Biography - J. W. Bergen

J. W. BERGEN, superintendent of the Seneca Mills, was born in 1829 in Menard County, Ill. He attained man's stature on a farm. He spent twelve years in Galesburg, Ill., and came from Mason City, Ill., to Seneca in 1879. He married in his and her native county, Miss Lucretia Curry. They have two sons - Abraham G., born in Knox County Ill., and now a theological student in Lincoln, Ill., and George I., now in mercantile business in Lincoln, Ill. The family faith is the Cumberland Presbyterian, though through lack of organization in Seneca, Mr. Bergen worships with the Congregationalists, of which church he is now a deacon and also church clerk.

Contributed by Todd Walter, extracted from the History of the State of Kansas, by William G. Cutler

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