox College and graduated with distinction in 1857. The first year after leaving college was spent in the study of music and French. In the Spring of 1858 she taught the children of the neighborhood, and in April, 1859, she went from home to teach in the schools of Henderson County. Afterwards she became a teacher in Knox Academy and in the High Schools of Canton, Kewanee, and Freeport. September 21, 1865, she was married to Robert Hood Gettemy. They lived in Monmouth, Illinois, until their removal to Chicago, in May, 1867, where Mr. Gettemy was engaged in the lumber business. In 1869 fire destroyed the accumulation of years, blackening his prospects for the future. His health becoming impaired, they returned to Monmouth in November, 1873. In April, 1875, Mr. Gettemy returned to Chicago; but his physical condition gave no promise for permanent business pursuits, and Mrs. Gettemy again entered the schoolroom as a teacher, and took the principalship of the High Schools in Galesburg in place of Mrs. McCall, who was compelled to be absent on account of illness. In 1876 she was elected principal of Galesburg High School, resigning after nineteen years of earnest and successful labor to accept the position of assistant, which would bring less arduous duties and fewer responsibilities. To the cares of the schoolroom was added the care of an invalid husband. After many years of ill health, Mr. Gettemy was at last compelled to give up entirely the active labors of life. He came to Galesburg in 1886, where, for five years, he was confined to his home, for ten months, to his bed. After great suffering, he died August 6, 1891. Mr. And Mrs. Gettemy had but one child, a son, Charles Ferris Gettemy. He graduated at Knox College in 1890, and at Harvard University in 1891. He took the degree of Master of Arts in 1893. He is now engaged as a political writer on the Boston Advertiser. In childhood Mrs. Gettemy united with the Baptist Church, retaining that membership until 1865, when, with her husband, she joined the United Presbyterian Church in Monmouth, Illinois. On removing to Chicago in 1867, they united with the Third Presbyterian Church of that city. In 1882 she united with the Old First Church in Galesburg, now the Central Congregational Church, of which she remains a member. As a teacher, Mrs. Gettemy has earned a praiseworthy reputation. She entered this field of work with good acquirements and a thorough appreciation of the task to be performed. Her manner is of that quiet kind that begets confidence in her pupils as well as in her associates. She is not forward in her opinions, but is ever ready to return an intelligent answer to her interrogator. In the community, she is highly esteemed, and her Alma Mater showed its appreciation of her work as a faithful instructor by conferring upon her, in 1897, the Degree of Master of Literature. Mrs. Gettemy still continues her work in the Galesburg High School (1899). Obituary, Williamsfield Times, Williamsfield, Ill., October 8, 1930. [Contributed by Jenny Williams.] SARAH E. TUCKER MUNDY GERMAN, daughter of John and Eleanor Metcalf Tucker; born July 23, 1841; died October 4, 1930. (See GermanSarah.pdf file. You must have Acrobat Reader installed to read the file. It is available free at From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman, page 676. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] Wm. H. Gillaspie, J. P., Abingdon, is the son of Simon and Juliette (Halloway) Gillespie, natives of West Virginia; was born in Montgomery co., Ky., Sept. 17, 1823; spent his early life on a farm and attending school at the old log school house; has been Mayor of Abingdon 4 years, City and Town Clerk several years each, and Justice of the Peace 4 terms; came to Abingdon in 1854; joined the Christian Church in 1841; is clerk of Jefferson Street Church; married Mary Ann Bradshaw March 3, 1844; she died in 1852; married Martha E. Bradley, July 3, 1853 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a William H. Gillaspie marrying a Martha Ellen Bradley in Fulton County on July 3, 1853]; she died in 1870; and he again married Dec. 7, 1871 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a William H. Gillaspie marrying a Eva M. Younkin in Henry County on December 7, 1871]. Republican. From the 1918 A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, William E. Connelley, Secretary of the Kansas State Historical Society, Lewis Publishing Company. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] CLARENCE CASE GODDARD, M. D. While Doctor Goddard now gives all his time and attention to the Evergreen Place Hospital at Leavenworth, a high class sanitarium for nervous and mental troubles, liquor and drug habits, he has occupied such a distinguished position in Kansas medical circles for so many years that hardly any name in the profession is more widely known and more highly honored. In 1911 he was elected president of the Kansas State Medical Society. He served four terms as president of the County Medical Society, has been the president of the District Society, has been a delegate from Kansas to the American Medical Association, and he has also contributed a number of articles, based upon his individual experience as a specialist in nervous and mental diseases, to the medical journals of the country. Doctor Goddard is a member of the Burlington Railway Surgeons Association, was for many years a surgeon for that company, and held the chair of Nervous and Mental Diseases in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Kansas City, Kansas, now the department of the State University, for four years when he resigned. He has also been a professor in the Post Graduate Medical School and Clinic of Kansas City, Missouri. Doctor Goddard has been a resident of Kansas more than fifty-seven years. He came with his parents to Leavenworth in 1860, and that city has been his home ever since, though during his connection with the regular army as assistant surgeon his duties called him to various parts of the West. He is of old American ancestry. His forefather, Marcellus Goddard, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. His father, Edwin Pinney Goddard, was born in Connecticut in 1808, and married Maria Fillmore, a native of Wayne County, New York. She was of the prominent Fillmore family and a second cousin to Millard Fillmore, who was elected vice president of the United States in 1848 and succeeded General Taylor as president in 1850. During his youth Edwin P. Goddard moved to Wayne County, New York, and became an active business man. At one time he was Receiver of the Port at Palmyra, and he also operated the first packing industry in that section. Reasons of ill health compelled him to remove to the West, and by gradual stages he finally arrived in Kansas. In 1856 he moved to Knox county, Illinois, and for several years was a merchant at Abingdon. In 1858 he made a tour of the West with a view to a permanent location, and at that time decided to establish a home at Leavenworth. This plan was not finally carried out until 1860. In that year he brought his family to Kansas, going by rail as far as St. Joseph, Missouri, and descending the river on board the Blackhawk to Leavenworth. About a mile south of the then City of Leavenworth, at a place now included within the corporate limits, he established one of the first nurseries in Kansas, and continued that business successfully until his death in 1866. His widow survived him until 1906, being ninety-two when she died. They had ten children, eight of whom reached maturity, and four are now living. One son, Luther M., was for fourteen years a member of the Colorado Supreme Court and for ten years previously had been a judge of the district bench. Clarence Case Goddard was born at Gorham, Ontario County, New York, March 2l, 1849. Since he was twelve years of age his home has been at Leavenworth. Most of his early education came from the public schools of this city, and here he took up the study of medicine with Dr. J. W. Brock. Subsequently he entered the Bellevue Hospital Medical College of New York, and was graduated M. D. in 1873. For about six months following his graduation he was acting assistant surgeon in the regular army, and during 1874-75 he pursued post-graduate studies at Bellevue. He then resumed his connection with the regular army as acting assistant surgeon, and served altogether nearly fourteen years. He was connected with the Department of Missouri, and was assigned to duty at different posts in Kansas, Indian Territory, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. On January 1, 1887, Doctor Goddard resigned from the army and took up regular practice at Leavenworth. Since 1890 he has specialized in mental and nervous diseases. It was in 1890 that he founded the present Evergreen Place Hospital and Sanitarium, in the southern part of Leavenworth. He remodeled and furnished for the purpose what was originally a country home of fourteen rooms with twelve acres of grounds, occupying a place attractive in all its physical surroundings and furnishing the quiet so necessary for the treatment of patients received in the institution. In two years' time the patronage had so grown that Doctor Goddard was compelled to add twenty rooms and a cottage annex of ten rooms. The main building of the sanitarium was burned in 1898 and again in 1908. At the latter year he erected the present hospital building, which represents the Moorish design or architectural features, and is solidly constructed of brick and cement. The present capacity is for thirty-three patients and Doctor Goddard now gives his entire attention to the management. Doctor Goddard is a prominent Mason, has served as master of his lodge, as eminent commander of the Knights Templar and as potentate of Abdalla Temple of the Mystic Shrine. He is a member of the Episcopal Church, is a democrat in politics, and in 1910 was elected to the legislature from Leavenworth County. In 1874 he married Miss Clara Weibling, of Denver, Colorado. Her father, Harmon G. Weibling, came to Leavenworth from Baltimore, Maryland, in 1854 was a contractor, and died in 1872. Doctor Goddard's only child, Clarence B., was graduated A. B. from the Kansas State University in 1904, in 1908 finished his course in the Denver Gross Medical College at Denver, and was in active practice from that time until his death in 1913. He married Harriet Stearns and is survived by one daughter, Clara Cecelia. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] Peter Godfrey. A farmer, he is the son of James and Keziah Godfrey, natives of Maryland and Delaware, respectively. He was born in Sussex Co., Delaware on Feb 5, 1810. He was reared on the farm and attended common schools, and came to Illinois in 1832. He has served as Supervisor 4 or 5 terms from Orange Twp., Justice of the Peace, and Trustee of Hedding College. He was married to Nancy Sumner on Feb. 7, 1839. They have two adopted children. His wife joined the M. E. Church in 1836, he in 1862,and is Steward and Trustee. A Republican. P. O. Abingdon. From the June 12, 1911 Galesburg Republican-Register. [Contributed by Patti Smith.] The Funeral of Mrs. Godsil Ester Mary Seiboldt Godsil. Victoria, Ill., June 10 - Many neighbors, friends and relatives of Mrs. Frank Godsil, who died the morning of June 8th, assembled Saturday afternoon to pay a last tribute of respect to the young wife and mother, who had been taken so suddenly from their midst. The funeral services were held at Maxey chapel and were conducted by Rev. Geo. H. Thorp of the Methodist church of Victoria. The songs were "Looking This Way," "Solid Rock," and "Good Night," sung by a quartet composed of Miss Katherine Gothard, Miss Rhea Schunk, Rev. Thorp and A. A. Reyonolds, with Miss Ava Henstrom as organist. The floral tributes covered the casket and were numerous and beautiful. Obituary On the 31st of May, 1909 she was united in marriage to Frank Godsil. To this union was born four children, one of whom preceded her in death. In 1908 Mrs. Godsil was converted and joined the Methodist Episcopal church of which she has been a member ever since. For the past year or two she has been in poor health. Last Saturday she was taken dangerously ill and passed away on Thursday morning at 9:05. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, three children , her mother, one brother, two step-sisters, one step-brother , and many other relatives and a host of friends. In her home Mrs. Godsil was very kind and considerate, always thinking of the welfare of her loved ones. She had a kind word and a smile for her friends and will long be remembered, especially by those who knew her best. The remains were laid to rest in the Westfall cemetery. From the Oct. 28?, 1914 Galesburg newspaper. [Contributed by Patti Smith.] Patrick Godsil Called by Death Patrick Godsil. "After a lingering illness of three years duration, Patrick Godsil of 974 South Academy street, died at eight o'clock Tuesday evening at his home. Forty six years ago he became a resident of this city and lived here continuously in Galesburg since that time. He was born in County Cork, Ireland in 1847. He found romance in America after immigrating here in `64 and married a Galesburg girl, Miss Frances Cratty. A devout Catholic, he remained sincere in his belief and was a member for years of the St. Patrick's church. He was an employee for some time in the "Q" shops. His widow, six sons, W. H. Godsil and David Godsil of this city, M.S. Godsil of Peoria, Tom, Frank and James of Victoria and four daughters, Mrs. W. H. Fields, Mrs. Anna Sylvester of Peoria, Mrs. Frances Johnson and Miss Nellie Godsil at home are the relatives who survive him. Funeral services will be held on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at the St. Patrick's church. The interment will be in St. Joseph's cemetery. The family request that no flowers be sent." Bio written by Peter D. Gold in 1983. Andrew Jackson Gold was born in Aberdeen, Monroe county, Mississippi, and died 25 February 1890 in Galva, Henry county, Illinois. He married Lydia Ellen Dean 3 October 1867 in Rock Island, Illinois. He was the oldest son, and first child born in Mississippi, to John H. Gold and Hepsy Whitfield. He spent his early years on the family farm located on the fertile bottom lands of the Tombigbee River, about five miles from Aberdeen, Monroe county, Mississippi. When he was about 7 years of age, he often accompanied his father on wagon trips to Aberdeen, where he and his father frequently stopped at Sammie's Mercantile Store for supplies such as sugar, flour, shot and powder. He would watch as his father talked with the other men and sometimes traded for gold watches and time pieces. This was a favorite pastime of his father. By the time he was eleven, Andy was already doing a man's work on the family farm. Tending the horses and swine as well as helping with the planting and harvesting of the crops. They planted cotton, corn and potatoes. Andy recalled that his Aunt Lucy Caroline was living with the family to help Andy's mother tend to the house and the growing family. 2 April 1853 was a sad day for the Gold family. Andy's mother did not survive the birth of his new brother Arthur. All the family assisted in the preparation and burial of their mother on a portion of the family farm. The following May, Andy was present, with the other members of the family, when his father married Aunt Lucy Caroline. They were married on 3 May 1853 by a Minister of the Gospel, and Rufus Gold was a witness to the marriage. During those years, there was considerable talk about the new lands in the state of Florida. Now that Governor Andrew Jackson had successfully completed the first and most of the Second Seminole Indian Wars in Florida, the land was relatively safe for the families who wanted to move to the new areas such as central Florida. The thought of new lands and a warmer climate must have appealed to John H. Gold and his brother-in-law William Whitfeld and his wife Catherine. It was decided that Andy's father would go ahead of the rest and scout the new land for the families which were to follow. In the late winter months of 1854, he set out, traveling overland through Alabama and north Florida, in search of new land in the west central part of Florida. Although his exact route remains a mystery, it is likely that he traveled the military and Indian routes that existed between Columbus, Mississippi and Montgomery, Alabama. Continuing in a southeasterly direction, he likely crossed the Chattahoochee River in the vicinity of present day, Mariana, Florida, where there was a ferry crossing the East-West military road between the port cities of Mobile, Alabama and Jacksonville, Florida. Traveling eastward, he reached Tallahassee, Florida where he turned southward on the military road to Pierceville and Fort Monroe (now Tampa). I n a matter of weeks, he came to the little town of Pierceville (now Brooksville), where he found a small town of about 200 sited in rolling hills with a nearby Fort for protection. He also noted that it was located at the intersection of the roads leading north to Jacksonville, and some 40 miles distance from Fort Monroe to the south. He elected to look around for land on which to settle the Gold and Whitfeld families. In Aberdeen, winter was waning as February began. Andy and his step-mother and the Whitfelds were busy readying their families for the trip to Florida. John H. Gold returned to Aberdeen and the Gold farm was sold to J. W. Holliday, the son of the Holliday that sold the farm to John H. Gold. Completing the final preparations, the Gold/Whitfeld families departed Monroe county, Mississippi, during April of 1855. The families reached Pierceville, Florida, in October 1855, Andy and his father and some slaves loaned by William Whitfeld, set to clearing lands and raising fences for a widow lady in exchange for a parcel of land about two miles northeast of Pierceville, near the fort providing protection for the settlers. In the fall of 1856, Andy saw the birth of his brother William Hatch Gold to his stepmother, Lucy Gold. William was the first of nine children born to the Gold family at Brooksville, Florida. In the spring of 1856, the Seminole Indians and some free blacks were heading an uprising. Andy's father John enlisted in the company of Captain William Kendrick, known as the Florida Mounted Volunteers, where he performed wagon driving duties. The following month, Andy saw his father return to the farm. Shortly after the Indian Uprising, John H. Gold decided to move his family to a better location about six miles southeast of Brooksville near a lake and about a mile from the location of the Cedar Tree post office. John H. Gold gave the original home site to his oldest son, Andrew Jackson Gold. Andy and his brothers helped his father fell trees for the house and cleared the land for the crops to be planted in the spring of 1858. During the summer of 1858, the home, connected cookhouse, and two outbuildings were completed in time for the fall harvests of corn, cassava and vegetables. Water continued to be a problem. Water was hauled daily by oxcart from the lake about 1/2 mile south of the home site. This lake became known as Gold Lake, favoring John H. Gold and his family. John told his sons that later they would all dig a well in the front yard of the house to solve the water problem. (During the war, John Gold and several of his sons dug by hand a well about five feet in diameter and some forty feet deep, an amazing feat in the soft sand of Florida which was so prone to doom such projects.) Later this well was stone lined and for more than 100 years it provided good, cold drinking water for all those with a thirst. Andy was approaching age 18, and he, with his cousin, Asa Whitfeld, who was 17, frequently listened to the growing unrest and the talk of seceding from the union. They decided that if war came they would fight for the Confederacy. In January 1860, the Florida First Infantry was formed at Camp MaryDavid (Tallahassee) and units thereof were scattered throughout portions of Florida. Andrew Jackson Gold took his favorite horses, Skeeter and Jim, and in the company of Asa Whitfeld, rode from their homes in Hernando county to Camp Ichapapa (Plant City) near Fort Monroe. Here they were mustered into Company K, First Florida Cavalry (First Florida Infantry) on 1 January 1862, which was under the command of Captain David Hughes. Private Andrew Gold did well in the military and was promoted to Sergeant 4th following the battle of Perrysville in late 1862. Asa Whitfeld did not fare so well and left the service 11 June 1862. The war was not going well for the Confederacy, there was a pressing need for cavalry mounts for the troops in Tennessee and Virginia. Accordingly, seven companies of the First Florida Cavalry, including Andy's Company K, voluntarily dismounted and served the remainder of the war as the First Florida Cavalry Dismounted. In September 1863, the Florida First Infantry was ordered to Chickamauga, Tennessee, where they acquitted themselves with honor. On Sunday, 23 November 1863, the Florida First Infantry was redeployed to the center of the Confederate forces on Missionary Ridge. Company K was assigned picket duty in the center of the front lines. They spent the day digging in, preparing for what was to be a decisive battle of the war. The order of the day, 23 November 1863, was that every man was to be given 200 rounds of ammunition and instructed to hold their positions at all costs until they ran out of ammunition or found themselves in a totally indefensible position. This being the case, they were to withdraw up the ridge, join the other units and continue the battle. At 8 a.m., the commanding general of the Union forces directed his men to start the battle under cover of artillery and mortar fire. (A Union correspondent's eye witness report of the battle follows.) "Our forces advanced in the sharp manner under a shield of cannon and mortar fire until they encountered the rebel picket lines where they were shocked and stalled by murderous small arms fire. Hand to hand combat was the order of the day. Cannon shells were falling so close to both forces that some of the rounds found men from both forces." Company K began to withdraw up the slopes of Missionary Ridge at this point because they were outflanked. "And a drive was begun up the ridge through the point blank fire of the Rebel rifle and cannon fire. Casualties on both sides were fierce and the Rebels taken prisoner were streaming down the hill toward the rear lines. Dead and dying were everywhere. By night fall the second day, 24 November, our forces had taken about half the ridge." The following day, November 25th, the Union forces, under the command of Major General Thomas, captured the crest of the ridge and Andrew Jackson Gold was among the Confederate soldiers taken prisoner. For them, the war was over. With the Union forces firmly entrenched on the crest of Missionary Ridge, the way was open for General Sherman to form and execute his advance through the south to the sea. The Florida First Cavalry Dismounted suffered severe casualties. Of the two hundred men that went into battle, all of the line officers were killed and there were only thirty-three officers and a handful of men remaining after the battle. Those later merged with the Fourth Florida Cavalry at Dalton, Georgia, where they served for the remainder of the war. Fourth Sergeant Andrew Jackson Gold, listed as Private on the prisoner rolls, was sent to a holding station at Nashville, Tennessee. From there on 6 December 1863, he was sent to Louisville, Kentucky. On 8 December he was sent to Illinois where he arrived on 25 December 1863 at the Rock Island Prison Barrack. He remained there for about 11 months. Due to severe over-crowding and health conditions (many were dying from small pox and yellow fever), Andrew was given the opportunity to swear allegiance to the United States in exchange for his release. His acceptance of that opportunity many have saved his life. Andrew Jackson Gold married Lydia Ellen Dean 3 October 1867 in Rock Island county, Illinois. They lived there in 1870 but in 1880 they lived in Knoxville, Illinois. In 1890, Andrew Jackson Gold committed suicide. He had been living in Galesburg, and his wife had left him and moved to Galva. He had followed her there to try and talk her into returning. She refused and he took poison and died. A. J. Gold was a train engineer at the pump house in Galesburg. After he had sworn the oath of allegiance, his father had refused to contact him again. His wife Lydia Ellen Dean, born 16 January 1852 in Rock Island county, remarried after his death, F. P. Duke in June of 1892 and they had one child Ruth. Lydia died 26 April 1896 at Kewanee. They had just moved to Kewanee from Galesburg two months earlier. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] LUTHER GOOLD. He is the son of S. S. and Hanna Goold, and was born in Vermont on 8 Sept 1820. He attended the common schools of that State. He was raised on a farm and has continued the business from choice. He has been Postmaster, Town Clerk, and Steward for 20 years in the Methodist Episcopal Church. He came to Illinois when 23 years old. He married Alzina Brooks, and they have four children. He is a Republican. P.O. Yates City. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Submitted by Bob Miller.] GEORGE H. GRAVES. Page 984. From the 1902 Illustrated History of Union and Wallowa Counties. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] CHARLES L. GREEN. The farmers and stockmen and orchardists of Union county are a prosperous class of people and are noted for their enterprise and progressive methods, while the wealth of the county that has been produced by these industrious people is sufficient comment for their ability and thrift. As one of the substantial ones among this class we may mention the gentleman whose name is above, and who deserves a place in any record of the county's leading men. Charles L. was born in Knox county, Illinois, on August 16, 1856, being the son of Ezra and Mary A. (Ostrom) Green, farmers of that vicinity. In the spring of 1861, the parents left their Illinois home to try the fortunes of California, going thither by wagon across the dreary plains where dwelt hardship and danger. Arriving in the Sacramento valley in due time, they remained there but one year and turned again toward the east, settling in southwestern Missouri. At this place in 1866 the father passed from the labors of this life to the realities of another. In Jasper county, Missouri, our subject attended the district schools and there received his educational discipline, remaining as one of the family circle until 1870, when he engaged for wages on a farm, continuing this service for about eight years. Then he rented a farm for himself, and in 1882 set his face to the west once more, coming this time to Wallowa county, whence his mother and brother had preceded him by three years. He took up a homestead nine miles north from Enterprise, on Trout creek, and assiduously went to work to open a farm and build a home. He engaged in general farming and stock raising until February, 1897, and then sold out and came to Union county. Here he purchased his present place of eighty acres, eight miles north of Cove, and has devoted his attention to farming and fruit raising. He has been prospered and is accumulating a good portion of this world's goods. He has a place that shows thrift and industry and skillful management. The marriage of Mr. Green and Miss Margaret E. Wright, daughter of Jackson and Marinda (Richardson) Wright, was solemnized on June 7, 1893, and to them have been born four children as follows: Mary M., Bertha M., Fanny H., and Lillie B. Mr. Green is a substantial, capable, upright, skillful and enterprising citizen, adding to the wealth of the county by his industry, and contributing to the advancement of the same by his activity and interest in the welfare of its progress and upbuilding. From the 1885 History of McDonough County, Illinois, Continental Historical Co., Springfield, Illinois. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] Lee H. Greene is of French and Spanish descent, and was born in Montgomery county, Kentucky, April 13, 1850. In 1857, he came with his parents to Illinois, and settled upon a farm, where he remained until 1868. His father died September 7, 1862. In the fall of 1868, he went to Galesburg, Knox county, and began learning the trade of an engineer, with Engineer Fields, who was in the employ of the Frost Manufacturing Company of that city. From that time until 1873, Mr. Greene followed engineering. He came to the city of Bushnell, where he has since resided. September 19, 1883, he entered the employ of the American Express company, as master of transportation, in which occupation he has since been engaged. Mr. Greene was married, December 15, 1872, to Lizzie Morgan, and by this union, has one child - Thomas E., born in September, 1874. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] JAMES T. GRICE, farmer, son of James and Sarah (Thompson) Grice, the former of Pennsylvania, the latter of Virginia; was born in Highland co., O, Aug. 25, 1819; spent his childhood on farm, and was educated in district schools; came to Knox co., Ill., in 1856. He married Mahala Davis on March 10, 1842; been a member of the M. E. Church since 1844; Republican. P.O., Abingdon. Taken from1882 History of the State of Nebraska - Johnson County, by Andreas. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] JONATHAN GRIM, farmer and stock raiser, Section 25, Tecumseh P. O. Mr. G. was born in Highland County, Ohio, in 1829, and reared in Knox County, Ill., where he followed the blacksmithing industry until the breaking out of the war, when he volunteered his service and enlisted in Company G., Eighty-third Illinois Volunteers in 1862, and remained in active service until the end of the war. After the war he came West and settled here in 1867, and has been principally identified with his present vocation since. I n 1857 he was married to Mrs. Anna Youngman, formerly Bomberger, who was born in Maryland in 1835, and reared in Ohio. They have a family of three sons, John W. Youngman (the son of Mrs. Grim by her previous marriage), and David and George W. Grim. Mr. G. has been active in the social development of the agricultural and stock industries of his locality. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company.
It is sometimes said that a scholar who chooses the avocation of a teacher becomes unfitted for business. This has not been the case with Professor Grubb. He has been successful in such business enterprises as he has undertaken. He platted and put on the market the lots in J. W. Grubb's Lombard University Addition to Galesburg, and, making it for the interest of parties to buy lots and build houses, he profited by the enterprise, and caused an addition to be made to the population of the east part of the City of Galesburg. The business which he has done in settling estates has been satisfactory. He holds the office of Registrar of Lombard University. He served one term as alderman for his ward. He is a Universalist in his religious belief, and a democrat in politics. He was married in 1885 to Mary J. Claycomb, who was for a considerable time a successful teacher in Lombard University and other schools. Mrs. Grubb is an efficient leader and earnest laborer in charitable enterprises and in work for her church, and her efforts in these directions are generously aided by her husband. They have no children, but they usually have three or four young persons in their family whom they assist in obtaining an education. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] J. J. GULLETT, was born in Putnam County, Ind., June 12, 1823. His early life was passed on the farm, and was educated in the common schools; learned the trade of a blacksmith, also followed farming and gold mining; moved from Indiana to Illinois, then to North Carolina, and again to Illinois, settling in Knox county in 1859; was married to Delila Upton. They are the parents of three children. While in North Carolina was the Captain of Light-house; worked in the gold mines of North Carolina from 1843 to 1859, digging down 998 feet. Democrat. P.O., Knoxville. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 883. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] JOSHUA GULLETT; Farmer and blacksmith; Persifer Township; born June 12, 1823, in Putnam County, Indiana; educated in Indiana and North Carolina. His parents were Joshua Gullett, from Delaware, and Barbara (Housh) Gullett from Germany; his paternal grandparents were Joshua Gullett, of Ireland, and Elizabeth (Barnes) Gullett, of Nantucket, Massachusetts; his maternal grandparents were Adam and Becka Housh, of Germany. Mr. Gullett was married to Delilah Upton, in North Carolina in 1849. Their children are: William, deceased; Barbarian; and Mary Marlish, deceased. The grandfather of Mr. Gullett fought in the Revolution. His parents were married in Indiana and came to Illinois in 1839; the father died in 1880. Mr. Gullett retained part of the homestead, and has increased its area by purchase. He is a blacksmith by trade, and has a shop on his farm. He is one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Persifer Township. Mr. Gullett is a democrat. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 856. [Contributed by Bobbie (Barb).] Charles D. GUM; Farmer, Galesburg Township, where he was born September 12, 1866, and where he received his education in the common schools. His father, Jacob D. Gum, was born in Sangamon County, Illinois; his mother, Minerva (Montgomery) Gum, was born in Spencer County, Indiana. His paternal grandparents, John B and Cassander (Dills) Gum, were natives of Kentucky. Mr. Gum was married March 18, 1891, to Ellen Eckdahl in Knoxville, Illinois [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Charlie D. Gum marrying a Ellen C. Eckdahl in Knox County March 18, 1891]. They have three children Edwin, Bessie and Grace. Mr. Gum is a republican. |