From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] Henry Ferris, son of Sylvanus and Sally (Olmstead) Ferris, was born in Herkimer co., N. Y., on Oct. 18, 1809; was raised on farm and sent to the common schools; came to Galesburg in 1835, being the first colonist; was married to Elizabeth Hudson in 1836; of 7 children born to them 1 boy and 3 girls are living; has been successful in life; Republican; resides at Galesburg. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox county, page 962 Lorenzo D. Ferris Here is one of the most successful farmers on section 31, Walnut Grove
Township. Residence one and one half miles east of Oneida. He possesses 160
acres, which he located and purchased in 1866. He subsequently, however, lived
in Chestnut Township, where he had settled as early as 1838, having come from
Cuyahoga County, Ohio, where he spent his youth. His native county was Lorain,
where he was born 17 February 1824. His father, Henry R. Ferris, was a Wesleyan
Methodist minister, a native of Greene county, New York. His mother was born in
Vermont, her amiden name being Lodema Culver, his parents marrying in Portage
County, Ohio, where they followed the occupation of farming for some years. They
afterward removed to Lorain County, in the same State, where the subject of this
sketch was born. Six children were born to them. Their removal to this county
took place in the spring of 1838, and as was customary in those days, they
"pitched their tent" on the banks of the Spoon River, in the township of
Chestnut, and in this location, resided for some time. Then the surrounding
country was one unbroken prairie and vast forest spreading out on every side. It
was not long, however, before a comfortable residence was erected, and the
family began to make a permanent home. The father and two of the daughters had
died within six years from the date of settlement while the mother and surviving
children still live on the first plantation. This lady, however, finally removed
to Smith County, Kansas and died at the home of her only surviving daughter,
Mrs. Lovina F. Markham, on 6 January 1882, at the advaced age of 83. She was a
strong woman, retaining her faculties until the last, excepting her eyesight.
She had been blind for six years before her death. For 70 years of her life she
was a devoted Christian.
[See also Provided by Jim Ferris.]
Silvanus was a dairy farmer and cheese maker in New York. He was one of the founders of Knox College, Illinois. (See They Broke the Prairie.) Silvanus and Sally came to Knox County in the spring of 1837. He was not a large, robust man, but was of medium height, perhaps 5'9" and very quiet, not a great talker. Silvanus's siblings that accompanied them in 1837 were Gideon, James, Hannah, Sarah, and Mary E. The Ferris's passed the winter of 1837-38 at Log City and probably remained there during the summers of 1838-39, and possibly until some time during the year of 1840, when comfortable frame homes were being rapidly constructed in Galesburg. They moved into their frame house at the corner of Tompkins and Cherry Streets, diagonally across from the site of Knox Seminary, now known as Whiting Hall - where he lived for the remainder of his life. He continued the tradition of giving his sons a section of land after they had married, except he gave, G. W. G, his youngest, 720 acres; apparently his son Nathan O. paid him for his section. [According to the Illinois Archives - Land Purchases, Silvanus bought over 10,000 acres in 1835.] According to family tradition, he was connected with the underground railroad, hiding slaves in the church belfry and his own home by day, and helping them on their way north by night be concealing them in loads of straw. Silvanus took an active interest in the affairs of Knox College and was a member of the Board of Trustees for 21 years (1837-58), until at the age of 85, he resigned. The motion to accept his resignation was amended so as to order a committee to prepare a resolution expressing the sentiments of the Board. The resolution follows: A Mr. Silvanus Ferris having tendered to this Board the resignation of his seat as member thereof, and the same having been accepted, it is hereby declared as the sense of the Board of Trustees of Knox College, and as a matter of history proper to be spread upon the records of their proceedings, that they recognize in their late associate, one of the earliest, most substantial and most faithful friends of the enterprise which resulted in the founding of Knox College, and that to his liberality and devoted labors the Institution is largely indebted for its present financial prosperity. Entertaining these views, this Board does hereby express their high regard for Mr. Ferris, and an earnest hope that health, peace, and happiness may attend his declining years. Sally died September 6, 1845. Both are buried at Hope Cemetery, Galesburg, IL. After Sally's death, Silvanus married, October 27, 1846, Mrs. Sarah W. Hitchcock, a widow who had joined the Galesburg settlement some time before with her seven children. He took the sons and daughters of Mrs. Hitchcock into his heart and home and treated them as his own and she did likewise with his. She was loved by his grandchildren as though she was their own. Born to Silvanus and Sally were: Silvanus Western Ferris (1799-1887); Nathan Olmsted Ferris (1801-1850); Sally Marie Ferris (1803-1803); Timothy Harvey Ferris (1805-1891); William Mead Ferris (1807-1883); Henry Ferris (1809-1891); Laura Ferris (1811-1831); Harriet Newell Ferris (1816-1851); George Washington Gale Ferris (1818-1895). From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company.
Loyal's early educational advantages were limited. He made the best use possible of all the opportunities the common school of his native town afforded; but it was in the great school of experience that he was fitted for the active and responsible duties of life. While in school, he manifested a decidedly artistic taste. He had a fondness for drawing pictures of animals and natural scenery. Soon after the arrival of the family at Knoxville, Loyal was engaged for four years as a clerk in the dry goods store of Joseph Gay, of Henderson. He was also clerk for Mr. Whistler, of Davenport, IA. After his father's death, he took care of the farming interest; settled the estate, and farmed for his mother's family and himself from September, 1846, to January, 1852. He then sold the home farm and bought Mr. Wiley's stove, tin, and hardware store in Galesburg, F. M. Smith being his partner and E. C. Field a silent partner and bookkeeper. This firm of Field and Smith continued the hardware business for four years. He then became a leading member in the Frost Manufacturing Company, where he remained as President until his death. As a canvasser for jobs or contracts, or as manager at the office desk, he always manifested a superior talent for business, and was always known for honesty and fair dealing. Under his advice and management, the firm prospered and gained a wide reputation. Mr. Field was never a seeker after office. Nevertheless, by reason of his ability and integrity, his fellow citizens demanded his services. In 1860-61, he held the office of Alderman, and in 1872, he was elected Mayor of the city of Galesburg. In religious belief, Mr. Field was orthodox, although not a member of any church. He was generous almost to a fault, contributing liberally to all churches where he attended. In political faith, he was an outspoken advocate of the principles of the republican party. No preferment ever biased his judgment. He espoused a cause, became he thought it was right. He was married September 13, 1848, to Clara Armeda Davison, daughter of Artemas Davison (who was accidentally killed by his son-in-law while hunting in Henderson Grove, November 17, 1842). To them were born five children: Frank Smith, born February 24, 1850, died July 8, 1850; Edward Loyal, born January 4, 1855, artist in New York City; Kate Elnora, born April 28, 1859, married to Edward Russell Grant of Cromwell IA; Carrie Luelia, born June 12, 1862, died April 2, 1866; Charles, born January 26, 1866, died September 26, 1866. Edward Loyal was married November 3, 1890, to Flora Stark, in London, England. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] William F. Fink. Farmer, P. O. Oneida, Yates City. He was born in 1839 in Frederick County, Maryland. His parents were Solomon and Sarah (Bixter) Fink, both natives of Carroll County, Maryland. They removed from Maryland to Indiana, thence to Ohio, and to Illinois in 1846. His early life was passed on the farm, and he was educated in the common schools of Fulton County. He married October 20, 1852 to Emily Fisher. He is a Democrat, and has held the office of School Director for some time. He has been successful in farming. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company.
The history of the ancestry of the Finley family is brief. They are of Scotch-Irish descent. By persecutions, they were driven out of Scotland at an early day and settled in Ireland. They emigrated to this county about the year 1750. A member of one of the branches of the family became President of Princeton College. Another was the first minister to cross the Allegheny Mountains, settling in Western Pennsylvania. From this latter branch, descended Dr. John H. Finley. Dr. Finley acquired the rudiments of his education in the district school of his native town. He received also private instruction from the teacher and the village minister. He attended the High School at Ottawa for fourteen months and graduated in 1881. He then engaged in teaching for the Winter of 1881-2, and worked on the farm the following Summer. In the Fall of 1882, he matriculated in Knox College remaining there six months. He then worked on the farm and taught school for the following Winter. In the Spring of 1884, he returned to Knox College and graduated with high honors in 1887. In the Autumn of this year, he entered John Hopkins University and took a post-graduate course, remaining until February, 1889. Since leaving college, Dr. Finley has had a most remarkable career. Places of honor and preferment have been open to him without his seeking. After leaving college, he was a compositor, for a short time, in the printing office of Colville Brothers, Galesburg IL. In 1892, he was unanimously elected President of Knox College, his Alma Mater, and her increased patronage under his administration is a reliable witness of his success. In a large measure he was the life and spirit of the college during his Presidency. His work was not in the class-room, but in the field, lecturing, raising money, and securing students. He had the confidence of all, and whatever the undertaking, his hands were upheld by pupil, teacher, and the general public. Knox College owes him a debt of gratitude for enlarging her reputation among sister colleges. His own reputation spread likewise, and during his term of service here, he was offered several important positions in other colleges. He resigned the presidency of the college in 1899, and is now engaged in editorial work with McClure and the Harpers, New York City. As a scholar, Dr. Finley stands in the front rank. He has been a thorough student of the best masters in literature, and is well versed in the writings of to-day. As a man, he is kind, gentle, and affable, and exhibits marks of sincerity in every word and act. He is a stranger to the finical graces of the schools, the studied ornament of speech, and the hollow verbiage of the charlatan. His marked characteristics are force and decision of character, accompanied with prudence and discretion. His manner is commanding, yet urbane; his actions are politic, yet frank; and his opinions are reserved, yet free. He is a warm supporter of education, religion, and good morals. His sympathies are inspiring; his charities, free from ostentation; and his friendship lasting. His social qualities, honest heart, and benevolent disposition give him a power that few men of his age possess. His life has been upright; his dealings just; and his has ever been regarded as a most worthy citizen. In his religious connection, Dr. Finley is a Presbyterian. In political faith, he is a republican. He was married June 23, 1892, to Martha Fow Boyden, daughter of Hon. A. W. Boyden, a banker at Sheffield IL. Mr. Boyden has been a member of the Legislature, and was one of the one hundred and three that elected John A. Logan to the United States Senate. Dr. and Mrs. Finley are the parents of two children: Ellen Boyden, born March 10, 1894; and Margaret Boyden, born April, 1897. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Submitted by Joan Achille.] LAWRENCE D. FLETCHER. A farmer, he was born in the great Prairie State of Illinois. His parents, Elias and Margaret Fletcher, were natives of Ohio but came to this State at an early day. Lawrence spent his boyhood days in Salem Twp., this county, and accepted from choice the occupation of farmer, which he has pursued with much vigor. He was engaged in the grocery business one year, but returned to the farm. He was married in 1871 to Mary E. Anderson. Democrat. P.O. Yates City. From the 1918 A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, William E. Connelley, Secretary of the Kansas State Historical Society, Lewis Publishing Company. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] JAMES T. FORD, whose life since early boyhood has been spent within the limits of Wichita County, is a successful merchant at Leoti. He is a printer by trade, and in former years was connected with several of the newspapers published in this section of Kansas. He was born at Monmouth, Warren County, Illinois, July 14, 1876, and came to Wichita County with his parents in 1887. His father, the late John C. Ford, was a native of Ohio and of Irish stock, his grandfather having immigrated to the United States from Ireland. John C. Ford grew up around Galesburg, Illinois, and for a time was a student in the college at Monmouth. His father died early and the mother kept the family together and saw to their education. The Fords were substantial farming people in Northern Illinois. John C. Ford enlisted for service in the Union army, was a private soldier and though wounded in the second battle of Bull Run he continued his service until the end of the war. On coming to Kansas he spent two years at Wellington, where he was in the real estate and abstract business with the firm Fultz & Millard. On removing to Wichita County in 1887 he resumed the same line of work, and spent a large part of his subsequent years at the courthouse in some capacity. He was elected and served five years as county treasurer, and on retiring he took up merchandising actively He had previously established a store under the name Ford & Coats, and he remained a merchant at Leoti until his death on March 16, 1915. He was an active member of the Grand Army of the Republic, always interested in politics, and was a republican of the stand-pat class. He also believed in and supported churches. John C. Ford married Margaret Henderson [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a John C. Ford marrying a Maggie R. Henderson in Henderson County on May 23. 1867]. Her father, W. D. C. Henderson, came out of South Carolina and was active in public and private life in Illinois. He was a warm friend of Lincoln and after the war was in the United States revenue service in Illinois. Mrs. John C. Ford is still living at Leoti. Her children are: William L., of St. Joseph, Missouri; Jessie L., wife of Sylvester Coats, of Leoti; James T.; and Clifford, who died in childhood. James T. Ford was eleven years of age when brought to Wichita County. After leaving the Leoti public schools he found a place in the office of the Leoti Transcript, then conducted by Mr. Cline. On that journal and on other papers he learned the trade of printer and also of a general newspaper worker, and for a time was foreman for the Standard and the Western Kansan. He gave up his active work as a printer to enter the merchandise business with his father. He became half owner of the store and since his father's death has succeeded to the entire business. In 1911 Mr. Ford graduated from the Southwest Optical College of Kansas City, Missouri, and he now practices his profession as an optician. Besides his business his contribution to Leoti's development has been the erection of a comfortable home. Mr. Ford is a republican, was elected trustee of his township but resigned the office during his first term. He is a past master of Leoti Lodge of Masons and has served in three sessions of the Grand Lodge. He and his wife are active Methodists and he is one of the trustees of the local church. At Leoti June 18, 1902, Mr. Ford married Miss Stella M. Brooks, daughter of Henry and Emma (Vinson) Brooks. Her father spent his life in Cantril, Iowa, near where he was born. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks had three children: Glenn, of Eldon, Iowa; Mrs. Ford, who was born September 22, 1881; and Dale, of Eldon, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Ford have a son, Edgar Brooks Ford. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman, page 675. [Submitted by Todd Walter.] James M. Foster, farmer, son of Zebulon and Elizabeth (Wingate) Foster, the former a native of New York and the latter of New Jersey, was born Jan. 2, 1808, in Hamilton co., O.; moved to Indiana in 1814; received a common-school education; moved to Illinois in 1830, settling in Fulton co. until 1833, when he moved to Knox co.; was married June 13, 1841 to Eliza Combs [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a James M. Foster marrying a Eliza Combs in Knox County on June 13, 1841], then again to a second wife, Louisa Roads, Sept., 1848 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a James M. Foster marrying a Louisa Rhodes in Knox County on September 17, 1848]; he is the parent of 9 children, of whom 7 are living; was a soldier in the Black Hawk War; has been School Director, School Trustee and Supervisor; Republican. P. O., Maquon. From the 1902 History of the Foster Family, A Wonderful Story, Covering Nearly Two Hundred Years of Time, and Half the United States in Territory, by D. I. Foster, Rapatee, Illinois. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] Joseph Evans Foster, fourth son of Thomas Foster (and Eliza Horton), grew to manhood on the Broadtop Mountains (Bedford County, PA). At the age 22 he enlisted in Co. C, 133rd Reg. Pa. Vol., Captain , Alexander Bobb, Colonel, B. F. Speakman. They were mustered in at Harrisburg, Pa., on Aug. 14th, 1862. This regiment saw some very hard fighting on the fields of Antietum, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. After his discharge he worked at the coal business in Bedford and Venango counties, Pa. Came to Illinois in 1866. Married Harriet Foster [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Joseph E. Foster marrying a Harriet Foster in Knox County on February 17, 1870], daughter of James M. Foster. She and their only child died May 14th, 1871. Joe has resided at Rapatee for 36 years. He has been a very useful man. Is a member of the M. E. church. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 445. [Submitted by Pat Thomas.] Henry Frailey. This worthy gentleman occupies a farm on section 8, in Cedar Township, and was born in Armstrong County, Pa., Nov. 22, 1832. Here he was raised and lived until his 20th year. His father's name was John Frailey, a prominent native of Pennsylvania, who died at the age of 63 in the year 1859. He married Miss Mary Garry, also a native of the Keystone State, who died in 1869, at the age of 65. They are both buried in the state referred to, and by their union had six children - John, George and William (twins), Margaret, Elizabeth and Henry. Mr. Frailey, our subject, married Miss Artimitia Kays, on the 6th of March, 1861 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Henry Frailey marrying a Artemesia Keys in Knox County on March 6, 1861]. This good lady was born Feb. 24, 1840, in Cedar Township, this county. She is the daughter of William and Elizabeth (Bracken) Kays, both natives of Kentucky. Her father's birth occurred April 11, 1804, and her mother was born in 1807 and died Jan. 5, 1870. They were the parents of 12 children, viz: William A., Mary, James, Nancy J., Henry, Abigail, Artimitia, Delia A., Jackson, George, Francis and Charles. Of eight children, Mr. Frailey has six living - John A., born Nov. 17, 1862; Mary E., June 5, 1865; Lillie V., May 28, 1869; Charlie, Aug. 26, 1873; George, April 15, 1876; and Willie F., Feb. 4, 1880. These children form a most interesting family and are a great comfort to their parents. In 1858 Mr. Frailey entered Illinois and worked on a farm by the month for three years. At the close of that time his marriage took place, and in 1866 he purchased 80 acres of good land, to which he has since added other lots, amounting in all to 166 acres. In the year 1875 he erected for himself a very desirable dwelling-house. This gentleman and his wife are respected members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, while in politics he has always represented the interests of the Republican party. Before closing, it is only right to mention that Mr. Frailey has two interesting grandchildren - Harrison A. L. and George Frailey. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Submitted by Bob Miller.] LOUIS f. FREDRICKS. Page 396. From Educational Leaflet #3 - THE SOD HOUSE, Nebraska State Historical Society. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] DANIEL FREEMAN - THE FREEMAN HOMESTEAD. Free land had been a political issue in the United States since Thomas Jefferson, to promote settlement of the West, advocated the doctrine of giving small farms to actual settlers. Thomas J. Benton promoted this doctrine in the 1830s, and later Horace Greeley, Andrew Jackson, and many others espoused the cause. After 1852, in each session of Congress, homestead bills were introduced, but failed to gain approval. Opposition came from several sources. Southerners opposed the bill mainly because they were afraid it would result in filling the territories with anti-slavery settlers. Others disapproved because it would deprive the Federal Government of a valuable source of revenue. However, in 1860 a homestead bill, supported by Representative Galusha A. Grow, passed both houses of Congress, but was vetoed by President James Buchanan. In 1862 the bill was passed again, and President Abraham Lincoln signed it into law. This measure, due to the profound influence it exerted on the settlement of the West, had been ranked among the most important legislation in the nation's history. This bill, as passed, provided that any citizen, or any alien who had declared his intention of becoming a citizen, who was over 21 years of age, or who was the head of a family, might file on 160 acres of public land. He could acquire title to it after living on it for five years, and after completing certain requirements, such as having it for his legal residence and making specified improvements. Through an unusual combination of circumstances, Daniel Freeman of Illinois obtained the first homestead in the United States. The accounts of the circumstances surrounding Daniel Freeman's filing the first application for a homestead under the act of 1862 vary considerably in detail, but the essential facts seem to be as follows. In 1862 Freeman, on secret duty with the Army, was headquartered at Fort Leavenworth. While on leave he chose a piece of land on Cub Creek about four miles north of Beatrice, Nebraska, and made a squatter's claim to it. He planned to make his filing when the Homestead Act went into effect January 1, 1863. On December 31, 1862, while on a military detail in Brownville (site of a United States land office) and under orders to proceed to St. Louis, he learned that the land office would not be open January 1 because of its observance as a holiday. Freeman, fearing he would lose the opportunity to file his claim, sought out the registrar of the land office and presented his case. He asked that he be permitted to file shortly after midnight. The registrar was sympathetic, and at the appointed time they went to the land office. There the necessary papers were made out, and Daniel Freeman became the future owner of the first free homestead in the United States. At the end of his military service in 1865, Freeman returned to his claim. The patent on his land bears on its face the designation: Homestead Certificate No. 1, Application 1. Born on April 26, 1826, in Preble County, Ohio, Daniel Freeman moved with his parents to Abingdon, Knox County, Illinois, in 1835. Here he was reared and educated in public schools. In 1847 he began the study of medicine at Peoria, Ill., and in 1849 he graduated from the Eclectic Medical Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio. He began his medical practice at Ottawa, Ill. Although his practice was considered successful, when the Civil War began in 1861, Freeman enlisted in the 17th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Soon after his enlistment he was transferred to the secret services where he served until the end of the war. Daniel Freeman was married twice, first to Elizabeth Wilber [on July 24, 1852, in LaSalle County, Illinois], who died in 1861, leaving three children, and second, to Agnes Suiter of Scott County, Iowa, in 1865. To this union eight children were born. Agnes Freeman lived on the homestead for almost 60 years, until shortly before her death in 1931. Freeman built a log cabin on his homestead when he returned from the war in 1865. He maintained his home on the claim until his death in 1908. He acquired a considerable amount of land in addition to the original homestead, and was a highly respected and influential citizen, active in the civic life of his community. Congress, after some years of agitation, in 1936 provided for the purchase of the land comprising the original Freeman homestead from his heirs, and in 1939 the site became the Homestead National Monument of America with Nebraska Senator George W. Norris one of its Congressional sponsors. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company.
His parents moved to Pittsburg in 1849, and thence to Ellisville IL, in 1857, where they lived until their decease. Their school advantages were very limited, but they made good use of the opportunities given. The father possessed an iron will and was not easily turned aside. In many of the common branches, he became a good scholar, especially in history and mathematics. Both were devout Christians. His paternal ancestors were "French Huguenots"; his maternal, "Scotch-Irish Covenanters". Both came to this country, before the Revolution. What part they took in that great struggle for human freedom is not known. Mr. Freer's efforts to obtain an education were similar to the efforts of many others. In winter, he attended the public schools, while in summer, he devoted his time to learning the carpenter's trade. This was his life until he was eighteen years old. In the Spring of 1867, he entered Hedding College at Abingdon IL and graduated in 1871 with the honor of valedictorian of his class. A large portion of his school expenses was defrayed by himself. The ripening harvest and the timbered forests offered plenty of work for his hands. The cradling of grain or the hewing of timber was a work with which he was familiar. Mr. Freer is fond of natural scenery. His childhood was spent in school, and when school duties were over, in searching the fields and woods for flowers. No precipice was too high or dangerous to prevent his scaling it for a rare specimen. He was fond of all kinds of sports. He says of himself that his "tastes were always expensive; means always limited." After leaving college, he was principal of the Wataga schools for a time, and then for three years taught in the Henderson schools. During that time he read law with Hon. C. H. Nelson, but was never admitted to the Bar. One of the most important changes of his life was the giving up of the profession of teaching, which had been successfully followed until 1879. The confinement of the school-room was undermining his health. He then engaged for a time in the agricultural implement business, and later in the school book business, as the general agent of Sheldon and Company for the State of Illinois. In 1876, he moved from Wataga to Henderson, and in 1879, to Galesburg, where has been his home ever since. In 1861, he went to Peoria to enlisted in the Forty-seventh Illinois Infantry, but failed to pass on account of his health. In 1862, he enlisted in the Seventieth Illinois Infantry, three months troops, serving about five months on guard duty. Again on account of his health, he was rejected from the three services service, but in the Spring of 1864, he enlisted in the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Illinois Infantry and was in a hard fight with Forest near Memphis, August 22, 1864. His regiment lost in killed and wounded 170 men. The offices that Mr. Freer has held are not numerous, but worthy of mention. Both at Wataga and Henderson, he was elected Village Trustee on the temperance ticket, the issue being license or no license - elected Justice of the Peace in Henderson Township on the republican ticket in 1877, resigning the office in 1879 - is a member of the James T. Shields Post, No. 45, Department of Illinois G. A. R. - was elected commander of same in 1890 - was appointed Postmaster of Galesburg by President Harrison; again appointed by President McKinley, which office he now holds. He was elected Sergeant at Arms of the 34th General Assembly of Illinois in 1885. He is also a member of the Council of Administration, Department of Illinois G. A. R., having been elected in May, 1899. Mr. Freer has taken an active part in every public enterprise for the upbuilding of Galesburg during the past twenty years. He has been connected with the following Societies: The Good Templars, Sons of Temperance, Temple of Honor, A. O. U., Masons and Odd Fellows, and the G. A. R., and U. V. U. In religious faith, Mr. Freer affiliates with the Presbyterians, although he is not a member of any church. In political faith, he is an uncompromising republican. In every campaign, by his eloquent speech, hard work and contributions, he has done much for the success of republican principles. He was united in marriage December, 1871 to Jennie E. Christy, who was educated at Hedding College. To them were born five children, Elizabeth Irene, Howard Abram, Charles Francis, Mary Alda, and Morton Christy. Elizabeth is a graduate of Knox College, Alda is a student in Knox Conversatory of Music, Morton is a student at Lombard University, and Howard and Charles are engaged in business. Morton served in Company C, Sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry during the Spanish American War, receiving special mention in his honorable discharge. From the 1882 History of the State of Nebraska - Saline County, by Andreas. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] C. E. FRIEND, dealer in stock and founder of the town of Friend, was born in Lancaster County, Pa., in 1847. In 1852 his parents moved to Knox County, Ill. In 1865, he was in the employ of Simeon Collinson, as a clerk in a general store at Altona, Ill., remaining one year, and then was employed by J. W. Cook of Yates City, Ill., in the same capacity. In 1868, went to Galva, Ill,, where he attended school for two terms, and then was employed as salesman in the dry goods house of M. M. Ford, at Galva. In the spring of 1869, bought a team and drove to Poweshiek County, Iowa, where he remained until after harvest, when he started for Nebraska, and found work for his team at railroad grading. In the spring of 1870, homesteaded the land where now stands the town of Friend. In the fall went to Lincoln, and clerked in the store of J. W. Crossin until May, 1871, when a friend induced him to take an assortment of goods to his place. Thus he opened the only stock of goods for miles in either direction. He had a petition circulated for a post office, and the authorities named the office Friendville, and appointed him Postmaster. On the building of the railroad to this place Mr. F. secured a station and the railroad authorities called the town Friend, and the post office has now adopted the name. Mr. F. has used his best endeavors to build up the place, and it is now one of the most thriving towns in the county. I n 1874, Mr. F. sold out his stock of merchandise and has since devoted his time to stock-raising and the sale of his town lots. Was married in April, 1872, to Miss Wellmina B. Ohnsted, then living nine miles south of Friend. They have two children, J. Mortimer, nine years, and Edith, three years old. Mr. F. is a member of Friend Lodge, No. 73, A., F. & A. M. From the 1918 A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, William E. Connelley, Secretary of the Kansas State Historical Society, Lewis Publishing Company. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] HON. JOHN E. FROST. Many of Kansas' most prominent citizens have been connected at one time or another with the Santa Fe Railroad Company. It was in the service of the Santa Fe that Hon. John E. Frost came to Topeka, where for thirty years or more his name has been closely identified with the commercial and civic interests of Topeka and the entire state. Topeka has reason to be proud of men of leadership in affairs, and among them probably none, outside of public office, has enjoyed more honors and has made his influence felt for good in more ways than John E. Frost. It is said that "blood will tell." No doubt many of the elements of strength in John E. Frost's character are to be credited to his worthy ancestry. He was born at Rome, New York, April 22, 1849, a son of Thomas Gold and Elizabeth Anna (Bancroft) Frost, both of whom represented colonial families that originally came from England and settled in Massachusetts. John E. Frost is one of four children, and all are still living. The maternal grandfather of Thomas G. Frost was a very prominent man in Central New York, and at one time represented his district in Congress for several terms. Thomas Gold Frost, who was born at Whitesboro, New York, May 4, 1821, was a lawyer by profession, and after practicing at Rome, New York, moved to Galesburg, Illinois, in 1857, and was in active practice there until the last ten years of his life, when he removed to Chicago and became a member of the Chicago bar. His death occurred December 22, 1880, while his widow survived him until October 13, 1905. He was long recognized as one of the foremost lawyers of Illinois, and his intimate knowledge of the law and his skill in practice brought him a large clientele. It is interesting to recall the fact that during the Lincoln-Douglas debate, which was conducted in a number of cities in Illinois, including Galesburg, Mr. Frost delivered the welcoming address to Mr. Lincoln on his arrival in Galesburg. Eight years of age when his parents removed to Galesburg, John E. Frost grew up in that city, attended private schools and later was a student in Knox College. After honorable dismissal from Knox at the completion of his sophomore year, he entered as a junior and finished his college course in Hamilton College at Clinton, New York, where he was graduated in 1871. With this old and prominent institution of higher learning his family have some interesting associations. His father graduated from Hamilton College in 1843 as salutatorian of his class. Mr Frost's great-grandfather, Hon. Thomas R. Gold, was one of the charter board of Hamilton College and later served it as a trustee until his death. Rev. John Frost, his grandfather, for whom John E. Frost was named, was then elected and served as a trustee of Hamilton until his death. John E. Frost himself was a member of the board of trustees of the college for seven years, resigning that position in 1916. During his last year in Hamilton College Mr. Frost did some work preliminary to the practice of law, and he continued reading law at Galesburg, but has never practiced the profession. For a start in business life be was in the insurance business at Galesburg until 1876. In 1872 he first became connected with the land department of the Santa Fe Railway Company, and helped to direct immigration to Kansas. While still working for the road in that capacity he moved to Topeka and has made it his permanent home since 1883. Mr. Frost was connected with the Santa Fe Railway Company from 1872 to October 1, 1898. While at Galesburg he was at first district agent, later traveling agent and then general agent, and on moving to Topeka became chief clerk of the land department. In 1890 he succeeded Col. A. S. Johnson as land commissioner, an office he held until October 1, 1898. Since that time he has given his attention to his own practical affairs. Mr. Frost is a member of the Chi Psi College Fraternity. In 1901 to 1903 inclusive he was president of the Topeka Commercial Club, and in 1903 was chairman of the general relief committee appointed by that club to serve the sufferers from the floods of that year. He is a life member and a director of the Kansas State Historical Society and as a member of the Topeka Country Club spends many of his recreation hours in golfing. He is a member of the First Presbyterian Church and in 1908 was elected president of the brotherhood of that church. Politically he is a republican. On October 10, 1871, Mr. Frost married Miss Margaret E. Kitchell [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a John E. Frost marrying a Margret E. Kitchell in Knox County on October 10, 1871], daughter of Hon. Alfred Kitchell of Galesburg, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Frost have had six children: Mary E., Alfred Gold, Jean Kitchell, Thomas Bancroft, Grace Harriet, and Russell Edward Frost. The oldest child, Mary, died in 1906 at the age of thirty-four. The oldest son, Alfred G., was formerly a resident of Mexico, where among other occupations he was cashier of the Mexico City Banking Company, but is now land examiner for the Commerce Trust Company of Kansas City. Jean K. is the wife of Prof. Charles Sumner Stewart, who is connected with the public schools of Chicago and lives at Desplaines, Illinois. Thomas Bancroft is treasurer of the Davis Welcome Mortgage Company of Topeka. Russell E. is secretary of the Farm Mortgage Company of Topeka. During his residence at Topeka Mr. Frost has accumulated many financial and business interests. He was president of the Exhibitors' Association at the International Cotton Exposition in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1881. Only a few of the numerous honors that have been bestowed upon him can be mentioned. In 1894 he was president of the Hamilton College Mid-Continental Alumni Association and in the same year was elected vice president of the National Irrigation Congress at Denver. In the following year he served as president of that association at Albuquerque, New Mexico. In 1898 Mr. Frost was vice president and treasurer of the Kansas commission to the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition at Omaha. An interesting event in which he bore a prominent part was in January, 1903, when, in the City Auditorium at Topeka, he presided at the inauguration of the governor and other state officers of Kansas. In the spring of 1903 he was chairman of the executive committee of the International Conference of the Y. M. C. A held at Topeka, and during this conference Theodore Roosevelt laid the cornerstone of the Railroad Y. M. C. A. Building at Topeka, and Mr. Frost was chairman of the reception committee to President Roosevelt. In August, 1905, Governor Hoch appointed him a delegate to the sixteenth session of the Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress at Portland, Oregon, and in December of the same year, also by appointment from Governor Hoch, he was a delegate to the National Immigration Congress at New York City, serving on the committee on resolutions. In 1906 he was a delegate to the seventeenth annual session of the Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress at Kansas City. In 1908 he was invited and attended, from the 12th to the 14th of May, the conference called by President Roosevelt at the White House of Governors and other eminent men, this being known as the Conservation Congress. Mr. Frost has always been interested in the Y. M. C. A. work and was for several years a member of the Y. M. C. A. state committee. In 1908 he was president of the twenty-sixth annual convention of the Kansas State Y. M. C. A. organizations at Wichita. He is also an original founder and member of the National Historical Society of New York. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company.
John Frost, the father of Thomas G., was a prominent Presbyterian clergyman. He was a superior scholar and a graduate of Middlebury College, Vermont. It is said that at his examination, he recited the Latin grammar entire. He was pastor of a church in Whitesboro for nearly twenty years, and was an earnest advocate of temperance reform and a wise and prudent actor in the anti-slavery agitation of his day. He was afterwards called to take charge of a Presbyterian church in Elmira, New York and it was at an abolitionist meeting here, that a mob gathered and hurled missiles of various kinds at the speakers and others. Mr. Frost, with his friends, escaped unharmed. He was a particular friend of the Rev. George W. Gale, for which Galesburg was named, and had many interviews with him in relation to Knox College and the colony enterprise. He furthered the project in every way possible, and even purchased land in Galesburg as an aid in carrying out the plan. Thomas G. Frost's mother was Harriet Lavinia Gold, daughter of Hon. Thomas Ruggles Gold, a native of Connecticut and a brilliant lawyer. At an early day he removed to Whitesboro. He was chosen State Senator for two terms, and for two terms represented his district in Congress. The daughter partook of the brilliancy of intellect and keenness of wit of her father, and by her dignity of carriage, pleasing manners, and beauty of person, she became a reigning belle in Washington during her father's temporary residence there. Such was the parentage of Thomas G. Frost, and such were the sterling qualities that flowed down the stream of descent to the son. The spirit of the boy did not suffer these qualities to lie dormant. They were burnished and brightened by the instruction at the paternal fireside, by the lessons learned in the common schools, and by the lectures in college. It was in the public schools of his native town and in Elmira, New York, that the received his elementary education. Not satisfied with a little learning, and being thoroughly prepared, he matriculated in Hamilton College, Clinton, New York and graduated in 1843, with the highest honors. One of his professors said of him, that he, "has the finest legal mind I have met with in my years of instruction of young men". Soon after graduation, he read law in the office of Stryker and Comstock, at Rome, New York, and was admitted to the Bar in 1846. Immediately, he began to practice there, continuing for twelve years. He then removed to Galesburg, Illinois, where he practiced fifteen years. His next move was to Chicago, where he practiced for ten years. In every place where he practiced, whether at Rome, Galesburg, or Chicago, he won distinction and fame. As a lawyer, he was a model. No one ever dared to criticize his methods or his speech. For assiduity and untiring energy in his labors, he had no superior. He had quick perceptions, a sound judgment, and a useful fund of intelligence, which enabled him to see readily the scope and bearings of every case. Business of great importance was entrusted to him on account of his reliability and faithfulness. His briefs were without flaws, and in conciseness, were models. His speeches at court were never harangues, but they were full of candor and facts. His oratory was the eloquence of truth, justice and right. A judge once said of him, "No man was better able to instruct the Court at this Bar than He". As a man and citizen, he stood before the world unsullied. His private character was as pure as his public career. He was kind in spirit, loving in his family relations, and sympathetic towards all. Malice was a strange to his heart, envy was not cherished, and his broad catholic feelings threw a mantle of charity over the foibles and short-comings of his fellow beings. His soul-cheering words dispelled the dark clouds of despair and his enlivening spirit was a sunray of hope. He was a man of sterling qualities, of lofty aims, a devout Christian, and walked and lived on a high plane of moral rectitude. Mr. Frost was not an office seeker. At President Grant's second nomination, he was chosen one of the Presidential electors. He took an active part in the removal of the county seat from Knoxville to Galesburg. Early he was a champion in the temperance cause, and a member of temperance organizations in the East and West. For some time, he was President of the Knox County Bible Society. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church at Galesburg for twelve years, and in Evanston eight years. While in Hamilton College, he was a member of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity. He united with the Presbyterian Church when only eleven years of age. October 7, 1858, the time of the famous "Lincoln and Douglas" debate at Galesburg, he made the address of welcome to Abraham Lincoln. He assisted Dr. Noyes, of Evanston, Illinois, in his conduct of the memorable case of the Chicago Presbytery vs. Professor David Swing, who was cleared of the charge of heresy. Politically, he was an abolitionist, having espoused the cause of the oppressed colored man in early life. He cast his first vote for the abolition ticket. He was delegate to the Free-Soil Convention at Buffalo, when that party was organized. Afterwards, he voted the republican ticket. Mr. Frost was married November 18, 1847, at Rome, New York, to Elizabeth Ann Bancroft, daughter of Judge Edward Bancroft, of Martinsbury, New York, one of the first settlers of that section. He removed from Westfield, Massachusetts, early in the nineteenth century. He was a strong man intellectually, enterprising and of high moral worth. Mr. & Mrs. Frost were the parents of five children: John Edward who lives in Topeka, Kansas, and who, for many years, has been connected with the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad, as Land Commissioner; Louisa Elizabeth Bancroft, living in Galesburg; Thomas Gold Frost, lawyer in New York; and a daughter dying in infancy. Mr. Front died near Springer, New Mexico, December 22, 1880 at the age of sixty-nine. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 744. [Submitted by Pat Thomas.] John F. Fry, a farmer, residing on section 23, Galesburg Township, was born in Wittenburg, Germany, Feb. 28, 1827. He came to America in 1853, and, landing at New York, went to Philadelphia, remaining in that city for about eight months, when he went to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he worked at butchering business. His enterprising spirit still urging him further to the West, after residing in Ohio 15 months he moved to Burlington, Iowa, remaining there about 15 months. In 1856 Mr. Fry came to Galesburg and located on section 23, where he had 165 acres of good land; this cost him $100 an acre. On it he has a fine dwelling-house and a good barn. Mr. Fry is the son Jacob F. and Elizabeth (Kemple) Fry, who were married in 1810, the father dying in 1834 in Germany, the mother dying in 1870. They had eight children, as follows: Phillip F., Mary Ann, Dora, Johanna R., Margaret, John, Christ, and Johanna E. Mr. Fry was married to Miss Mary Smith in 1859, she having been born in March, 1827 , in France. They are now the parents of six children, as follows; Mary W., born Oct. 15, 1860; William F., Nov. 29, 1862; Clara, June 24, 1866; Charles F., and Lottie F., twins, Jan. 23, 1870, and Emma, Dec. 25, 1872. Mr. Fry abandoned the butchering business in 1881, and turned his attention to farming and shipping cattle. Mr. Fry is a Protestant, while his wife is a member of the Catholic Church. They are highly esteemed in community as kind neighbors and industrious members of the community. By strict attention to business Mr. Fry has acquired a valuable competency. In politics he belongs to the Democratic party. From the 1882 History of the State of Nebraska, by Andreas. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 269. [Submitted by Pat Thomas.]
Mr. F. was born on the banks of James River, in Bedford County, Va., on the 18th day of October, 1814. His father, Joseph Fuqua, was also a native of Virginia, and the maiden name of his mother was Martha Reynolds. The State of her nativity was also Virginia, and when our subject was in his third year his parents removed to Kentucky and settled in Hart County. Here his father bought a farm and engaged in the culture of tobacco, and here they continued until the fall of 1829, when he sold out and emigrated to Illinois. With him were his wife and eight children, and with both horse and ox teams they pursued their journey as far as Indiana, where they spent the winter, and in the spring pushed forward to Knox County. Here they located at Henderson Grove, and finding a vacant cabin, of logs, on the south side of the Grove, they moved into it on the 10th of May and resided there until the following fall. He, at this time, took up a claim in the heart of Henderson Grove and there built a log cabin of his own. He covered the roof with split clapboards, making puncheons for the floor, and splitting the boards for the doors. Just in the midst of his preparations, when both were most hopeful, he was cut down by death, dying in June, 1831, leaving his bereaved widow to continue the struggle of life alone, in a new and unsettled country, with a family of eight children. Of their large family, consisting of 13, five were married and living in Kentucky. However, undismayed, this pioneer wife and mother "took up the burden of life again," and, calling to her assistance all the latent energy and perseverance of her nature, went on with her work. She carried on the farm with what assistance could be rendered her by the two older children until 1833, when they removed to what is now Orange Township, staked a claim and erected a log cabin. Here they lived for about three years, at the expiration of which time the mother sold out and removed to Hendersonville. Here she lived for many years, crowned with the reward of virtue and goodness, and, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Roundtree, in 1856, peacefully passed from earth. The subject of this history was the seventh child in order of birth. At the age of 16 years, Mr. Fuqua came to Knox County, and in consequence of so early a settlement well remembers all the incidents of their removal here. He assisted his father and mother in the improvement of the farm, and after his father's death, being the eldest, naturally took the lead in its management. When they lived in Henderson Grove they were obliged to leave the county to go to mill, and the first year the family lived here they had to buy corn, which they ground in a hand-mill. Up to the time of his marriage, Feb. 20, 1834, he remained with his mother, dutifully caring for and assisting her, but with the natural desire of a young man to seek "the shadow of his own vine and figtree," he entered the bonds of holy matrimony with Rosanna Bomar [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Daniel Fuqua marrying a Roasnna Boman in Knox County on February 20, 1834]. Miss Bomar was born in Hart County, July 4, 1818, and was the daughter of Dr. Wilson and Elizabeth (Freeman) Bomar. Her father was a native of Virginia and a practicing physician, who came to this county from Kentucky in 1833, making the entire journey overland. His family consisted at that time of his wife and 11 children. Bringing household good with him, he worked and camped along the way, and on reaching Knox County located in Orange Township in a deserted cabin, where they spent the winter. The following spring the family went to Knox Township, and taking up a claim worked it for two years, when, selling out, they removed to Truro Township. Here they lived for five or six years, then returned to Knox Township, where they spent the intervening time until 1848. At this date they removed to the State of Missouri, where the father died a few years later. He had practiced his profession and superintended the improvements on his farm up to this time. The spring succeeding his marriage, Mr. Fuqua, of this sketch, took up a claim in Orange Township, and lived on it nearly one year, at the end of which time he sold it and removed to Knox Township, where he bought a claim in sections 4 and 9. On this piece of property he lived for several years, adding to it all modern improvements and highly cultivating it. Since that time he spent two and one-half years in Abingdon, going there for the purpose of giving his children the benefits of an education, but with that exception he has lived in the vicinity of Knoxville, in Knox Township, ever since entering it. The farm of 200 acres is managed at the present time by renters. Mr. and Mrs. Fuqua are the parents of eight children, viz: Martha E., wife of A. A. Lynde, living in California; Charles W., whose home is in Decatur County, Iowa; Eliza, wife of A.O. Temple, living in Knox Township; Mary F., wife of W. P. Carlton, whose home is in Cass County, Dak.; Celia, wife of T. W. McGill, living in Knox Township; Maria, wife of J. M. Woods, whose home is in Orange Township; Emma G. , wife of C. S. Russell, who lives in Knox Township; and Ella D. resides at home; Andrew died at the age of five years; and a son died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Fuqua both worship in the Baptist Church, to which they are united as members by profession of faith, and to which they have belonged ever since they were young. Mr. F. is a wide-awake man and a good, logical thinker on the questions of the day, and once supported the Democratic party in sentiment and vote, but lately gives the Prohibition party much attention. He and his good wife encountered the sunshine and storm of 52 years of married life and are grandparents to 59 children, and great-grandparents to 7. Mr. Fuqua assisted in the building of the fort to protect the settlers from the Indians during the trying times of the Black Hawk War in 1831 and 1832, and has figured prominently in the early struggles of the county. He joined the Rangers under Captain McMurtry, and was in two engagements, once after Stillman's defeat. Himself and wife were married at the residence of Major Ferguson, by the Reverend Jacob Gum, constituting part of a double wedding party, a daughter of Mr. Ferguson and Alexander Robinson being united at the same time. Mr. Fuqua's wife died at their residence, Feb. 21, 1886, and is buried in the cemetery at Knoxville. In presenting the portraits of leading and representative citizens, none are more worthy of a place than that of Daniel Fuqua, both as a pioneer and leading citizen. We are pleased to give as a companion picture of his esteemed and lamented companion. Both are given in connection with this sketch. |